
As soon as I stepped inside the hall, Julia came rushing to me at lightning speed, grabbed me by my shoulders, and asked in an aggressive whisper, "Val! Where the hell were you? People are saying all sorts of things about a girl in a sky-blue dress. Please, tell me it's not you."

"Tell you what, Jul?" I furrowed my brows in confusion as I stared at her troubled expression.

"That you–" She suddenly left her tight grip on my shoulders and straightened her back as if she had seen a ghost behind me. She quickly regained her composure and gently bowed. "Beta Caleb. I didn't see you there."

"Julia." Caleb stood by my side and almost made me jump by snaking his arm around my waist. "I hope you aren't angry with me for stealing your friend."

Oh, dear Goddess! I wanted to break the news to Julia tomorrow but… I can't put it off until tomorrow now that she saw me in his arms, can I?

So, I clasped my hands together and mumbled while avoiding looking at her face, "Jul, I um… I found my mate." I expected her to scream rowdily and make a scene while congratulating me but she didn't utter a word. Did she go into shock or something? I slowly lifted my head to look at her expression.

Uh… Yup. She went into a shock.

"Julia?" I poked her arm to get her attention but she gave me a fright by inhaling dramatically as if she had been holding her breath all along.

Caleb chuckled and sarcastically asked, "What's the matter, Julia? You don't look so happy for your friend."

Julia mechanically curled her lips upward and replied in a somewhat shaky voice, "No, Beta Caleb. I am happy. I j-just… I was taken by surprise. That's all."

"Hmm… Good. I know you must be eager to get the tea from your friend but I want to spend some more time with her. I hope that's okay with you, Julia." Caleb looked at me as though he was also asking for my permission, and smiled softly when I nodded.

"Of course, Beta." Julia bowed to him and stepped aside.

"Let's dance, shall we?" Caleb led me toward the center of the dance floor, his hand still wrapped around my waist.

I looked over my shoulder and mouthed to Julia, "I will talk to you later. Sorry!"

She nodded, her eyes full of worry. She is such a worrywart when it comes to me.

When I looked ahead, I realized that people were making way for us. Oh, I hate this. Caleb and I were the center of attention. Was it going to be this way from now on? Was I going to be under constant public scrutiny? I will have to be more careful. I shouldn't bring any shame to my mate.

I brought shame to my mate.

The moment I took Caleb's hand for the dance and tried to follow his lead, I stepped on the hem of my gown and tripped. I was lucky that he grabbed me before I hit my head on the floor.

People are going to remember this incident, aren't they? They are going to gossip and laugh at me, aren't they? Ugh! Goddess, kill me before I die of shame.

"Valerie, it's alright. Don't look so sad." Caleb's honey-like voice rescued me from the vortex of shame.

"Look at me," he ordered gently and I complied. "Now, follow my steps. I will match your pace so that you won't trip again."

I took a deep breath and fixed my gaze on his cheerful face. Just as he said, he slowed down his pace to accommodate me.

Even then, I struggled to dance properly because I could feel several sharp gazes on me.

However, as I kept moving my feet while keeping my focus on his kind eyes, I slowly began to lose myself in the dance and truly enjoyed the moment. I was tapping my feet and swaying my hips, spinning around and giggling. He made me move in ways I didn't know I was capable of.

I found myself in my own little world where all I could see was him and all I could hear was the beautiful music playing in the background.

I didn't know how long we danced, but when we finally stopped, we both were breathless. My feet were hurting but even that pain felt pleasant.

"I'm starving. Shall we eat something?" he asked while fanning his face with his palms.

I gulped dryly. I could kill for a glass of cold water. "Yes, please."

"Okay, let's go over there." He grabbed my hand and… Oh, no, no, no… He started leading me toward the room full of high-ranking members of the pack! I immediately began to panic.

Was he thinking of introducing me to everyone? Absolutely fu*king not! I need some time to prepare myself, to calm my nerves. I can't just waltz in there!

"D-Do we have to go in there?" I whispered to him in an attempt to stop him or at least slow him down.

However, he just kept on walking while pulling me along. "Yes, of course. I want you to meet the alpha."

"But…" I tugged his coat's sleeve and managed to stop him from advancing any further. "I've already met the alpha. Countless times. Shall we just have our dinner in some quiet place?"

