
It took me until Thursday for my health to go back to normal. I was finally able to resume the school on Friday. Julia dropped me off at school saying she didn't want me to fall ill again.

Shera greeted me loudly as soon as I walked inside the classroom, attracting the attention of a few others who were a little early for the class.

I lowered my head and sprinted to my seat. "Hey!" I greeted her back.

"I missed you so much, Valerie!" Shera turned around to face me and pouted.

I laughed. "Shera, you met me yesterday," I pointed out. She had come to meet me at home and left late at night.

"I mean I've missed sitting in the classroom with you. I've been feeling so lonely without you here," she mumbled in a pampered voice and pretended to cry.

I giggled and teased her. "We've only spent one day in school together. Surely you didn't feel that lonely without me."