Chapter 2, Tiresome(edited)


A few hours passed, his breath starting to get heavier from the constant matchup from worry on what he could encounter and the damn long repeating halls. Kefir's eyes at this point adjusted fairly to the dark plus he had some time to reflect on what has occurred so far.

"Perhaps the sound I heard in the beginning was in my head? No… it felt too real, I should still keep my guard up for now and what about the note on my arm? Not trying to state the obvious, but it's most likely my perpetrator who wrote that… However, now on the topic on my note, it speaks of my revolver, specifying the rounds in the chamber… It could mean I have to use it efficiently and not waste it assuming this place probably doesn't even have any ammo to provide." 

Reflecting on himself with the constant rambling to entertain his mind that was slowly turning dull. Kefir sighed once more, looking down on his revolver that glinted faintly from the tiny sparks of light that glowed from the ceiling. 

When suddenly his body shivered in goosebumps, his guts twisting and churning, feeling a pair of eyes in the back. This would be the time Kefir would turn slowly around and see the horrors unveil themselves in fear as he lay paralyzed, unable to move compared to those in horror movies. 

"Screw that!" Kefir grunted as he sprinted onwards, not taking the risk to be a victim of fear, his heart pounding, almost puking itself out from out his throat, he tilted his head slightly to the back while running.

Witnessing an abomination, spoken so truly by the note, the 'creature' in the back, hauling itself forwards in a hastening action was comprised of flesh with countless eyeballs of various sizes staring at him with bloodlust; various flesh buds of sorts forcing itself out from the heap of flesh like parasites such as worms.

 The whole scenery was just a freak show for Kefir, who was holding onto his gun so firmly, not willing to waste it because it would likely not inflict much damage as he would hope. Dashing his ways through the endless halls, stressing his leg muscles so much it almost formed cramps. 

"DAMN IT, WHEN WILL THIS END, I KNEW NOT RELEASING MY GUARD WAS A GOOD IDEA, JUST WHEN WILL THESE STUPID HALLS STOP" Kefir bit his lips about to roar his frustration out on the damned abomination who was 4 meters away now, its countless deformed arms extending out with delight to Kefir who seemed closer to their grasp as ever. 

Sweat emerging from his forehead to other areas on his body, Kefir gritted his teeth as the time on his watch struck 11:00 PM. He had been running for 9 hours straight, having some pauses in between. 

His breath was turning more hazier every second, his heart about to burst as his muscles on his legs churned and begged for the sweet release of death. Surprisingly though, none of his clothes, especially the hat fell off during the chase. 

"Please, just where is the exit to this h-hellhole", gasping for breath paired with the stress piled on his body. Kefir, unwilling to speak no more in order to save a gist of strength sprinted constantly, the fact he ran most of the time showed he had potential to be a marathon or a Olympic runner if this was back in society. 

With ruffled hair blocking his gaze to some limit, his sapphire eyes looked around crazily in front to see a glimmer of hope… which answered him as he saw at last some stairs that led somewhere with shutters accompanying it; closed midway but not completely. 

A smile curving amidst his face, he tried running once more— unfortunately, his legs gave out, causing him to trip as the abomination behind got closer, now 2 meters away. Its various mouths that bursted with uneven teeth painted in some saliva. 

No… he couldn't give up, the exit was close, so what if his physical body gave up? He will crawl mountains of hell to just leave this damn place, writhe himself through mentally even if his soul were to surrender. 

His eyes, bloodshot with fury— Kefir dug his fingernails on the ground, kicking himself forward with his strained toes, commencing another race as he bolted on all fours; his arms and legs dashing like a wild deer on the run from a lion. 

"I REFUSE TO DIE YOU BASTARDS.." Kefir screamed a blood-gurgling shriek, boosting himself every second with the palms of his hands. The abomination followed along as it increased its speed, realizing its prey could escape its grasp. 

Seconds tick, reaching closer and closer to the stairs, Kefir tossed his hat with struggling force at the abomination, poking one of the many eyes on the creature making it flinch. Taking this delaying opportunity, Kefir's fingers touched the stairs as he crawled his way up.

Every ounce of his body trembling from exhaustion, the creature was now 1 meter away, fortunately Kefir was grasping onto the shutters, swinging it down harshly with all his remaining strength.

Almost finally sealed, a few inches was left before Kefir could finally take a breath—without realizing, one of the abomindation's arms managed to slide through, piercing Kefir's chest as the metallic scent of blood oozed into the air.

Gazing down at his chest, he couldn't feel his heartbeat. Some parts of his rib- cage along with his heart were ruptured… His consciousness slowly fainted as time slowed down. Blood pouring out, it seems time has run out for poor Kefir… oxygen depleting and his brain harewire.

This would be the moment anyone would have just given up however Kefir, though knowing his time was up, refused to just die off at this… AT LEAST HE COULD JUST SEAL THE SHUTTERS COMPLETELY; not to be the meal of the abomination. He bashed his head on the shutters, screaming like a maniac, blood vessels bursting as his remaining energy was about to extinguish. 

He seized the shutters firmly, pushing down again and again, slicing the wiggling arm of the abomination as he bashed down onto the bone of the deformed arm, tearing the muscles and blood vessels of the thing. 

The bone cracked and crunched while Kefir continued to stomp with his weakened dwindling body… the shutters finally sealed as he locked it shut.

Without any more seconds to give, his body collapsed to the ground… his consciousness faded away, leaving behind a small sadden smirk, this was the end of the journey of Kefir the forgotten.