Chapter 44 - The Odyssey - Part 11

The other Diana continued, "Child, the day you can enter here on your own will be the day you should return to Orach. He will be able to unlock your full potential."

Diana listened attentively, making mental notes of the plan laid out for her. She was resolved to achieve the Pseudo Rosé form soon. The other Diana, having completed her guidance, decided to depart, leaving Diana with a few parting words, "Child, take good care of each other. You and Orach need to walk this journey together. I wish you a happy, fulfilling, and prosperous life full of love, and lots of children." With a gentle smile, the other Diana vanished.

Diana went red in the face but was thankful for the Goddess's guidance and blessings. She now knew what she needed to do. Just after the Goddess left, Diana and Hera were quickly thrown out of this world. They woke up soaking wet from their sweat in the mortal world, shocked and staring at each other. They got up slowly. Hera said, "Diana, that Goddess was incredibly strong. I couldn't move or say anything when she was here. But, if she came down to help you, it means Orach and you are very important. You need to listen to her and train like she said."

Diana absorbed Hera's words, igniting a spark of newfound enthusiasm. She was filled with anticipation and excitement, having a clear direction to aspire to. Simultaneously, her thoughts drifted towards the beautiful world of Sadala, Orach's homeland, and the legacy he represents. She felt a wave of gratitude towards Hera and the Goddess she just met, for their guidance and the glimpses into Orach's world she had been given.

While she was deep in thought, a big wave of energy buzzed through the air, coming from the land of man. Diana knew this feeling well and closed her eyes, trying to feel Orach's presence through their connection. She didn't feel any anger, hatred, or bad feelings, all she felt was just a strong intent for a fight. "He must be practicing in his Super Saiyan form" she guessed.

"Diana, this aura…it's Orach, isn't it?" Hera queried, her eyebrows furrowing as she felt the pressure spike. Diana nodded in affirmation, replying, "He should be training right now. I only sense an intense battle intent from our connection."

Hippolyta and Antiope, too, had felt the surge of power. The intensity of it left them in awe, and they murmured in unison, "My God! What power!" Diana could only respond with a wry smile.

"Diana, if possible, arrange a meeting between your husband and me," Hera requested. "I would like to introduce myself and possibly negotiate a pact of non-aggression, if not an alliance, with him."

At Hera's words, Diana felt a flush of shyness. The idea of referring to Orach as her husband was still new to her, but she nodded nonetheless, replying, "Once I return to his side, I'll try to gauge his reaction and arrange a meeting."

Satisfied, Hera nodded, "I have obtained the answers I sought, so I shall take my leave. However, one more thing. If, by any chance, Aphrodite manages to descend and tries to approach Orach…" Hera's eyes narrowed, her tone turning serious, "…you have my permission to knock her out and call upon me."

Diana was taken aback by Hera's statement. Her expression darkened as she asked, "Is Aphrodite aiming for Orach?" Unconsciously, she began to exude her God Ki, making the surrounding air grow heavy. Faint traces of a pink aura could be seen radiating from her.

Hera said, "Calm down, child." Her voice filled the room with a power that made people listen and obey. "Aphrodite behaves this way because she likes physical and carnal fun. But don't worry. As the goddess of marriage, I can assure you, the bond you share with your husband is unbreakable. His heart is yours and yours alone."

Hera's calming words seemed to calm Diana, putting out the fire of her anger. The internal storm she had been feeling began to lessen, replaced by a peaceful calm. However, she still couldn't shake off her worries about Aphrodite's charm. Even though Hera reassured her, Diana was still worried about Aphrodite's influence on Orach if and when they meet in the future.

While Diana was not opposed to the idea of sharing Orach with another woman in the future, a woman who could genuinely love and care for him, she was vehemently against the idea of Aphrodite, or any woman for that matter, seeking Orach purely for physical or carnal pleasures.

With this thought, Diana's grip tightened instinctively, her protective instincts flaring up. She was determined to protect Orach, to shield him from Aphrodite and anyone else with ill intentions. She felt her power surge within her, a primal force rising in response to her determination. It was a force of protection, a shield ready to deflect any threats to what she considered hers.

After a moment of silence, Hera shared an additional piece of wisdom before leaving. "Your reaction to just the news of Aphrodite's possible advances suggests that your heart already belongs to Orach. You're in love with him, whether you've acknowledged it or not. I suggest you fully accept your role as his partner... his wife, and focus on mastering the power within you, just as the Goddess recommended." At the end of these words, Hera vanished.

Diana felt the need to be alone to think about these words. She asked to go to her private room, and her mother, Queen Hippolyta, said yes. The Queen knew Diana must be feeling a lot of emotions, so she let her be alone without any objections.

After Diana left the throne room, Themyscira, which was once close to war, started to feel normal again. This was because Queen Hippolyta cancelled the war alert. The city, once filled with tension and determination, went back to its usual pace. The stone streets, which once were full of war expectation, were now busy with daily life.

However, the people didn't know that Themyscira was now home to a very powerful force, stronger than even a godking. Their city, their safe place, was more than a home for the Amazons, it was the home of a being that could potentially defeat a god. If the people knew this, they would have been very proud and happy.

In her quiet room, Diana thought hard. Hera's words were on her mind. After thinking, she felt ready to admit her feelings for Orach and accept being his wife. However, she decided to keep this to herself for now, due to the significant changes she was going through. She still felt that they needed to get to know each other more and grow together. Yet, she was relieved and felt at peace with the bond that had been established between them. She was his, and he was hers.

This newfound acceptance seemed to lift a great weight off her shoulders. It caused her God Ki to resonate harmoniously with her feelings, leading to an improvement in her control over this immense power. She felt lighter, happier, and a sense of peace washed over her. She felt ready, prepared to face whatever lay ahead, with Orach by her side. With this sense of resolve, she decided to waste no more time. Assuming a cross-legged position, she closed her eyes and began to meditate, focusing on connecting with her God Ki.

Her meditation lasted till dusk. When she awoke, her eyes shone with a faint gleam of divine might. She lifted her hand, made a fist, and called out internally to her Ki. A layer of faint pink aura enveloped her fist, bringing her immense joy and a sense of accomplishment. She knew that meditation was not enough, and she needed physical training. She decided to seek guidance from her mother and aunt for this purpose.

Feeling refreshed, Diana got up and went outside her room. It was evening, and the city looked warm and golden. For a moment, she thought about what Orach might be doing. But she quickly let that thought go, put on a smile, and walked to her mother's room. She was ready to face her future and all its difficulties.