A Stranger

It was a couple of days after the picnic, and Bel couldn't believe Davien had convinced her to do this. She was dressed in chain mail and plate armor, which consisted of a breastplate, bracers for her arms, and a helmet. It was heavy, making moving around even more troublesome. How was she going to even lift her weapon dressed like this?

She drew the sword attached to her hip, and the glint made her flinch. She wanted to study the weapon a bit more, but there was barely any time as Davien stood in front of her, ready to strike. They both stood in combat positions behind the castle, in the open space meant for the horses with nothing but the field and stable in sight.

"Where is your armor?" she asked as she realized Davien wore nothing more than a tunic, a girdle, and a pair of pants. There wasn't even a sword in his hand.

"That's cute," he commented. "You really think you can cut me. I'll just take it that you care about me that much."