Hot and Cold

It was already around midday when I woke up the next day; it was probably around five in the morning when I finally succumbed to sleep.

After stretching my legs, I turned to look at Julia's bed. It was empty. I couldn't hear any sounds coming from the kitchen either, so I assumed she had left for her office and went to freshen up.

As I looked at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I saw how puffy my eyes still were.

It wasn't such a new thing anymore.

After freshening up, I thought of eating something because I hadn't had anything fulfilling since yesterday morning.

However, the moment I stepped out of the bedroom, I was startled badly when I saw Caleb silently sitting on the couch and staring at me. Then my eyes fell on Julia, she had dragged the kitchen chair to the living room's door and was sitting there with her legs crossed and arms folded.