The Last Gasp (3)

Spreading his arms out at both sides pointing towards the assembled crucifixes.

"These men, are the noble rats who hid in plain sight, they are the ones who orchestrated the rebellions easy access to storm the capital, and by rights it is these men to which all the crimes that came after falls upon! Thusly, by order of her Majesty Queen Serena the first of her name, hereby sentences them to death! Death by a method most owed to them, for they fought so hard to not see this Monarchy live another day, so to shall they now fight everyday hoping beyond hope that another rebellion might take place whereupon they might be set free!"

The crowd was incensed at his words, and many who'd come straight after waking had in pocket various foods in which to eat for breakfast, but it mattered not now as a hailstorm of food stuff was tossed through the air, pelting the suspended men, causing many to lose their footing, which allowed the noose on their necks to dig in deeper while they struggle not only to regain their footing but also their own ability to breath as well.

At their feet the assembled servants where equally as assaulted as those further back in the crowd could not reach the suspended figures so their lacking power lobs came short instead coming down upon these sorry kneeling men and women.

"Many of you may not see them but at these men's feet, are more rebellious scum who are equally as guilty as their master for they did not prevent what these men where planning but instead assisted with making sure their plans went forward, for this her Majesty has decided that before death these assembled men and women should be made to think about the consequences of their action, and only when they've learned their lesson should they receive her Majesties mercy for all their allies to see."

As he said so, the mercenary guards who were not standing guard over the queen began to move, each kneeling man and woman was shoved inside a bulap sack, meanwhile four animals we then likewise placed within with their human resident.

Each was given a non-lethal poisonous snake, a rooster, a monkey, and a dog.

The sacks where then sew tightly shut hoisted on wooden polls before they were marched towards the aqueduct which ran waste waters into the very sea itself.

Four logs were placed with 7 sacks each hanging from them, each sack moving both from the current and the struggling of the occupants within.

The people looked on, not one raise voice of dissent against the chosen punishment, save the nobles hanging up on high, who upon speaking out where greeted with another wave of hurled objects.

Once these events had concluded, Julius once again returned to his position after having been seen speaking with her majesty while punishment was dolled out.

"We ask for your cooperation in the coming days while we continue to police and protect the capital, with our volunteer force, should anyone be willing to volunteer and join please let one of her majesty's representatives know, additionally we know not at present the state of the rest of the country, or just how many Lords have sided with this rebellion, at present we know for certain at least 3 have formed an alliance, If you feel it is in your best interest to flee the capital we shall not stop you, her majesty believes you should have the freedom to do as you wish."

Another round of murmurs started.

"But know that should another invading force come She will do everything in her power, in the defence of this city to safeguard it's peoples, even if that means we must fight in the fields, Fight on the walls and rampart, In the streets, in your homes, and down to the docks. She will never give up on her people, even if she must give up on the city itself, she and her guard will stay and fight till every last man woman, and child can be guaranteed safety"


"Her Majesty, Long Live the Queen"

As the chanting rose more and more,

Julius once more raised his hands asking for silence, this time the crowd took considerably longer to settle down.

"As a final thanks from her Majesty for making it out here today, she has had the palace staff work overnight to make each and every citizen, slave, or person unmentioned in attendance a hot meal in which to sate your stomach many of you have forgone to be in attendance here this morning."

As he said so, Massive pots were brought forth each filled to the brim with a moderately watery porridge, along with mountains of clay, glass, and wooden bowls.

Certainly their would not be enough for each citizen, but upon hearing so many in the crowd at the back dispered, rushing back to their homes to acquire such things for themselves while those in front gratefully accepted the new crockware filled with their given meal.

Mothers with children almost collapsed upon being given a bowl each for herself and her kids, thinking it would at most be one bowl per family.

For the first time in days their entire family could eat till they were full.

The dispersement of this food took hours, all the while Serena remained seated upon her throne, at one moment she likewise was provided a bowl of the porridge in which to eat, and eat she did.

This action again was scripted and upon seeing so the crowd's loyalty and fervour was raised to the maximum.

Julius up on stage marvelled at his triumph.

When the assembled crowd had first arrived their loyalty and public sentiment was really low at a 15, just steps away from another riot, but now merely a few hours later, and it was in the high 80's.

With loyalty this strong even without volunteers if she were to call a draft, Carthage's capital could raise a very large levy army without worry of revolt form it's citizens.

Only once ever last assembled citizen had been fed did the queen rise from her throne.

Those who'd remained in the square once more kneeled, some going further an cow-towing.

Escorted by her guard she alighted up the palace steps.

So began the first of many days to not only earn the peoples trust but provide a final blow which would spell the ultimate end of the Carthaginian Kingdom.