No Wedding Dress

Bel sat in her room, waiting to be called upon by her father. She had thought about interrupting several times but figured that wouldn't end well and just decided to wait. However, being stuck in her room was eating at her, and she woke wanting nothing else than to step out, but the fact that she still had guards following her everywhere made stepping out gruesome. It was definitely one of the things she needed to discuss with her father.

She grimaced as she recalled the face he had before leaving the dining room. Things felt a bit off, and at this point, curiosity was going to be the death of her. However, she had her own problems to worry about.

Bel heard the sound of her bedroom door opening, and her mother burst in with a panicking expression on her face. "Bel," she cried. "Oh my goodness."

Bel jumped out of her bed immediately, all the color fading from her face as she wondered what could possibly be wrong. "What happened?" She asked.