From Lambs Become Lions (2)

- - Liberation Front POV - -

Our liberation army, well rather our peasant army was storming towards the capital walls.

Completely as a disorderly mob, no real training or orderly systems involved but at the end of the day, we really weren't here to liberate the capital...

Well, we were but we weren't.

The Kingdoms citizen's goal was at least for now to liberate the capital and oust the rebels.

But our elite force, the Aquitanians and our mercenary slave corp our job was to stir up as much discontent as we could, spread rumours to those we saved and encourage the people to abandon the sinking ship that is the Carthage kingdom, before the civil war devolves even further, while it's neighbours and allies begin picking at it's weakened state.

Julius's ultimate goal is to secure the fleet, and at least enough citizenry to man these ships along with any who he can immigrate to his new yet-to-be-founded nation as the desperately needed workforce and future soldiers.

From the rear lines, the elites and commanders of our rag-tag group stood by watching the proceedings, as our forces began to lay siege to the walls with ladders, judging by the lack of commotion and serious lack of lights on the walls they were sparsely manned.

While the siege had only just begun a stoke of luck happened, the main city gate opened, and the light of the city began pouring out from within.

It seems the infiltrators did their work, and the city's loyalty dropped below 10, the capital itself is going through a revolt, throwing their lot in with our liberation armed forces.

That would explain why the walls were so minimally manned.

Having seen the gate open most to the people trying to get on the walls instead turned to just storm through the gate into the city itself.

Our rear guard likewise began to move out upon Julius's command.

"So... Finally we're back home"

"That is so your Highness, however..."

"Yes, don't worry milord, i know"

The accompanying citizen commanders were a bit stunned by our short conversation that seemed to mean nothing but in the end, Serena knew this was just a means to an end.

We were here to claim the capital only to almost immediately abandon the whole this, maybe even burn it to the ground and blame the rebels.


- - Rebellion POV - -

"This is totally out of hand, the citizens are rebelling against their rightful king!"

"Where is the king, we need his guidance, and his soldiers need his orders"

The royal palace was in utter turmoil from their relatively safe place all they could do was watch out the window as the city they themselves invaded not long ago was being counter invaded, and it's defending soldiers being overwhelmed by the incoming army, and the people inside the city aiding them.

Many times the nobles attempted to summon the king but even when they managed to convince his royal guards to attempt to rouse their king they were returned the response that the king had gone to sleep and to not worry as the garrison would deal with it.

Some of the nobles had already abandoned the palace, seeking refuge elsewhere in the city where they would be less likely to be found by the liberation forces, while others went a step further and abandoned their pride as nobles, killing some random commoners and stealing their clothes to join the revolting citizens in a bid to slip through and escape the city.

With most of their army already having marched off to deal with the landed nobles raising their own forces to march upon the capital this was the worst possible time to be hit by a popular liberation front, followed by a rebellion within their stronghold.

The capital was all but lost already but with the inaction of his majesty they stood no chance now.


- - Liberation Front - -

The city was vastly different from when we were last here.

In a short span this city has now been invaded twice by an assaulting force.

The liberation front was much kinder than when the rebels had stormed the capital but even with that being said signs of the rebellions invasion were still present.

Starting with the Main gatehouse itself, as Julius and company passed through the gate, they could look upon the suspended heads of the Last king, and all the captured royalist nobles who failed to escape from the oncoming storm.

Advancing further along there were heaps of decaying bodies lying by the side of the road, not freshly dead no, these had been sitting here for days or even weeks now.

Julius could only sigh as they continued their armed procession through the streets marching in force towards the palace.

Every once in a while someone would challenge them, but the main point that prevented anyone from attacking aside from looking like battle hardened veterans, bearing the waving stand of the kingdoms own queen herself.

Anyone who approached whilst armed was dealt with.

Zeff's personally trained Slaves were considerably better than the average citizens or even the general soldiers who were left behind to defend the capital were not the best, they were in fact the worst.

As the march continued the battles all across the capital continued to rage, neighbors turning on neighbor, those siding with the rebels, against those with the liberation front.

The city convulsing and producing hundreds of slain per minute, like a channel house or meat grinder.

The fights will likely last throughout the night until everyone is to exhausted to continue the slaughter and it is at that moment we will act, with our figurehead taking centre stage to begin the true plan.

But first for now, we have a despot king cowering in his stolen palace to deal with.