Little Wolves' School

As I walked behind the administrator, I started counting my steps in order to divert my mind and calm my heart, but it wasn't working. Instead, with every step that I took toward my new classroom, I felt my anxiety level rising in intensity.

"We are here," that man announced after stopping in front of a classroom in the middle of the first floor's corridor. He lightly knocked on the door and looked at me with his fake smile. "Are you ready?"

No. But I can't do anything about it since you've already knocked, can I?

I sighed quietly and nodded. I didn't even try to return his smile because I knew mine would have looked faker than his.

When the door slid open, my heart almost leaped out of my mouth when a bulky and tall man stood before me. He had huge scars across his left eye, probably from the claws of a wolf. He was wearing a suit but his sleeves were rolled up, making him look like the leader of hoodlums rather than a teacher.

He ran his fingers through his shoulder-length dark hair and narrowed his soulless eyes at me. "Are you the new student?"

Yes. I tried to say yes but the word refused to come out of my mouth. I ended up gulping and nodding my head like a frightened mouse.

"Come in." He turned on his heels and went to stand on the podium at the front of the class.

I only stepped in when his impatient eyes darkened, demanding me to get in. I kept my gaze on the floor as I walked in and stood next to him.

"Why don't you introduce yourself?"

I almost jumped when I heard the teacher's sharp voice. My already low self-esteem was now negative. I wanted to get this over with though and run to my seat, wherever it was, so I mustered up some courage and looked up.

Big mistake.

I felt my soul leaving my body when I was met with intense glares from countless boys–almost all of them looked like they belonged to a gang or something.

Did the administrator perhaps bring me to the wrong class?

If not, why was this school's name so misleading? Why is it called Little Wolves' School when none of the students look little?

I came back to my senses when the teacher cleared his throat a little too loudly.

I immediately clasped my sweaty palms together and prayed that my voice wouldn't crack. "Hello! I'm Valerie Lane. It's nice to meet you all." … my voice didn't crack… but it shook as if a 4.7 magnitude earthquake was occurring inside my throat.

The classroom instantly erupted into murmurs. I don't know what they were saying, but the topic was obviously me.

"Her name is Valerie Lane." The teacher repeated in a loud voice, the students probably didn't understand what I said because of my trembling voice. He then pointed at the empty desk in the middle of the window-side column. "Go and sit there."

He didn't need to say it twice. I practically sprinted to my seat.

Ah! A girl! I felt some relief when I saw a girl sitting in front of my seat. I'm sure there were a few more girls in the classroom, but I didn't want to look around the class to find out.

I thought I would be safe from all the glares after I took the seat, but I was wrong. From the corner of my eyes, I saw some boys turning back to catch a glimpse of me. That wasn't the worst part. I heard them talking among themselves, not whispering but talking out loud without a care in the world.

"Lane? Have you heard of that surname before?"

"No, I haven't. I wonder if it's a beta bloodline from some other pack."

"It must be. Or else, why would our beta parade her around? He would have rejected her if she was anything below the Gamma bloodline."

I felt my gut twisting badly. If only they knew I was wolfless on top of coming from some insignificant bloodline.

Before their gossip escalated further, the teacher slammed a file on his desk and shouted, "Silence!"

The chaotic class instantly became absolutely silent.

I was thankful to the teacher for that. I finally understood why the school hired such a scary-looking teacher.

Although the teacher resumed teaching after that, I took my sweet time to calm myself.

After about 10-15 minutes, I lifted my head and looked at the board, the teacher was scribbling something. It took me a good minute to finally realize this was history class–werewolf history.

It suddenly dawned upon me that the history book I had in my bag was now useless, and I would have to learn about the werewolf history from now on–the topic I had never explored before–in very little time if I was thinking of graduating this winter.

I kept my gaze lowered throughout the rest of the history class because I wasn't understanding anything either way.

As soon as the bell rang and the teacher left, the students started to disperse as well.

Do we have a break now? Or do we need to go somewhere else to attend the next class?

The girl who was sitting in front of me turned around and smiled at me. "Is it true that you are our beta's mate?" Her hazel eyes with gold flecks were so full of life that it was hard not to notice them.

"I am." Ah! My voice sounded normal for once.

"That's awesome! I know a celebrity now!" She grinned and extended her hand. "Hi! I am Shera Wolfwood. It's nice to meet you."

Celebrity? I reluctantly shook her hand. "Valerie Lane. It's nice to meet you too."

"Let's be friends from today onwards, okay?" She looked at me with expectant eyes.

Huh? Is it this easy to make friends? "S-Sure," I mumbled, hoping that she would stop holding my hand if I agreed with her.

She did.

"Cool!" She giggled and then turned around. I thought this was it but then she rummaged through her backpack and faced me again. She handed me a small bottle of mango juice. "I will give it to you since you agreed to be my friend."