Something Invisible

…something invisible was stopping that rogue werewolf from lunging at me.

I widened my eyes in utter shock and shuddered as that realization suddenly hit me. I replayed that final scene again and again in my head. The more I replayed it, the more it became clearer to me that I should have been dead, and not lying injured in the hospital.

Alpha Helblaze was at least a hundred meters away from me whereas that rogue was just a jump away from me. A split second was all that the rogue needed to slice my head off clean. He could have done that before Alpha Helblaze closed the distance and killed him. No, he should have done that from the way he was snarling at me and giving me a death glare.

However, something invisible held that rogue werewolf in place until Alpha Helblaze came running and finished him off.

What was it?

What stopped that werewolf from killing me?