Chapter 45 - The Talk - Part 1

At the same time as Diana and Hera's discussion, Orach was deep into his training. Through image training, he was sparring against a shadow of his father. The shadow, based on his father's moves from past spar sessions, served as a valuable training partner for Orach. He knew that, for now, this method was his only chance to spar with someone of equal strength and caliber. He hoped to find a sparring partner of equal strength in the future, at least someone who could match his base form. Little did he know, Diana was about to embark on a journey to become his partner in ways he couldn't yet fathom, offering the challenge he craved.

As Orach's training ensued at Wayne Manor, he could be seen throwing punches and kicks as if fighting an invisible enemy. After finishing his work in the bat cave and arranging a meeting with Lucius Fox, Bruce saw Orach's strange behavior on the security cameras. Thinking they were under attack, he quickly put on his Batman gear and ran to help Orach. When he got to the garden, he saw Alfred calmly drinking tea. Seeing Alfred relaxed, Bruce understood they weren't in danger. This was just Orach's training. Bruce decided to join Alfred.

"Hey Alfred. Mind if I join you?" asked Bruce as he approached the gazebo.

"Not at all Master Bruce. Please, join me. I have plenty of tea and biscuits. We can enjoy the show," replied Alfred, inviting Bruce to sit with him. Bruce nodded and took a seat next to Alfred.

"So, what's going on here? Orach mentioned he'd be training, but this intensity seems a bit much for just training," asked Bruce.

"I was dusting the gazebo because Master Orach seemed to enjoy the garden. I wanted it to be clean in case he chose to sit and watch the dusk and dawn. That's when I saw him in the air. He seemed to be doing breathing exercises, followed by light punches and kicks. It looked like he was trying to find a balance. Once he seemed to have found it, he stopped and closed his eyes. He then took what I can only guess was a fighting stance from his world. After that... well, you can see for yourself. If I had to guess, I think he's fighting a shadow," said Alfred, as he observed Orach's actions.

"I see. Shadows, huh? So, he's imagining an opponent he has fought before, reenacting or even predicting how that person would react, and then simulating an entire battle. This type of training, at this level of intensity... I can't imagine pulling it off," said Bruce, giving his view on Orach's training method.

"Certainly, Master Bruce. This training requires significant mental strength and focus. Despite the lack of a physical enemy, he's sustaining cuts and bruises. It shows he's fully engrossed in his training, and his mind and body are in sync. If he believes he's hurt, his body manifests it," added Alfred, amazed at Orach's training regimen.

"Yeah...I noticed that as well," Bruce paused as he scrutinized Orach's training, then continued, "This Orach has been defying all common sense ever since he arrived!" Bruce brought his left hand to his forehead and began to massage it, anticipating the headache that was coming.

"Haha! Master Bruce, it's to be expected that Master Orach, being a warrior, would behave this way. However, there's no need for concern. From what I've observed, he is a good man, much like you. I've gathered from your group's discussions that his aggressive approach only comes into play when his bottom line is challenged. His calm demeanor during your conversation, only reacting negatively when Superman unjustly labeled his race as tyrannical, speaks volumes. It appears that as long as you approach him respectfully, without arrogance, he can be quite pleasant. He seems to reciprocate respect in his own way," advised Alfred.

Bruce took Alfred's words to heart, having always valued his guidance. He agreed with Alfred's assessment of Orach, having had productive and even friendly conversations with him so far. He continued to watch Orach, nodding in agreement with Alfred's words.

Engrossed in watching Orach train, Bruce suddenly turned to Alfred, his voice heavy with contemplation. "Alfred," he began,"…you were listening to our conversation when we were reviewing the charter, weren't you?"Bruce paused awaiting confirmation and Alfred, in response, gave a slight nod, a small smile playing on his lips. Bruce nodded in return and continued,"You know my stance against killing, but the reality Orach describes is hard to ignore. People like Joker, they don't show any signs of changing. They just continue to destroy lives without any remorse."

His gaze hardened as he continued, "Joker has even managed to pull Dr. Harlene into his madness, creating Harley. His madness is not just destructive, it's infectious. It's a terrifying thought that Orach's scenario could potentially become reality. Joker could easily wreak havoc in another city, causing a disaster just for his own amusement, just for a laugh."

Bruce paused, his voice tinged with regret, "And the ones who will pay for his 'joke' will be the innocent ones."

A moment of silence lingered between them before Bruce continued, "I can't deny that a part of me agrees with Orach. Maybe it's time to reconsider my principles, maybe I should make an exception for such people. Maybe I should pick up a gun once more and put an end to Joker's reign of terror before he creates a real tragedy and I'm not there to stop him."

