Light Orb

For the first time, Bel looked at Davien's face closely. Now that he was this close, she could see his features better, but it was a little dark to see them clearly, and the torch wasn't giving much light. Still, it was enough to let her know he was a looker.

"You don't like it?" He asked.

Bel diverted her eyes from him and looked down at the orb. It stood still on his palm, unlit. She had heard of light orbs; that was why she recognized it at first sight. However, this was the first time she would ever see one; they were quite rare.

"I have never seen one before," she replied, her eyes wide in awe.

"Here," he said, moving his hand closer to her.

She looked up at his face and then back to the orb. "Are you sure you want to give this to me?" She asked. "This is a light orb; I doubt you have them lying around. It would be best to keep it for yourself."

"I don't need it. Vampires can see well enough in the dark. Well, we have to, considering we live all our lives hiding from the sun. Besides, I can't use magic, which means I can't use it."

She gave him a puzzled look, feeling a bit torn. Accepting the orb was essentially accepting his proposal, and she certainly wasn't doing that. However, this was a light orb. It wasn't every day you'd run into a jewel like this.

It was essentially a bulb, and once charged with enough magic, which was usually not a lot, it could light up a huge space, and the light could last for as long as four to eight hours. It did have a lot of downsides to it, but it was a great source of light. She knew it would be useful in a lot of situations, especially for her.

Bel didn't use staff or wands; she had never needed to. She had always been aware of the flow of her magic for as long as she could remember. Unfortunately, it made her realize she couldn't do anything else with magic other than to heal.

She couldn't even move things, and she definitely couldn't create light. All she could do was heal. It was a little disappointing, however, she knew she wouldn't trade her type of magic for anything.

She eyed the orb again. There was a chance it might not accept her magic, but she highly doubted that. As long as it was strong enough to light up the orb, it would accept it.

"Just accept the gift, Bel," her mother's voice reached her ears. She had completely forgotten the woman was still here.

She stretched out her hand, "I am not accepting this, but some light while I show you around would be good. As soon as we are done, I am giving it back to you," she said sternly.

Davien's face broke into a smile. "Of course, whatever you want. I am willing to accept your decision for now."

"For now?" She asked, horrified.

Instead of replying to her exclamation, he carefully placed the orb in her open palms. Their fingers touched lightly as she received it, and Bel didn't like the way it made her feel.

She held the orb in both hands and just stared at it. It was lighter than she expected. It still had some weight, and she knew if it fell from this height it would break, but maybe because of the size she had thought it would have some density.

"Light it up," Davien cajoled. His face lit up, and she knew he was also curious about it. She wondered if this was the first time he would get to experience seeing an orb get lit.

"Okay," Bel replied. Her excitement didn't let her see he had just given her an order.

Bel closed her eyes as she gathered her magic to her fingertips; she didn't want to miss the moment the orb turned on, so she didn't infuse it with magic until her eyes opened.

There was a flash of light in the orb, and then it came on, bright, almost blinding her. She almost dropped it at the suddenness of it.

"Too much," Davien said with a laugh.

Bel's fingers wiggled as she held the orb; it was getting hot at an alarming rate. If she held it for another minute, she would end up with serious burns.

"Let it go," Davien called.

"What?" She asked.

"Let it go," he repeated.

"No, it would break."

He smirked, "I guess you have never seen a light orb in action." He placed his palms underneath hers and pried her fingers away from the orb by spreading them apart.

The orb started to fall, and Bel tried to save it, but he didn't let her, and just as she was about to scream at him, the orb started to float. He slowly let go of her hands and took a step back.

Bel didn't like the fact that she thought his cool palms were soothing against her almost burnt ones, but thankfully, this was a fleeting thought as the floating orb was all she could see.

"It gets too hot," he responds. "If you had held it for much longer, it would have burned you. You cast the magic; it would hover around you until it burned out."

"It won't go out?" She asked. It moved around her, circling the top of her head and going as high as the ceiling of the colonnade but not enough to touch it. It was like it had a life of its own.

"No, not until the magic is done."

"How do you turn it off then?" She asked.

"Usually, you don't, but if you can take your magic out of the orb, it should turn off. Though not everyone can doâ€""

Bel stretched out her hand and called it back. She couldn't get it back, but she could disperse it, and she was curious to see if it would work. It did. However, because she hadn't put much thought into it, she completely forgot her magic was the reason it was floating. The light orb fell like a brick.