Don't Like Cake

"Thank you for the wonderful meal," Stelian said, suddenly standing to his feet. He bowed to the women and quickly made his way to the door. It was obvious the conversation was about to get really personal, and he excused himself.

Bel watched him go, frowning slightly. She couldn't quite place it, but something about the Dhampir made her curious. A lot of things about him seemed off, and there was the fact that he was a Dhampir cohabiting with vampires. Last she heard, the two races weren't that chummy.

"Was he a bad dancer?" Her mother asked again.

Bel tore her gaze from the door and met her mother's gaze. "Unfortunately, no," Bel reluctantly admitted. "He was a quick learner."

"Unfortunately? Don't you mean, fortunately?" Hazel joined in on the conversation.

"No, unfortunately, is quite right. I did say I wanted no part in this. I had hoped he would be a terrible dancer, and we would have to cancel the wedding because of how awful he is."