The Last Gasp (2)

Morning had come, and with it a new dawn on the Carthaginian people.

Julius, his party, and the palace staff were hard at work starting very early in the morning.

At the foot of the palace steps a palanquin was hastily built as a stage for that morning events.

Seeing the work being done those still prowling the city streets, or just early risers heard the noise of construction, some pitched in to assist while others look on with bated breath.

Finally as the suns light illuminated the entire capital, and construction had ceased there upon the stage stood Zeff's mercenary slave who'd since changed their present armour for some hasitly repainted Carthaginian knight armour, standing guard with their weapons at the ready.

To the sides three crucified each were placed with a noble apiece strapped to them bound tightly with ropes, and lastly a noose around their necks.

Kneeling before them were the still bound servants who supported their masters in carrying out their plans, heads bowed in shame know what was about to come was certainly their public execution before the royal captial.

While the sun continued to rise word spread and those who'd broken slumber from the suns first light, left their homes even at their own risk due to the ongoing insecurity of the capital streets, but almost all made their way to the square before the palatial steps.

Within the hour a massive crowd that would make one think the entire surviving populace of the capital had turned up, was gather as the din of chatter and murmurs rose and fell like a beast breathing.

Many noticed the crucified nobles pointing, laughing and some shouting curses at them.

Until silence was called by the thrumpetting of trumpets signalling the arrival of Her Majesty the queen.

Everyone present save those in chains, or standing guard hasitly dropped to their knees bowing before the monarch.

She ascended the steps of the stage before taking a seat upon the throne in the middle staring out regally at her own people.

Julius meanwhile gave up his position by her side to stand at the forefront, for this little play he would become her mouthpiece, or rather just speak his own words with her seal of approval.

Once she'd been seat as he stared out at the mass of people, all he could think was.

God could you imagine if we convince them all to emigrate?

Yes he was not scared in the least, but rather just moderately overly selfish in his thinking.


His voice echoing around the square, as the shuffling of the people gave way so a rising tidal wave of bodies and face who for most would be gazing upon royalty for the first and possibly last time of their lives.

"Thank you all for coming here today, Her Majesty Queen Serena offers you her most heartfelt gratitude... and an apology..."

Apology what the queen is apologizing to us

The crowd began to discuss what was said, till Julius raise his hand to silence them.

"She apologizes for appearing before you as a royal while having no claim to that title. She is not royalty by blood, she is not the Queen Mother, She appears before you now as not much more than the daughter of a middling noble whose family head fell in defence of this great city during the coup that led to rebellion."

Taking a pause to allow his news to sink in once more, a new wave of discussion was opened by the commoners.

Many were in support of her as queen calling out "Her Majesty" "Long Live The Queen" there was of course a few disenters but the mob quickly dealt with them.

"Thank you, she also offers apology on behalf of her Departed Husband King Carthage for failing to prevent the rebellion from succeeding even after having successfully preventing the coup, as there were many more involved that chose to remain hidden from our sight after the coup itself was prevented. Which resulted in great harm befalling you all, and in some cases even more so those living in the capitals periphery."

It was at this time, per her script the Queen took out a hanky and dabbed at her eyes, drying the tears that had formed.

Those close enough to see quickly passed the news along and the crowd became even more fervent in their will.

"Unable to do anything she was forced to abandon the capital... abandon you all to a fate she could not possibly imagine at the time... But did she merely escape? Perhaps for a moment, but before she'd even left the crownlands her heart forbade her to leave. As only days after capturing the capital the rebels began ransacking the countryside, enslaving and slaughtering her people, you families, your friends."

The gathered citizens pressed forward, the assembled mass once loosely staggered had begun to press in as those within attempted to get close so that all could hear his speech.

"She witnessed their horrors first hand, and it broke her heart, so much so that she cared not what happened to herself as Noble ettiquete dicated she should, sending her Royal guard to gather the survivors, summon up those willing to fight for justice, and in only a few weeks time, bring those gathered countrymen back to reclaim the capital, reclaim your freedom, and bring those heartless beasts to justice."


The gather crowd all burst into a cheer.

"Many more died as a result of our efforts to resecure the capital, and every countryman lost even as a rebel is a loss to many, the people of Carthage should be united as one, One people not many led by their own desires to take power wherever they can. These men you see before you"