Madam or Miss

"Young Madam? Young Madam?"

I groaned and furrowed my brows when I heard Myra calling me in my sleep. The medicines these people are giving me seem to be too strong. I can't seem to keep my eyes open for long these days. And even when I'm awake, I feel hazy as if I'm not fully aware of my surroundings.

"Young Madam? Your phone has been ringing for a while now. Shall I receive it for you and ask the caller to call you later?"

"Hmm?" I forcefully opened my eyes and looked at Myra's blurry figure. "Who's calling?"

"It says Julia." She brought the phone close to my face. "Shall I ask her to–"

"Oh, she's my friend." I held out my right palm.

Myra pressed the call receive button and pressed the phone next to my ear.

"Julia? How have you been?" I asked groggily.