
"This is Alexander," Queen Alana's voice broke the spell, and Bel turned away from him. "He is Davien's younger brother."

"A pleasure to make—" Bel started to say, but Alexander's scoff cut her off.

He walked to the couch and dropped himself on it, placing one ankle on the knee of the other leg and lounging without a care in the world.

"Where did you go?" The King asked sternly, and Bel realized this was the first time he spoke.

"I simply walked around the ground. After feeding, I needed some air," he said nonchalantly, looking at no one as he spoke.

Bel felt the air become awkward, but she found it relieving to know the vampires didn't have a perfect family. Alexander was a bit stuck up and rude, but the Queen seemed nice.

"I don't think the couple-to-be has had any time together," Queen Eleanor's high-pitched voice broke through the awkwardness, her fixed smile looking painful.

"I don't think they have," Queen Alana agreed, looking from Bel to Davien.

"It is a beautiful night, the moon is out. Bel, don't you think it would be nice to show Prince Davien how beautiful the castle compound is? You could show him your favorite spots," Queen Eleanor suggested.

"No," Bel said unsmilingly, "I don't walk around in the dark. The moon isn't bright enough for me to see, and it's best to see the surroundings in daylight, but I guess that won't be possible


"Bel," her mother scolded.

"I have something," Davien suddenly said. "I was going to give it to you as a wedding present, but I don't think there is a better time than now. It would definitely light up our path, and I am sure it will reveal just how beautiful the compound is."

Bel gave him an unimpressed look. Was he pretending not to notice that she didn't want to go on a walk with him? She would rather go to her room and eat dinner, but she couldn't say that now.

"You're going to give her that now?" Queen Alana asked, clasping her palms together. "You're going to love it," Queen Alana looked at Bel as she said this line.

Bel didn't like the bright look on her face. She looked genuinely happy and excited. Queen Alana was nice, and she found that she couldn't hate her even if she wanted to.

She didn't know how to feel about the King, but he didn't make her uncomfortable in any way. The only person that she was likely to have a problem with would be Alexander; he didn't like her, and it showed.

Bel forced a smile. "I don't need any—"

"I am sure she would," her mother interjected. "We can't wait to see it."

Bel swallowed the rest of her words as her mother's foot dropped on her toes. She knew if she declined, the old woman would press hard for it to hurt, and with the shoes she was wearing, it would hurt like hell. It was just a walk, and she could cut it short whenever she wanted. Thank goodness, she hadn't had dinner yet.

"I can't wait to see it," she forced a smile out.

"I will pick it up and meet you at the front door," he said.

Bel could tell he wanted her to look at him, but she kept her gaze on the floor, praying her mother would get her foot off of hers. Bel had no intention of responding, but when her mother pressed harder, she did.

"Of course," she said but made sure to keep her gaze down.

"Father," he said, bowing to the older vampire. Bel could see the resemblance, and she wondered if it was because of the conversation. "Mother," he hugged her, and she looked at him with a proud look on her face. "Alex," he nodded, but his brother looked away.

He walked past her, heading for the door. Bel's eyes widened as she picked up a familiar scent, but before she could remember it, it vanished. She watched him as he walked to the door, her forehead creased as she tried to remember.

Davien gave a nod to Stelian, who in turn bowed to him. The sound of the doors closing behind Davien plunged the room into an awkward space.

"Davien is a good boy," Queen Alana was saying, and Bel raised her head to look at the Queen's face. "And I promise he would make a fine husband," she lightly touched Bel's cheeks before she pulled away and walked to where her mate sat.

"It would be a pleasure to have you join our family," The King said.

Bel simply curtsied again. It was either that or she might spill the fact that she didn't feel the same way. All she wanted was for them to get out and take their marriage proposal with them.

Her mother copied her actions before leading her out of the room. Bel kept her mouth sealed as she was seething. She would probably have to walk with the prince for no more than half an hour; she could bear it.

"Aren't they so nice?" Queen Eleanor asked as they walked down the winding stairs.

"Yeah," Bel said absentmindedly.

Bel blinked as she realized the prince was at the bottom of the stairs. He stretched out his hand to help her down, but she ignored it and got off the last stair by herself. Her mother, on the other hand, looked more than happy to accept Davien's gesture.

Bel rolled her eyes and headed straight for the door. The guards were quick to open it before she got there, and she walked right out, the night air hitting her face.

Bel almost died of fright when she saw that Davien was right next to her as she stood outside the door. She didn't hear him walk up to her. He was close enough that she could touch him, and she picked up the scent again, but it was fleeting and hard to hold on to. However, it was familiar, and it bothered her.

"Here's your present," he said and pulled out his hand from behind him. "I don't know if you know it, but all you have to do is—"

"Light orb," she whispered, staring at the gem he held in his arm. It was more like a giant pearl than a gem. It covered his palm.

"You know it," he sounded relieved. "What do you think?"

"You got me a light orb?!"