Futsal Fun

Zeb stretched real quick before going to the ball and starting the exercise.

He took a deep breath and started the exercise. As soon as he touches the ball he could feel how much force he needed to hit the ball with so that it doesn't stray away from his feet. It was like there was a string attached to the ball and his feet.

He slowly started dribbling around the cones and picking up the pace but it didn't have any effect on the ball at all and was still glued to his feet.

"Woah this is amazing! I didn't feel not even for a second that the ball would be hit too far or that I didn't use enough power! It was like I knew how much power I needed to use to keep the ball with me." Exclaimed Zeb.

"Now what about passing? It was what I had the highest of."

Zeb went to a wall and started with some short passes to warm up his body. Even in these short passes he could sense something different. If he could see where he wanted to pass he could pass exactly to that point.

Zeb then started with long range passes. He went back a few metres and started passing and he could immediately sense what he has before. His hypothesis was true. He could pass exactly where he wanted although it was not exactly perfect but it was still very noticeable.

"This is also amazing though there is something I want to try. Passing should include crossing as well right so would the same 'pass wherever you want' policy work?" Wondered Zeb.

He set up up Football Mannequins and attempted it.

The supporting foot placed next to the ball and pointed towards the target while he swung his right foot back for power and used the instep of his foot to hit the ball.

The ball flew over the mannequins and landed near to where he wanted it to land. It wasn't exactly where he wanted the ball to land but it was still incredibly close.

"This is a cheat code!! Crossing wasn't my strong suit but now the situation is different now I will be the best AM to grace the planet Earth!" Exclaimed Zeb.

Just then Elias called Zeb.

"Zeb went are going to play some Futsal and bully the normal kids that are just trying to have fun wanna come?"

'I remember this. Last time I had refused but I later got to know that they met Mohammed Salah who has come for the UCL match against Benfica' thought Zeb.

"Of course I would love to come with you." Answered Zeb.


Zeb and Elias arrived at an enclosed Futsal pitch along with 3 other people from Benfica Campus, Dale a DM from england, Angelo a DF from Portugal and Dinis a GK from Portugal as well.

When they entered the pitch through the gate they saw 5 other children around their age playing amongst themselves.

"Hello we want to play as well how about we have a match? We have 5 players and you have 5 as well it would be a perfect match!" Said Dinis.

"Huh who are you lot? This is our pitch get lost." Said a blond haired kid that looked a bit older than them.

"Oh come on that's no fun! How about a match? If you win we'll go and if we do then... well we won't, so..?" Asked Zeb.

"Alright then time to get your asses wooped. Just so you don't make excuses later I was a part of the Benfica Campus earlier" uttered the blonde man.

'Oh we'll see who'll be making excuses boy' thought Zeb.

Both the teams took up their respective halves on the pitch and the players also took up their positions on the pitch.

Since the boys didn't have a striker, they decided to place Elias, a winger, as their frontman. Zeb and Dale took up their roles in the midfield with Zeb acting as more of a CM than an AM and being the medium that connects the defence with the attack and Dale taking up a more defensive role than he usually would have. Angelo and Dinis has pretty straightforward roles and did what they usually did.

A coin was tossed to see who would get to kickoff and Elias won meaning they would get to kickoff. Each half would be of 5 mins as the blonde kid whose name was revealed to be Bernardo stated as they didn't want to waste time on this "silly game of Futsal" as he put it.

Aa soon as the timer started Elias kicked it off with a pass to Angelo. Angelo waited for Bernardo who was the opposite team's striker before passing to Dinis. Dinis has a lot of space in front of him as Bernardo had pressed Angelo so he slowly brought the ball up and as soon as the AM of the opposing team came to pressure him he chipped it to Zeb.

'Finally now to test my skills in an actual match albeit against amateurs.' thought Zeb.

Zeb ran towards their defender who instead of waiting for Zeb also ran towards him. Zeb skillfully nutmegged him with a roll chop and spotted the run made by Elias who was unmarked as the only other defender was running towards Zeb to stop him.

Upon seeing the other defender also run towards Zeb he sighed and simply gave a through ball to Elias who shot straight through the goalkeeper's legs and GOAL!.

Elias came to Zeb to thank him for not being selfish and passing the ball.

"COME ON GUYS WHAT ARE WE DOING ARE WE REALLY GOING TO BE BEAT BY THESE NOBODIES?!? WE CAN DO THIS WE HAVE DONE IT MULTIPLE TIMES DON'T SULK! SO BETTER!" Shouted Bernardo to his teammates who seemed really down especially the lad who was nutmegged by Zeb.

The game restarted with a pass to the goalkeeper of the opposing team.