Maddness, Betrayal, The Rise Of A New Order

- - Lunan Remnant POV - -

Just what are those German bastards thinking?

What was the point of signing that agreement if they were just going to tuck tail and run after a simple clash against the rogue lords forces!

It's been weeks now I think...

Even if they left they should've been back by now with an army to liberate us from this occupation and the restoration of our lands to fulfill the terms of the agreement between our nations!

The Queen's mental state had deteriorated day by day, and her belief that it had been weeks since Julius captured her city was false, it had only been a single week.

But since life had become incredibly difficult due to Her Excellancy's hasty decision to expel all those who made their lives comfortable all to allow their food stores to last them for longer and withstand a siege until the Germania forces would arrive.

But within a single day, that belief was shattered, they might have food but they were starving, and every attempt to cook resulted in the creation of some inedible slop, or distressing sickness that plagued those who could stomach the food created.

Any attempt by the nobles and soldiers to leave even by surrender was denied by General Haddin's forces who'd taken over the duty of maintaining containment of the Queen and her loyalists.

Any attempts to negotiate with the new Commander, all were ended before they could even begin.

Within her rooms, the Queen was descending deeper into madness.

"What a foolish girl you are, War is the property of men, you should've known your place and just remained in the house learning needlepoint"

"Shut up you old bastard! The country survived because of my genius! You old men were running the country into the ground it takes the bold and brave to save a nation and I rose to that challenge!"

"Ha ha ha bold and brave, you! A disgraced Commander whose position was given up to a superior individual whom you looked down upon as a bumpkin noble with a bad reputation"

"I said shut up! That Julius was just lucky more times than I can count. I have more skill in my little toes than he does in his entire body!"

Also standing in the room was a pair of guards Queen Hayna's royal guards, these men were beginning to look haggard being of noble birth they had never truly fended for themselves and for a few days now had been suffering from dysentery.

The lack of water as well meant they had begun to develop a bit of a musky fragrance and stubbly beards on their faces.

The pair of men could only look on as the Queen marched around her office seemingly endlessly having a conversation with a ghost, as she argued with the very air itself.

These men knew the man she seemed to be conversing with was already dead and had been for months now.

Their queen's mind had broken...

The end was guaranteed and even after sending news of the young royals' condition to Haddin's forces the blockade this not end.

Instead situation within only got worse, the citizens clearly had been made aware of something, as they started to carry buckets filled with waste and dump them over the walls or, bring them to the catapults mounted on the walls before the collected waste was flung into the estate.

This once great lord's manor was now a field of shit, the smell getting worse by the hour as the heat from the sun's rays helped to make the smell rise up further.

These nobles merely barricaded themselves inside not bothering to deal with the mounting excrement, however the smell permeated the walls, and while this harassment was also affecting the citizens as the smell spread out from the manor walls but after having the news of their queen's betrayal being made public knowledge none had any reservations that their lands rightfully belonged to Julius as their Queen had long since surrendered her right to be their leader when she openly offered to sell of a quarter of her own people.

If given the chance the nobles and soldiers within would surrender even dropping themselves into becoming criminal slaves to escape this torment but Julius did not let it end.

"We must assassinate that brat before he gets any more full of himself!"

The afternoon's air was still filled with Haynas's unreasonable commands and incoherent conversations with the dead Duke.


- - Latinium Forces POV - -

Rule over the former South Lunan Kingdom has been going very well.

True to his word Lord Julius did not enact any policies of retribution and instead openly accepted the South Lunan peoples as his own, offering them the same benefits as his own people, openly declaring the creation of various guilds to enrich the commonfolk, and the development of state projects to better the transfer of goods and people between the cities and villages.

The key moment was thank in part to the lords dealings with the Germanic host he'd defeated in claiming the capital, with their defeat came the revelation of a written agreement between Queen Hayna former Chief Of Staff to the Lunan Kingdom during the first Visigoth Invasions who fell out of power in disgrace had secretly agreed to the selling of her people into slavery all for military aid in destroying Lord Julius and his nation.

With their loss it's highly unlikely a return will be possible since their best men remain as honorable captives serving directly under Lord Julius.

The citizens in the city were allowed to see the written agreement as it was placed on display for all to see and the news spread like wildfire.

If you asked anyone in the city outside the lords manor what country their belonged to.

All would give a resounding cry that they were citizens of The Grand Duchy.

It was on this day that the Lunan Kingdom finally truely fell into ruin.

Since The Duchies territories were expanded greatly, the South Lunan kingdom was divided into two separate provinces, with the Kingdom of bridgets remaining lands becoming the fourth province.

Each would be ruled by a Govenor who'd oversee all the peoples within his provincial borders and have a regular meeting of the assembles Town and City Mayors to discuss the goings on within.

Each province would then send 3 representatives to act as Senators who would regularly meet with The Eternal City to discuss matters of state with the Grand Duke and apprise him of any situations or requests for aid his people might make.

This style of government was old, and the closest thing to it was the existing republics scattered throughout the world.

But for the common people to be allowed representation in their nations government was more than they could ever ask for.

Under Lunan and Bridget the nobles were the ones in charge and nothing a commoner did could ever change that, but now bound by a system of merit anyone could rise through the ranks and achieve their dreams!