Alfred, knowing he had Bruce's full attention, continued softly. "Master Bruce, as a former soldier, I understand the reasoning behind Orach's approach. Removing a threat permanently prevents future harm, albeit at the cost of crossing certain moral boundaries. Given these people's madness, the soldier inside me believes that perhaps you should consider amending your group's charter as Orach suggested. However, as your butler and as someone who has seen you grow from a boy into the man you are now, I urge you to stick to your current principles. Taking a life, Master Bruce, is more than just an action. It takes a heavy toll on you, more than just physical. It leaves a mark on your psyche and your soul. Even you, Master Bruce, once resorted to lethal methods when you braved the dangerous streets before becoming Batman. You nearly took a life, a memory that likely still haunts you. If you hadn't found out the next day that the man had survived, you would've been burdened with guilt.

The weight of having taken a life would've cast a shadow over all your actions. I remember how you felt when you came home that night, believing you had killed a man. You were sick with guilt, every part of you rejecting what you thought you had done. That was your reaction, even after all your training at Nanda Parbat with Ra's al Ghul. His philosophy was all about killing, about drawing power from darkness to eliminate enemies. Despite being his supposed best student, you couldn't reconcile with the feeling of taking a life. After that incident, you interpreted Ra's al Ghul's philosophy in your own way, harnessing your inner darkness to become Batman. Even though you draw power from darkness, Master Bruce, your heart remains pure. You've managed to maintain your humanity and stay true to who you are. And for that…" Alfred softly concluded, "I am eternally grateful."

Bruce sat silently next to Alfred, his mind drifting back to a painful memory Alfred's remarks had resurrected. This memory had led him to establish a moral code he vowed never to break.

Alfred's words served as reminders of Bruce's past and his journey from a vengeful young man into Gotham's guardian. 

Bruce glanced at Alfred, his usual stern demeanor softened. "...Thank you, Alfred," he murmured, "I... I needed to hear that."

Alfred gave a subtle nod, his eyes reflecting deep thought. He continued, "Having said all that, I do see some merit in Orach's suggestion. He's meeting you halfway, showing respect for your belief in offering these criminals a second chance, even if he personally disagrees. His proposal implies that only those beyond redemption, like Joker, should face judgement and execution. So, perhaps there's another way, a different approach that can remove these dangerous elements without resorting to killing. We could consider imprisonment in a remote location and simply...throwing away the keys."

Bruce pondered Alfred's suggestion and found it plausible. After a moment of contemplation, he nodded at Alfred, "Agreed. It's a better option. I'll arrange a video conference with all members soon and I'll bring this idea up. Alfred, I need your help. I don't want Orach participating in that meeting," he stated seriously, anticipating resistance from Orach.

Alfred, though somewhat reluctant, agreed. Turning his attention back to Orach, who was engrossed in his training, he said, "It's been close to 2 hours since he started. Initially, I could follow his movement, but now…he is just too fast." He sighed, Bruce agreed, only able to see Orach's movements when he slowed down to dodge an attack. "When I could see his movements, I noticed that his fighting style is unique and deadly. I tried to imagine the impact of his strikes on a human body and could not imagine anyone surviving. Master Wayne, I know you've asked him to train you all, but I want you to be careful. His training method might be too intense," he expressed in a serious tone.

Bruce nodded, "Thanks, Alfred. Witnessing this helps anticipate what to expect from his training. He said he would first assess our strengths and weaknesses before designing a training regime. Still, I'll touch base with him to ensure we can endure the training," he concluded with a wry smile.

They suddenly sensed an immense pressure in the air. Orach was there, with golden hair and a golden aura surrounding him. Bruce had already seen Orach transform once and maintained his composure, but was visibly sweating. Alfred, witnessing Super Saiyan for the first time, was astonished. The only words he could muster were, "Oh my…" as he felt the pressure.

The pressure eventually lessened and disappeared, but Orach remained in his Super Saiyan form. They realized he could control his aura even in this state. Later, they saw his hair turn blonde, indicating a further transformation to the full-powered Super Saiyan state. He resumed his training in this form.

Orach continued his training for another two hours until 1pm. Alfred and Bruce had left earlier, as they couldn't see anything once Orach turned Super Saiyan. Alfred started preparing a large meal for Orach, while Bruce headed to Wayne Tech.

When Orach decided to end his training he found himself starving and hence, he rushed to find Alfred. "Alfred…FOOD!" he shouted as he entered the manor's dining hall. Alfred, initially taken aback, directed Orach to a seat in the hall.

Orach sat down and eagerly awaited his meal. Alfred served him a Yorkshire pudding with chicken sausages and gravy, as Orach preferred any meat but beef.

After enjoying his lunch, Orach thanked Alfred and went to his room to prepare for his evening meeting with Lucius.