From Lambs Become Lions (3)

The long staircase leading up to the Royal palace was certainly a long walk to take.

Our ascending small army was determined and focuses but every now and again they could be seen turning their heads to gaze round at the illuminated city as fires began to spread while the chaos deepened.

"The means justify the ends?"

"Can we really say that here? Sure a revolt has happened but it would have even if we weren't here, you saw that for yourself, Rashok and his men went to far, their coup could've been a blessing if they rallied the common people behind their banner, but instead they took advantage of and terrorized them till this became their only choice other than to just lay down and die."

"Mmmm i just wish my father could've been one of those people who got to live to see what is to come."

"Well he is still watching so you'll just have to show him yourself what it is you want him to see."



"Milord where should we head first upon reaching the palace?"

Breaking the uncomfortable silence from atop her human vehicle Zeff, Miri posited this question.

The girl herself looked more than thrilled to be receiving a piggyback ride through a warzone while being protected by her man and his personal army.

"Well first off we need to locate the current king, deal with him and his royal guards, and finally if possible gain access to the royal treasury before the commoners thing about raiding this place for themselves."

"You her the Lord Zeffie, Men onwards to battle, Giddyup!"

Zeff could only groan in response and she playfully spurred his sides, as everyone began a light jog up the stairs to get into the palace sooner under the little generals orders.

About 3/4 of the way up Serena was close to tapping out breathing so heavily she could hardly see straight, so without hesitation Julius swept her up but not in a piggyback instead having scooped her up in a princess carry.

She of course wanted to tell him to put her down this instance, but her breathing had yet to steady so suffer in silence she must as she buried her head into his chest in shame as it got as red as a tomatoe.

Miri meanwhile looked on from atop her mount with a mischievous smile gracing her lips.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Having made it the the top of the stairs Serena was let down, but i remained as her personal guard and escort.

Zeff likewise knelt down so that Miri could dismount from him.

The Merc slaves, split into 5 man squads and began combing the palace.

Every Soldiers, Guards, Noble, and person bearing arms against them was put down almost in an instant with a few minor skirmishes occurring but not resulting in fatalities on their own side just a few minor wounds.

As they advanced no pillaging was conducted.

Julius, Zeff, Miri, and Serena advanced as their own sole party first advancing to the throne room only to find it empty, next they headed for the royal chambers.

Serena acted as their guide, as the Queen she was privy to all the escape tunnels in the Palace so if Rashok was aware of any she would know where to look for signs of possible escape.

Meanwhile they came across various palace staff who readily surrendered themselves to the Queen and her forces.

Being instructed by the queen to gather in the throne room as they would be instructed on what comes next then.

And so the minutes passed the number of hostiles within the palace was dropping rapidly, as they were outmatched, and even then a good number were subdued before they could even get involved having chosen the same path as the King and were sleeping when they were found and bound by the Aquitanian forces.

Having arrived at the Kings own chambers Zeff wasted no time on the locked door and simply kicked it, blasting the door off of it's hinges as it sailed into the room before sliding on the floor till it stopped.

Rashok having been awoken by this thunderous noise quickly sat upright in his bed starting with bleary eyes at the four persons who invaded his room and disturbed his slumber.

"Y... Yo... You, but why are you here?"

The king was unnerved here standing before him was a pair of couples, the men wielding blades, but his own eyes were locked on one of the women instead,

How could he not know who this woman was,

Even if she'd been presumed dead, for her to be here as she is now and with armed men that means the report he'd received earlier was more dire than he ever imagined, the queen had led her own invading army to re-capture the capital, and to have made it this far means he'd already lost.

"I Surrender!"

Throwing his hands in the air he formally declared his intent to surrender unto the queen.

Serena meanwhile was having none of it,

The weeks she spent on the run, and living rurally she'd undergone basic combat training by Julius and Zeff alongside Miri,

Now they weren't great fighters or anything but these lessons allowed to to at least raise her power level some.

So with a flick of her wrist she began throwing knives at the man who'd call himself king and sleep in her own deceased husbands bed.

The first blade missed but imbedded itself in the head board mear centimeters from his face,

The second imbedded itself in his thigh, and as he was recoiling from the pain, the third drove deeply into his shoulder.

Swoosh swoosh swoosh

Dozens of blades sailed through the air until the king sat motionless in the bed, it's sheets now stained a deep red from his trailing blood.

His body now resembling more of a hedgehog than that of a man

His corpse sat there as over 20 blade now stuck out of his limbs, and torso.

The final throw having driven her last dagger deep into his center mass, ending his life with a blow to his heart.

Just like how her life as the Queen ended when his men likewise dealt a blow to her heart by killing her father.

The deed was done, her vengeance was won.

Miri began tending to the queen who seemed to be in shock at what she'd just done, while Julius began inspecting the body, and Zeff likewise searched the room itself.