A Redo

Bel woke up to see Davien wasn't in bed with her. She groaned as she stretched out her hands. Did she oversleep? She pushed herself off the bed and stood beside it. She could tell she had slept well, and that annoyed her even more. She should have gone to her room after she woke up.

Bel made her way to the drawing-room, but it was empty. She frowned as she looked around, wondering where Davien could have gone. This was his room, why would he leave her in it? She didn't think too much about it but swiftly made her way to her room.

Giselle appeared even before Bel could call her, ready to help her get ready for the day. Bel chose a simple dress. She didn't really have many plans, but she didn't want to spend all her days indoors. Also, she was starting to find it a little weird that she was left on her own so often. Surely, there were duties the wife of the Crown Prince had to do. It wasn't that she wanted to do any of them; she just found it a little strange.