Chapter 5, Viewpoint(edited)

Slithering back to his original position, he glanced around the far distance of the Harbor once more, all the boats were gone except one. It was the same one he first saw when approaching the shoreline, tilting his head right to left, favourably no one was here for now and if those shadowy were still here, they might as well take the boat. 

A risk indeed but his guts told him if he stayed here any longer, it could be a disaster. Exhaling out deeply after inhaling in the air of metallic blood. Kefir set out, jogging with paste towards the boat, uncoiling the rope and hopping onto the boat, he began paddling until reaching at least 1 and a half meter away from the boat.

It immediately swinger back and forth, the flow shifted to a hold. It was a risk obviously, of course he wouldn't get it easy, twisting his attention back— it was a singular shadowy creature; it's arms extended to 2 meters which he observed a couple minutes or hour ago. 

Its hand followed with the fingertips of sharp nails, drilled itself to the edge of the boat, holding onto it with vigor. The boat continued to tremble with might as it slowly dragged it back to the port.

Recognizing what it was trying to do, Kefir quickly withdrew his already cocked revolver, a blast echoing amongst the moans of pain and struggle. The edge of the boat which the shadowy creature was gripping onto blasted into chunks as it released the boat's grip.

Comprehending that moment, Kefir paddled with all his surging strength, paddling again and again till he was out of reach with the creature who stood aimlessly after it couldn't reach the boat through its extending arms.

Kefir sighed, wiping the sweat off his forehead and collarbone. Paddling away till he was almost 10 meters away from the shoreline. Kefir could have shot the creature with his limited rounds but what if that didn't work? Then it would have been a futile use of his beloved gun. 

In that thought of mind, he instead shot the part that the shadowy creature was holding onto, yes there were a couple of opportunities where the creature could have screwed him over such as having a faster reaction time then him and grabbing another part of the boat or maybe jumping into the boat if it couldn't reach him after 2 meters. 

It was a stupid chance of faith and Kefir was aware of that, his lips were starting to get dried and his eyes a bit red. He continued paddling, the entity being in the sky beaming its odd sunlight onto him.

"I shouldn't have tossed my hat back then on that abomination, I miss you Rosie.." Kefir moaned in regret, wiping his sweat from his back.

"Papa! Are you talking about Mama! Also Papa, why are you talking to inanimate objects as if they are people?" Questioned the excited voice before it was hushed by its owner.

"You don't understand oh dear child, sometimes the items you have can be the only true friends that can care about you." Smirked Kefir, stretching his body while paddling.