Food Delivery

I immediately put my bag on the table and lay down on the couch once I went upstairs. I thought back to the drive home with Shera and Peter. They both matched each other's energy perfectly. Peter was like a fun uncle while Shera behaved like a spoiled niece in his presence. The two of them were fun to be around.

My thoughts slowly spiraled to the one memory I wished I could delete from my brain. I began overthinking those girls' words even when I tried not to. I started having difficulty breathing. My body slowly grew colder and I began trembling.

I had to know the truth. I couldn't rest until I did.

I grabbed my phone with trembling hands and stared at Caleb's number on the screen, my thumb resting on the call button. But what do I ask once he picks up the phone? Should I just say "I heard this about you, is it true?" or should I ask where he was that night in a roundabout manner?