Future Plans

Huh? Was he being serious when he said he had to keep me close to him?

"M-Move in with you?" I raised my brows at him, half-expecting him to laugh it off and say that he was only teasing me. I mean, I get it that we are mates but that didn't mean we had to rush things.

However, he looked me in the eyes and said in a dead-serious tone, "Yes. It's the only way I can think of to ensure your safety."

I giggled at the way he was being so restless for no reason. "Mr. Lockhart, I don't think I am in any kind of danger. You don't have to be so anxious regarding my safety."

"No, try to understand, Valerie." He suddenly tightened his hands around my waist as if he was afraid that I would run away again. "By now, I'm pretty sure everyone in our pack knows I found my mate. The rumor will soon spread outside of Moonlit Valley too. What if someone who holds a grudge against me decides to target you to get back at me?"

"Oh! That makes sense." I nodded.

He was right. Being the mate of the Beta of one of the most powerful packs wasn't something to be taken lightly. The gravity of my situation was slowly starting to sink into my head.

He took a deep breath and continued in a worried tone, "And you live in the neutral territory which is two hours away from here. I won't be able to protect you if something unfortunate were to happen to you. Which is why, I will be at much ease if you move in with me, where I can constantly keep an eye on you."

"Mhmm…" I couldn't agree more. If someone from the enemy pack found out that I was his weakness, they would definitely try to use that against him.

I was starting to feel that I shouldn't trouble him by denying his request when he was being so sweet and kind to me. If it was anyone else in his place, I'm quite sure they would have rejected me by now. I was lucky to have him as my mate.

Also, I was already overstaying my welcome at the orphanage. I had to move out sooner rather than later. So, the timing was perfect. Rather than finding a new place and shifting there, I could move in with my mate. I have to move in with him one day anyway.

He moved one of his palms from my waist up to my back and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Besides, now that I've finally found you, I don't think I can stay apart from you for even a single second."

That was it! The way he said that in his sensual voice was enough to fully convince me to move in with him.

I looked up at his handsome face. A grin automatically formed on my face when I saw him eagerly waiting to hear my answer. "O–" Er… I was about to agree to move in with him but it suddenly hit me that something he said earlier didn't quite feel right.

"You know where I live?" I looked at him curiously.

Within a split second, my overthinking brain sowed doubts in me.

Did he already know me? If he did, why did he pretend that he didn't know my name? What if… What if this whole thing was an elaborate joke?

But he is the Beta, for heaven's sake! What would he achieve by playing a prank on a girl like me?

"Valerie? Are you listening to me? Valerie? Valerie!"

I jolted from the dangerous rabbit hole when I heard him shouting my name and shaking me with a panicked look on his face.

"Dear Goddess! You scared me for a second there." He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. He then looked at me with his soft eyes and asked, "Do you do this often? Zone out?"

"Um… Yes…" I gave an awkward smile and lowered my head.

He didn't let me look away from him though. He pinched my chin and gently lifted it. He then tucked my hair behind my ear and said with a sweet smile, "As I was saying, I had seen you with Julia on the dance floor earlier. I recalled that she had a friend in Roseville. So, I thought you were that friend. Am I wrong?"

"No. I am that friend." I smiled back and sighed internally. I was overthinking for no reason.

Just when I was ready to give up on everything and move to human territory, the Moon Goddess blessed me with a mate and a pack. Since my mate is the Beta, I would naturally be a part of the Helblaze pack. I mean, they wouldn't make me an outcast just because I don't have a wolf, would they?

He probably noticed my conflicted look and thought I was still unwilling to move in with him. So, he said while trying to be considerate, "I'm not asking you to move in tonight. You can take your time. Or do you not like the idea of moving in with me?" He sounded anxious when he asked that question.

So, I quickly shook my head. "No, it's not that."

"Hmm… If I'm not wrong, you live in an orphanage, right? Or did you already move out from there?"

I looked at him in surprise. But then again, it's not so surprising because he already knew I was Julia's friend. "I still live there."

He thoughtfully nodded. "Then say a proper goodbye to your friends back at the orphanage and start packing your things. I will come pick you up whenever you are ready. But if you don't mind, I want you to move in with me as soon as possible, within this week if that's okay with you."

"Within this week, huh?" I mumbled to myself, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. How was I going to break the news to Julia and Ms. Pride? They would tease me without any mercy. I would also have to resign from my part-time job. But what about my school? I still have a few months left until I graduate.

"I will talk with the alpha and have you transferred to the school here," he responded when I expressed my concern to him. "Is there anything else that I can help you with?"

"I think that's it." I wanted to ask for his help with finding a new part-time job in Moonlit Valley, but Julia could help me with that.

Oh, right! I'm going to be closer to Julia again. I wouldn't have to wait weeks or months to hear from her.

I couldn't be any happier.

"Then when should I expect your arrival at my house?" He looked at me with his curious eyes. "I will carry out the preparations on my side accordingly."

"Next Friday?" I looked at him for his approval.

His smile reached his eyes upon hearing that. "Sounds perfect!" He giggled like a big baby and wrapped me in a tight hug. "Oh, before I forget…" He pulled away and slid his hand inside his pants pocket. He took out a mobile phone and asked, "You have a phone, right? Can I get your number? We have to keep in touch."

After exchanging phone numbers with each other, he held me by my waist and pressed my body against his. "One more thing, Valerie…" He then looked at me and said while gently rubbing his palm against my back, "Call me Caleb, not Mr. Lockhart. I'm your mate, not some random stranger."

"Yes, I will."

"I will what?" he asked with a mischievous smile.

I felt blood rushing to my cheeks when I saw how his eyes lingered a second too long on my lips. I surely looked as red as a tomato. "I will call you Caleb," I blurted out and broke off the eye contact.

Caleb laughed heartily and lovingly caressed my hair. "Good girl. Now, how about we go back inside? I want to have a dance with you, my mate."

"O-Of course." Ahhhhhhhh! He sure knows how to sweet-talk me and make my heart flutter.