chapter 9

A stroke of luck

After three months of working for Manager Wang and his family, Li received a letter from Manager Wang from the  city. Li opened the letter before his mother and Wang's brothers and read it aloud. The letter was an invitation to Li to hurry to the office of the Junior minister Wang Joshi for a meeting and that he would be given further briefing when he got there. There were further directions on how to get there. Enclosed was some money for transport fare and a little more for travel expenses. Everyone was excited by this news. They were all wondering what good news awaited Li in the capital city. Li quickly invited one of his friends that was almost as good as himself in the art of storytelling to work in his stead.

When the story teller arrived, he introduced him to Wang's brothers as Chang the storyteller that would entertain while he was gone. They were thrilled that their customers will not be disappointed and go elsewhere in Li's absence.

Li packed his things and left for the imperial city with the good wishes of his mother and Wang's brothers. Within a week, he was in the imperial capital, and he arrived at Manager Wang's office.

Manager Wang's assistant welcomed him and offered him a seat. As he sat down, the assistant hurriedly walked to another door, knocked and went in. While Li waited, his eyes looked around the office. It was heavily furnished and comfortable. Moments later the door opened, and the assistant beckoned on him to follow him, as he entered through the door they walked through a long corridor then stopped in front of a heavy door,  the assistant opened the door and stepped aside for Li to enter, as Li entered the secretary bowed and closed the door behind him. Wang Joshi got up from his seat to welcome Li. After that he asked Li to seat down. While they talked, Wang's secretary brought a tray filled with breakfast, which she placed before Li. Li thanked Manager Wang and his secretary and started eating while they talked.

Wang asked after Li's Mother Yu, as well as Wang's brothers and the business. Wang usually received weekly reports from his brothers about the business and other events, so Wang was abreast with current happenings in the family and the province.

Shortly after Li finished eating, the secretary came in and handed a letter to Manager Wang and promptly left with the breakfast tray. Manager Wang read through the letter and he told Li why he had sent for him. Turns out that one of the senior ministers under the direct service of the emperor was in the province city some months ago and had enjoyed the story teller's presentation for a couple of days. When the minister returned to the imperial capital, he told a few of his friends about the skilled storyteller and how he had enjoyed his performance. Shortly after, another official visiting that province stopped by at the Wang's pastry and restaurant outfit where he enjoyed the food and the wonderful story teller. Before long, many people in the imperial capital, was talking about the storyteller and his wonderful stories. It was soon discovered that the pastry and restaurant outfit belong to Minister Wang. Senior Minister Chan approached Wang to invite the story teller to perform before the Royal household.

When Wang finished speaking, Li almost passed out. Wang asked Li If he could handle it, Li quickly mustered all his energy and told Wang to lead the way. Wang smiled and nodded as he stood up and ushered Li out of the office.

They took a carriage to the palace of the emperor, At the reception they were welcomed by Senior Minister Chan who led them to an office where he offered them seats and briefed Li on what was expected of him and the need to comport himself before the emperor. Senior Minister Chan ushered Li into another room in the office as he was told to change into the clothes in the closet. A Young domestic assistant was asked to help Li with the clothes.

When Li came out of the room. He looked regal in a red and gold robe and a beautiful hat on his head. Minister Chan and manager Wang smiled and nodded their heads in approval. Minister Chan asked Li to sit down and collect his thoughts and gather his nerves. As Li sat down, senior minister Chan went out to check if they were ready to receive them in the throne room. Moments later, Senior Minister Chan came back and asked Wang and Li, the storyteller, to follow him to the throne room.

Earlier on, Li had begged Junior minister Wang to be present in the throne room, saying that his presence would be a moral boost for him. Senior minister Chan and Wang heartily agreed as they got to the doors of the throne room, the two guards heavily armed standing side by side nodded at Senior Minister Chan and Junior minister Wang and opened the heavy palace door and they walked in with the story teller Li.

Li held Wang's hand as they walked in after confirming their appointment with the guards at the second and final palace door to the Throne room.

Li could not believe that he was actually going to meet the emperor face to face. As they stepped in to the main throne room, they all bowed before the emperor.

The Emperor told them to stand up. Senior minister Chan and Junior minister Wang Introduced to the emperor, Li the story teller. Li stepped forward and bowed before the emperor one more time. In the palace, there were some guards, some officials, and some members of the royal family.

The emperor nodded at Li, the storyteller, to begin. 

Li nodded, and then he began.