Chapter 4, The Movements(edited)

Digging his fingers into his palms, his fists formed into a ball. Kefir laid there for some time before lifting himself up with the help of the walls. The trusty revolver in hand that he hadn't used and a deep exhale. 

He was enraged, not at anyone but himself for landing in this situation which he knew not why he was chosen for. Angry at why he was chosen and the now parasite being contained within his body, representing his heart.

This wasn't a time to throw a fit, curse the gods nor scream at anyone. It would be justifiable to do it but he should just do the best of what remains of a damned lifespan. The only thing he wished is to at least make it out to see the morning of day. 

The event may be unfortunate for him but you know what? Screw faith, he wasn't gonna give up, in that moment of space, he promised himself to keep going forward with willpower and anger alone. 

Extremely fatigued, he took a few minutes to rest after ascending upon the stairs near the shutters, leading Kafir and the voice within to a sturdy door of grayish color that had some cracked in between the doorframe and itself. Releasing a small hint of breeze oddly enough which surprised Kafir. 

'Papa! This adventure is gonna be sooo fun fun fun! I am happi to be with papa hehehe, I miss Mama though :( ' the voice spoke with some hint of excitement and sadness.

"Yeah, it does suck buddy, but could you do me a favor and be a good kid by staying quiet for now? This is a fun game called stay the quietest! " Kafir struggled to not sound exasperated, trying to sound like those child-tv shows he faintly remembered. 

Of course upon the realization of this parasite slowly eating him inside out, it did anger him to some extent but he felt grateful since he is alive with his consciousness for now. 

The voice was beginning to annoy him like a little brother constantly bickering his older brother to hand over the control though it's best for now to play the father role and keep proceeding so the voice wouldn't throw a tantrum which he guessed would happen due to the child-like state of the voice. 

His buddy, Dipshit resolver, nudged its muzzle to Kefir's arm, in order to cheer him up in this moment of annoyance. Kefir smiled fondly at his best friend… 

who was he kidding, the gun was an inanimate object. Of course it doesn't have its own consciousness nor feelings but Kefir liked to imagined it does so he doesn't feel lonely or alone with the bickering rascal voice. 

Delaying a few seconds, adjusting himself to be prepared. Kefir creaked open the door, expecting an ocean perhaps, maybe too grand of an imagination. 

Rather than being greeted by such beauty, it was replaced with a grimace of yearning to forget what he just saw. What greeted him was the embrace of lingering bloodlust amongst the atmosphere paired with the red-crimson sky that bore a sun-like entity except it wasn't a Sun but a huge ball chunk of flesh with an eye-shot eye in the middle with tongues wiggling around its circumference. 

It was a disturbing sight that made Kefir, who believed he could make way from any horrors tossed to him, repulse back in extreme nausea. The entity, apparently noticing the new person entering its domain, pinned its focus on it with lust. 

Kefir perceiving its visible intent, glanced down in contemph, ignoring why the entity was staring at him with such lust. Never the more, he started analyzing his surroundings, noticing the ocean that would be, brimmed with not water but purely blood mixed with flesh; huge eyes swirling everywhere, arms reaching out, and more *cough* sensitive organs squirming upwards from the so-called-ocean. 

Paired with a shoreline near the edge of the island, Kefir was on which was luckily not made of anything horrific but just soil, grass, and trees that felt like it was breathing. Sneaking slowly down, his revolver's hammer cocked down and his trigger ready to press.

He made his way down to the shoreline where the audible noises of the sea became clearer with moans of pain and gurgling. There was a small harbor with not a ship he desired instead a damn boat with oars laid horizontal on the top. What luck, the reason Kefir didn't want to be on a boat was because suggested that he would be much closer to the abominations while physically hearing and feeling the squishiness of the paddle, swooshing and stabbing itself into the abominations.

However, it was fortunate the abominations of the sea didn't seem to attack nor interact with the people on boat. Tested when he noticed some shadowy figures twice his height, appearing to be around 7 ft tall, using another row of boats at a far distance in a different small harbor.

Peeking through blades of grass and trees, the shadowy creatures didn't have any noticeable features, all it had was its dark substance that formed the outlines and overall body and how it could extend its arms to around 2 meters. 

Though this observation could be useful, Kefir knew this wasn't enough, yeah it seemed to be safe to cross the disgusting sea with the boat, however did it guarantee survival for him? Since the abominations could just not be attracted to the shadowy creatures to bother taking an effort to kill them. 

Still, sometimes a risk has to be taken and after all, looking around his area, Kefir didn't have what else to do to leave the island and try to move to the next area. 

'Papa! I'm bored now… did I win! Please did I? Did I? Papa… I'm hungry…' wined the voice, urging for Kefir to consume something.

His stomach gurgling, he punched it— begging for it to stop creating the 'oh I'm hungry' sound, some of the shadowy figures paused their movements, staying frozen completely.

Observing this, Kefir crawled his path away from the shoreline till he was out of proximity reach for noise. Pinching his stomach, he frowned. 

"Look little s-… my child, Papa doesn't have the time to eat right now. Don't worry since Papa will feed you lots of food, ok? So please be a quiet little boy and stop talking for now, pinky promise?" Kefir replied in a 'gentle' tone, biting his inner cheeks out of frustration. 

'Ok Papa… but if Papa breaks his promise, I will be rewlly rewlly angry and will be a bad boy >:( ' hymphed the voice as it began silencing its voice, once more. 

"Thank you, dear child…" Kefir exhaled, laying his head on the rock behind his back, staring at the red-crimson sky. Luckily the entity being wasn't in front of his view but instead at the back. 

Allowing for some time to flow by, his fatigue lessened, yet he knew it was time to go if a gut feeling was strangling him, saying he shouldn't stay here any longer.