New Friend

"Thank you?" I took the juice bottle from Shera and smiled awkwardly to cancel out the questioning tone I used inadvertently.

I thought she would leave me alone but she tucked her loose blonde curls behind her ears and rested her chin on the backrest of her chair.

Why was she staring at me like that? Did she want me to drink the juice right now? Probably.

I twisted the bottlecap and took a sip of the juice. "It's really good. Thanks again."

"I'm glad you like it." She looked cheerful.

However, she was still looking at me like she was expecting something from me. I didn't have anything to offer her in exchange, so I tried to converse with her so that I wouldn't come off as a cold or rude person. "Do you have our class schedule? I want to check something but I forgot to get it from the administration office."

"I do. Give me one sec." She grabbed a file from under her desk and showed me her schedule. "I'm afraid I don't have an extra though. We can go to the office later and get one for you."

"That would be great. Thanks." I checked today's schedule and Caleb was right. The class would be over at 5 PM. And there was a ten-minute break right now, which was almost over.

The next class was Biology, which, again, was different from human biology that I was studying at my previous school.

Now I was sure that I was going to fail a few classes. I would end up repeating the term and disappointing my mate. If I knew I would be studying a different curriculum, I would have stayed back at Roseville until graduation. I'm sure nobody would have come at me with a pitchfork during that time.

During lunch, I sat with Shera. To be accurate, Shera sat with me, along with her two friends from another section. They were all eager to listen to my story about my first meeting with Caleb and how our mate bond snapped in place.

I didn't mind spilling the beans since they were kind enough to sit with me. I didn't have to feel like an outcast or some freak on display when I was with them.

Somehow, I got through the whole day without having a mental breakdown.

"Come, let's go to the administration office." Shera hooked her arm with mine after all the classes were over, and then led me to the office. Not only that, she even spoke up for me. "Mr. Montgomery! How can you be so careless? Valerie doesn't have a single book with her, nor does she have a schedule. Isn't it your duty to ensure she has everything she needs?"

The administrator looked at me and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry for the trouble, Ms. Lane." He grabbed a huge bag from under his table and said while handing it over to me, "I should have given this to you in the morning. But I got so overwhelmed in the presence of our beta that it completely escaped my mind."

"It's alright. Thank you!" The bag was quite heavy for just 5 books.

The administrator probably saw the puzzled look on my face. "I've also prepared notes for all the subjects, so it is a little heavy. The teachers were more than willing to let me photocopy their notes when I said it was for you."

"Oh, you didn't need to go to such an extent. But I really appreciate your help. Thank you so much!" I grinned like an idiot. I might have a chance of passing the term after all.

"Being the mate of the beta comes with its perks, huh?" Shera teased me as we walked towards the gate.

I felt a little embarrassed because it was true. It did come with its perks.

"Is he coming to pick you up?" She asked curiously.

"No. He's busy today."

"Then how will you go back? I saw the beta dropping you off in the morning, which means you didn't bring your own car."

Oh, hell. I just realized I didn't know my way back home. How was I supposed to go back? Is public transportation even a thing here? I had no idea.

"Umm… do you know how to reach Dillian Street from here?"

Shera furrowed her brows and asked in a suspecting tone, "You're not planning to run all the way to Dillian Street, are you?"

I quickly shook my head. "Of course, not! It's too hot." And I'm pretty sure it is too far to run too.

"Right?" She laughed and fanned her face. "Running is fun at night only, when the breeze is cool."

My heart skipped a beat when I realized what she truly meant. I'm sure I wouldn't want to turn into a wolf at the school gate even if I could. "What I meant was, can we get a bus or a taxi from here?"

"Oh!" Shera hummed for a moment and then shook her head. "I'm not sure either. My driver comes to pick me up every day, so I never gave much attention to it."

"Hmm… Is that so?" I sighed. "I guess I will ask around then." I waved my hand at Shera and smiled. "I will see you tomorrow. Bye!"

"Nonsense!" Shera grabbed my arm and pouted. "How can I let you leave when I know that you don't even know the way? Wait here with me. I will ask my driver to drop you home."

"No, no. I don't want to trouble you. It's alright." I tried to unhook my arm from her, but she tightened her grip even more.

"It's no trouble at all. Besides, I have my selfish reason to offer you the ride." She cupped her mouth and whispered to me as if she was telling me a secret, "I will get your home address. I can then drop by at your home for surprise visits." She winked at me and smirked.

No… Now, I really wish I could turn into a wolf and run away. I don't want Shera to drop by for surprise visits. I don't want to impose on Julia to entertain my guests, not when I am also a guest at Julia's home.

I tried my best to give a natural smile to this girl who was stubbornly clinging to me. "I appreciate your willingness to help me, but I don't think it is right to impose on you. I will find my way, don't worry." I pulled my hand away forcefully, but with a smile on my face so that Shera wouldn't mind my action.

I turned away from her and rushed towards the gate. However, just when I was about to cross the road, a car pulled over and blocked my path.