From Lambs Become Lions (4)

The search of the "Kings" bedroom revealed not a whole lot other than some more than a little bit ostentatious jewelry.

The main point was that after searching the room, the most important thing was not located.

Which for us is a very good thing.

After having disposed of the king, and giving Serena enough time to at least partially come back to us enough for Miri to guide her, we made our way deeper into the palace until we can to the underground.

It's built structure was very similar to the castle interior of the Kingdom of Bridget, and our goal this time now was the same as then.

The treasury.

The palace was completely secured all surviving staff and cowering nobles were being collected in the throne room, meanwhile, our party of four was going to where the bulk of Carthage's wealth was stored.

We first went after the king not only for Serena's revenge, but most importantly was to collect the Kings ring the key to the treasure vault, but seeing as the King didn't have it, meant the previous king should still have it or possibly one of the men who killed him and looted his body.

Regardless this was just to secure one of the 12 family rings, or possibly even locate one of the imperial rings to add into my collection, but the standard ring he attained in bridge should be more than enough to open the vault here and steal their gains.

After walking the stone halls and corridors for a while our party finally came before a great door one that looks to have been crafted from blue steel with an ornate golden pattern on it.

The closer i walked to the door the greater the glow coming from my hands became.

The door likewise began to glow brighter and brighter with each step he took.

Until finally coming upon the door and laying hands onto it.

Serena almost said something only to stop before the doors creaked their way open with his touch.

Miri, and Zeff standing off to the side had their eyes widen so much their eyes could pop right out.

Beyond the door was a literal river of gold, gems, and ornate equipment and treasure.

Julius didn't hesitate once the door was fully open to stride in and begin examining the equipment he came across, Serena continued to stand gawking at the sight she just witnessed of the treasury responding to another command other than the king.

Zeff wandered the hills of gold coins picking up various bits of jewellery and muttering about how Miri deserved something even better before tossing it and continuing his search.

Lastly, Miri herself has almost literally dove into a pile of coins before she began to swim enjoying the fantasy that this entire stack of coins was all for her.

Junk, Junk, Junk...

Row by row Julius, kept scouring the treasury appraising the items he came across.

But just like in Bridget the items interred within were just standard items not artifacts or relics.

There were a few consumables that he came across and decided to take but otherwise the only thing of value here was the treasure itself.

"Ok guys that's enough playing around, stand clear I'm going to clear this place out, if there's anything left when I'm done feel free"

Hearing his command Zeff, and Miri stepped away while Serena's eyes finally shook and immediately locked onto Julius.


With a single thought the masses of gold once forming mountains in the treasury first glowed before vanishing as if into thin air.


Current Treasury;

[11,825,000,000 Lunans]


Not to bad at all, Carthage is certainly rich the treasury alone housed 1.5 Billion, combined with the portion we looted from Bridget before Lunan got the other half, along with the remittance left behind by Julius's ancestors my bank balance was looking more than a little bit healthy.

Even accounting for the losses we suffered buying in the slaves we could from Lunan before it's fall, along with Zeff's slave corp here in Carthage.

The costs of building up Aquiania's defence and even the investments we started on the development of our new territories.

Needless to say all our spending was not light but even after all of that, we still had even more than what i first started with back in Aquitania proper.

Having just witnessed the sea of gold disappear before their eyes, the remaining contents to the treasury clattered to the floor as the bed of coins they lay upon now gone.

Julius performed a single final round of the treasury hoping to find something that was hidden under those mountains of gold he'd missed his first pass through.

Luckily enough this pass-through did amount to some small gains.


Sailor's Ring

+2 Command whilst at Sea

Headband of Intellect

Intelligence Level cannot go lower than 75

Bookmark (Dagger)

+1 Intelligence, +2 Power Level


These three pieces were the only located artifacts within this treasure vault.

Other than this was a couple of the Flashbang jewels in a sachet just like the ones that the princess had used back in the defence of the capital of Roserun.

As it stood the contents of the treasury were a disappointment but not a total loss, Julius handed down the bookmark dagger intelligence-boosting item to Miri, while he kept the Sailor's ring, and Headband for himself for now till he could find suitable wielders.

Miri's eyes were wet with tears after receiving this gift from her lord, completely overlooking the fact that it technically was stolen goods.

Zeff glanced at him a few times but continued his own rounds looking for the perfect looted gift for Miri.

Serena had collapsed unable to stand on her feet any longer due to shock.

With this, we have now but a single action left before we are done here in Carthage and can finally return home.

The convincing of the citizens to abandon this country, and in doing so delivering the naval might along with it while they use their military ships to make their escape.

Having scooped up the queen who was still dazed and calling out to the still roaming pair, the party made their way out of the treasury before the doors once again sealed themselves, and until one could find another ring they'd never know what had been done here today.


[Mirine: 7 Power Level [2], 79 Intelligence [+1], 22 Command]
