All Forgiven

My whole body trembled with rage, so much so that I had to sit down. "What do you mean why? Do I need a reason to call my mate? Especially after how we left things yesterday?" I shouted without caring that he was the Beta. For me, he was my mate before he was my Beta.

"Ah! Forget what happened yesterday. I wasn't in the right state of my mind."

I couldn't help but notice how he didn't sound apologetic, not even a bit.

"That's it? That's all you have to say?" I gritted through my teeth.

I thought he would apologize to me, give me a reason as to why he has been avoiding me since yesterday, but he replied in a rather irritated tone instead, "What else should I say? I told you I wasn't thinking straight yesterday! What more do you want to hear?"

My eyes welled up with tears. I felt a lump in my throat as I spoke. "Oh, I don't know… Maybe it would be nice to know why you didn't pick up my calls or why you didn't call me once after leaving in anger."