Haunter's eyes were wide open in shock as she stared at Antonio whose face was getting pale as the seconds passes by. Yet again, her eyes went to her hand which was filled with blood, and deep inside her, she wished her thoughts weren't true.

"You…" she trailed off, her eyes darting back to his. Antonio shook his head slowly, and without any word, he walked away.

Haunter watched as he walked away, her heart reaching out to him. His steps were sluggish as he clutched at his right away. He was in pain, she could sense that, and she couldn't bear to leave him all alone. He was there for her when she had no one, when she was at the brink of death, he came to her rescue.

With these thoughts in her mind, she let go of her doubts and rushed after him. He had gotten far, so she had to go to the only place where he could be; His room.