Pet Name

Myra stood in my way once again, looking at me with pleading eyes as if asking me not to go to the dining hall and create a ruckus.

I took a deep breath and said to her in a whisper, "Don't worry. I'm mad, but not entirely. I won't humiliate myself or the beta in front of a third party. So, please, step aside before I get mad at you too."

I have no idea where all this anger and courage was coming from. But I was getting bolder by the day, not shying away from speaking my mind or showing my true emotions in front of others without a care in the world.

Before meeting Caleb, I had always been the kind of girl who bottled up her emotions and struggled silently rather than share her true feelings, not even with her loved ones. Look at me now! I was losing it in front of people I'd barely known.

I guess this is what love does to people.

Drives them crazy.

Makes them paranoid.