The Return

"Ugh what happened.... Last thing i remember is that I was on a plane going to spain on a vacation.... where am I? Wait who are-" Said a black haired man who spoke with a British accent.

"I am Rashkan the god of mischief little one." Spoke a being with the body of a man and head of a fox. He held staff in one hand and was wearing looped red sash at his waist and an atef crown. He towered over the man and semmed rather intimidating.

"Wh- WHAT IS GOING ON WH- WH- WHO ARE YOU WHERE AM I?!?" screamed the Fair skinned man.

"Do not fret Zeb I am not here to hurt you. I am here for my own entertainment. You see I have recently gotten into this game you humans call football and I liked you in particular as the first match i ever watched was between Walsall and Morecambe and you lit up that match with your skills."

Said Rashkan.

"Wha- I- I- I don't understand" said Zeb.

"I had always liked you and it really disheartened me when you retired without being able to become one of the greats of the game so I would like to give you another chance." Uttered Rashkan.

"Me? What is going on?!?" Questioned Zeb

"Remember every God gets one being as their avatar every Thousand years so do not waste this opportunity and get good at football, raise your popularity and return this favour by entertaining me. Now, take this system and relive your life." And with that Rashkan slammed down his staff and Zeb was warped down to Earth just not as he knew it.

"AHHHHH it feels like I am getting torn apart AHHHHH- Huh wait it stopped? Where am I? AH! Why are my hands so small? Was I hallucinating? Did he really tell the truth?" Just then a monotonous Voice of a female sounded in his head.

| Arshkan's Avatar System Loading... |

"What? Arshkan? You mean that ma- thing from my hallucina- AHHH NOT AGAIN!!"

| Loading complete please select your talent Avatar#2835719081 |

"What is happening right now? Was all that real am I really his avatar? He said he would help me in becoming a legend of the game or something? Then is this the help he talked about?"

| Please select talent Avatar#2835719081 |

"Then i guess Football since that's what he wanted...?"

| Talent has been chosen to be Football now please select the specifics |

"Specifics... I have read enough novels to know that the system or the cheat or whatever has to do that."

| Position - (recommended - AM)

Stats allotment :

STA - 10

PAC- 13

SHO- 8

PAS- 19

DRI- 17


Free Allotment Points- 50 |

" AM but I am a striker? I mean... if what that fo- Rashkan said is true which it does seem so..... I guess I will choose AM since the system is made to help me and for the stats I guess this would be fine."

| Position - AM

Stats allotment :

STA - 25

PAC- 20

SHO- 17

PAS- 26

DRI- 25


Free Allotment Points- 0 |

"Alright now what I am retired afterall i can't just show up and say I am playing again at the age of 53 no club would want me-" just the Zeb heard a voice call him.

"Zeb could you come down here I have good news for you!" Said a rather squeaky voice with a German accent.

"That voice sounds familiar though I can't quite put my finger on it?" Zeb looked at the mirror in front of him whilst looking around trying to figure out where he was and was very startled at what he saw.

" I-I-Is that m-m-me?!? How am I so young again wait now i remember this is the dormitory I used while waiting for the result of the trial at Benfica Campus! How am I back here?!? Was it the doing of Rashkan?"

The voice called Zeb again "Zeb come down here will you!"

"Coming! That voice... ELIAS right that is Elias my former roomate!" Recalled Zeb.

Zeb then went out of his room down the stairs and saw Elias sitting on the sofa in the living room. Elias was a German wonderkid who later on went and played for Chelsea and even played a crucial role in their run to the final in the 2033-34 season and later on cementsed himself as a legend of Chelsea by beating AC Milan in the final 3:2 with a late brace.

"Hey Zeb guess what." Asked Elias

"Lemme guess I got in?" Replied Zeb

"No you got i- wait what how'd you know?"

"Just a guess anyways I am going to practice." Uttered Zeb.

"Oh um ok." Said Elias.

Zeb then went to the pitch to test out his improved skills after the stat allotment.

'Let's try simple dribbling exercises first' Thought Zeb.

Zeb then brought out the cones and placed 10 cones on a straight line at a distance of 1m each. The objective of the drill is to help the players keep the ball at a short pace, an attribute that is expected of a good dribbler. This will help their touch and control of the ball.

"Alright let's test these new skills"