He smiled and brought my hand closer to his lips. After planting a soft kiss on the back of my hand, he said, "You might have met him countless times already but you haven't met him after becoming my mate. As his beta, I must introduce you to him. However, if you are feeling uncomfortable, I won't force you. I can introduce you some other time."

I couldn't help but inwardly sigh at myself when his lips said something but his eyes said something different.

Why am I like this? Always a coward. I can't possibly keep this up forever–running at the slightest inconvenience. I need to change.

"On second thought, I think I will meet the alpha right now. I only need two minutes to calm my nerves."

"Oh, that's great!" He sighed in relief.

After taking deep breaths for a whole minute and wiping my clammy palms on the sides of my gown, I looked up at Caleb's patient face. "Okay, I'm ready now."

"Don't worry. They are going to love you," he whispered in my ear and then placed his palm on my back to lead me inside the room.

Upon entering the room, almost everyone inside laid their eyes on me as if I were some rabbit they were about to tear off with their fangs. I instantly stiffened and subconsciously held my breath in fear. Caleb probably noticed how nervous I was because he began to soothingly rub my back.

Without wasting any second, he announced to everyone in that room, "You all are already aware of how anxious I have been to find my mate. At one point, I was even depressed thinking that I would never meet my mate in this lifetime. But, at last, the Moon Goddess decided to smile at me. I've finally found my mate."

"Everyone, please meet Valerie Lane…" His loving gaze met my grateful eyes when he finished his sentence, "…my mate."

The stifling air in the room suddenly changed into a merry one when everyone there clapped their hands and cheered for us.

The more they cheered, the more I felt my cheeks and ears heating up.

Amidst the pleasant chaos, Caleb guided me toward the alpha and his mate. "Alpha, Luna, this is Valerie."

I smiled and bowed to both of them.

"So, we meet again." Alpha gleefully shook my hand and casually welcomed me to the pack.

He then immediately started to tease Caleb while shaking the latter by his shoulders. "Cally, I didn't know you could talk like that. You were 'depressed' huh? And anxious to find your mate. Come on, man! You're just 23. Don't sound desperate like an old virgin still waiting to find his mate."

Caleb didn't even try to resist the forceful shaking by the alpha. "It's easy for you to say that now. But didn't you infiltrate another pack when you were only 19 because you thought you would find your mate there?"

"Hey, don't bring that up now!" The alpha put Caleb in a chokehold. "That was more than a decade ago, you brat!"

Just when I was rethinking my decision to come and meet the alpha, Luna Rudina came to my rescue.

"Ugh! These two!" She held my hands and pulled me to the side. "Don't mind them. They are always like this, behaving like children when they are together."

I looked at them–they were still having a playing banter–and smiled. "They must have been quite close since childhood."

Luna Rudina also turned to look at them and said with a wide smile on her face, "You could say that. They've always treated each other like brothers." She laughed softly and added, "Magnus trusts Caleb more than me."

"Oh, you must be joking!" I laughed along with her.

The two of us somehow began talking. She asked some generic questions about my background, education, and aspirations. I found her to be very empathetic because she almost cried when I mentioned how I lost my parents and had to grow up in an orphanage.

I didn't reveal how I haven't had my first transformation yet though. I would be drawing a target on my back if I revealed such delicate matter in the room full of werewolves with sharp ears. Caleb might be accepting, but I know everyone isn't the same.

"By the way, how far along are you, Luna?" For the first time, I found myself taking the initiative to carry on the conversation with the person I had just met. Luna Rudina had this air around her that made me feel comfortable and safe.

She visibly looked excited after hearing my question. "I'm on my second month. Oh, I can't wait to meet the little one. I hope he looks like his dad."

"You're having a son?"

She replied with a little shrug, "We don't know it yet, but I want a son. Magnus says he wants a daughter though. Let's see whose wish comes true."

I already know the child, no matter the gender, is going to be loved and cherished. "I wish you an easy journey, Luna. Now that I will be moving here, please feel free to call me anytime if you need someone to talk to or anything in general. I will be happy to be at your service."

"Aww! Aren't you the sweetest?" She patted my hand and pointed her brows at my mate and hers. "Since they are like brothers, it would be nice if we also had a sisterly relationship."

"It would definitely be nice."

I had never imagined the luna would be so easygoing, but I'm glad she is.