Keep it a Secret

I looked over my shoulder when I felt a tug on my bag. Shera was standing behind me with that grin of hers. She pointed at the car blocking my path and said, "My ride is here. Get in. Trust me, it's not a trouble at all."

Ugh! I couldn't come up with another excuse anymore. "I will take up on your offer then."

Shera happily opened the door of the backseat for me. When I got in the car, I saw a man with the same hair color as Shera in the driver's seat. The only difference was that Shera's hair was curly, while his was straight.

Was he really the driver?

Shera slammed the door shut after getting in and sitting by my side. "Ash, I wasn't expecting you." She questioningly raised her brows at that man.

Without sparing a glance at us, the man answered, "Peter had to drive Mom somewhere. So, Dad asked me to pick you up." He sounded rather blunt as though he was expressing his displeasure.

Shera hummed in acknowledgement and introduced me. "This is my new friend, Valerie Lane." She then looked at me and said while pointing at the man. "And this is my elder brother, Ashton Wolfwood. He is a gamma and he currently works under your mate."

That finally caught his attention. He looked at me through the rear-view mirror and gave me a nod, to which I also responded with a nod and an awkward smile.

I noticed that the siblings also shared the same eye color. Their facial structure, however, bore no similarities whatsoever.

"Brother, Valerie doesn't have a ride and she isn't familiar with the roads here. Drop her to her home first, will you?"

"Address?" His voice was cold, his gaze on Shera. I don't think he was happy about having to give me a ride. Is it too late to decline Shera's offer? It is! I'm already inside the car.

"Where did you say your home was again?" Shera poked me on my arm.

"27 Dillian Street."

"Seatbelts," he mumbled in a monotone.

I quickly did as he asked, even though I regretted getting in the car at all.

On the road, Shera asked me questions after questions about my personal life. I didn't want to open up to someone I just met today and tell her about me being an orphan and coming from an orphanage in Roseville. But I couldn't make up a lie either. So, even though I was unwilling to share, I ended up answering all of her questions.

"I feel sorry for you, Valerie. I didn't know you had such a difficult life." Shera placed her palm on my hand and gave it a little squeeze. "But now that you have found your mate, I'm sure your life will take a turn for the better."

"I'm hoping for the same." I took a deep breath and looked out of the window. I recognized the houses outside, we were getting close to my stop. I looked back at Shera, wanting to ask her a favor. I wanted her to keep the things that she learned about me a secret. I couldn't seem to speak up though.

Would she even agree with me if I asked her? After all, my story would make a nice morsel of gossip at school.

The car soon came to a stop at Julia's driveway.

"Is this where you are staying?" Shera looked at the old house as if she was in great disbelief.

I smiled and nodded. "Yes. I'm currently sharing a flat with my best friend."

"Huh…" Shera pinched her jaw and pouted. "With all the money our Beta has, I thought he would have bought a villa for you, or at least a brand new flat. I didn't know he was such a stingy man."

I couldn't help but defend my mate when Shera said such things about him. "No, no. Don't blame him. He was insisting that I move in with him, but I was the one who declined his offer."

"What?" Shera gave a karate chop on my head–a pretend one–and fisted on her hips. "Your mate asked you to live with him and you refused? I can tell you are too innocent but are you dumb too?"

I let out an awkward chuckle and scratched the part where she hit me. "I missed living with my best friend, so I wanted to fulfill that wish of mine before I permanently moved in with my mate."

Shera sighed heavily and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Alright, alright. It's your life. You don't have to give any excuses to me. See you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow." I glanced at the rear-view mirror. Ashton also happened to look at the mirror at the same time. So, I gave a polite nod. "Thank you for the ride, Mr. Wolfwood. And I'm sorry for the trouble."

"It was nothing." I think his tone sounded a little less indifferent than before.

I opened the door of the car, but I couldn't leave without asking Shera to keep my secret after all.

What if Shera thought it was okay to share things about me with her friends and they shared with some more people? The whole school would know about my "not-so-appropriate" background. People were already questioning my bloodline and whatnot, I don't want to be targeted for being ill-suited for their beta.

I turned to look at Shera and asked meekly, "Shera, I would appreciate it if you keep our conversation to yourself. I don't want rumors about me flying around the school. So, keep everything you've learned about me a secret, will you?"

"That's a given, isn't it?" She flashed that bright grin of hers. "We are friends, after all. I wouldn't go around spreading information about you."

"Thanks a lot." I sighed in relief and smiled at her. "Bye!"

"Bye!" She cheerfully waved her hand.

Right after I got out of the car, it instantly drove off from the driveway.

Julia had given me spare keys to the main door and her flat. She wasn't home yet, so I let myself in and arranged all my new books and notes in the rack. By the time I finished taking a quick shower, I was feeling completely drained. I had a long day today and was about to have a long night too.

Ugh! I wish I could go to sleep right away… However, I had no choice but to attend the dinner.

Oh right! I need to call Julia and let her know that I won't be home for dinner. I grabbed my phone and dialed Julia's number… only to hear the automated voice informing me that the number was no longer in service.

I face-palmed myself and sighed. How did I forget that she doesn't have a mobile phone? I need to delete her old phone number and get her office's landline number.

For now, I tore a sheet of paper and wrote a note saying I was invited to the alpha's residence. After sticking the note on the fridge for Julia to see, I was ready to make myself presentable for the night.