Chapter 3, Forbidden(edited)

The abomination continued slamming against the shutters, groaning in anger, time passed and soon it moved itself away back to its original area, sliding its heap of flesh along the surface, covered in mucus. 

On the other side of the shutters, the chopped off arm latched to the now corpse of a pale man stayed fixed for some time.

 A couple minutes passed before it started wiggling, squirming back and forth, its bones and flesh melting till what remained was a pool of disgusting substance. 

The hole that punctured the corpse was somehow gone and the skin tone slowly began to gain its vigor as the fingers flinched.

His eyes open, gasping for breath significantly, Kefir, laying on the wall opposite to the shutters stared dumbfounded. Patting his chest and noticing the pool of strange substance on the ground, he laid there paralyzed in just shock, reminiscing the events that occurred to him.

"I could have sworn… I died here at this moment, just what is going on." He whispered to himself as his body trembled in ptsd, oddly enough he could hear a faint sound within his very being.

Listening quietly, it appeared to come from his chest! No in the place where his heart bursted.


"What in the diddly darn wor-" Kefir, about to finish his words was interrupted.

'PAPA!' giggled the voice that echoed mentally in his heart.

"What—wait—listen here, who the fuck are you-" his mind blanking out, Kefir was baffled on what he just heard.

The voice giggled once again, "Papa! Remember mama who pierced you in the heart which bursted! I was born from that and am now the replacement for your heart!" The voice spoke in joy, sounding like a child waiting to be praised by their parents.

Kefir couldn't believe it, he was now the father of this thing that came from an abomination who literally killed him assumingly a few minutes or maybe hours ago. 

Confused and puzzled, various questions poured into his mind like a glass of wine brimming to the peak. A ridiculous thought popped into his mind in this serious situation.

'Hey, uhm.. so like you're keeping me alive obviously as a heart and all and I'm your father and stuff..' he paused.

'Of course papa!' The voice chuckled with a hint of silliness, making Kefir sigh.

'So… I know this probably sounds ridiculous and all but do you offer a system you know? Like those novels with the 'op mcs', something like regenerative properties in this situation.' Kefir grinned, trying to create some light feeling in this time of insanity while anticipating the voice's response.

'Papa, what is a system? I don't know about that but for regenerative thingy, I do not have that ability, all I do is keep you pumping with blood like ye!!' The child-like voice beamed with joy though it was sorta confused.

Kefir stared down in disappointment, if the voice who called him Papa didn't offer him anything else other than as a replacement for a heart. This meant if he were to lose a limb through this damned journey, it is gonna most likely be permanent. Furthermore, he wasn't offered any systems like those novels he faintly remembered reading in his memories, while making his escape from the abomination. 

Nonetheless, he shouldn't complain, this wasn't the time to be angered by the cards given to him by faith. In reality, this was another opportunity, a chance to make amends and prove himself . At least he got someone else to speak with in these times of loneliness that would have driven him or anyone insane; he was even starting to talk to his revolver, Dipshit. 

Embracing the sensation of seemingly sadness from its owner, the voice spoke in a caring manner, "it's ok Papa! You wouldn't have to worry about this! Eventually we will truly be one and you wouldn't need to think much of this situation any more because I will drive them away Papa!" The voice sparkled in pride.

Silence once again emerged as those childish words lingered in Kefir's mind. Anyone with some common sense would know what those words meant, of course this wasn't a fantasy of sorts, this 'voice' wasn't a system at all, it was a parasite. Born from blood of its owner mixed with the genes of the abomination. 

The watch on his wrist, slightly cracked due to extreme tension chimed 12:00 AM. Time was ticking, this wasn't an opportunity like he believed. It was just more time given to Kefir to be tortured, the parasite was going to sooner or later take control over his body whether he liked it or not.