Chapter 64 - Unyielding General Kneels to None - Part 13

Orach, hovering high in the sky, was taken aback by General Zod's unexpected words. His eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed intently on Zod as he slowly descended. He towered over Zod, a colossal figure of 60 meters, an imposing titanic Oozaru, standing amidst the ruins of shattered buildings. His menacing red eyes stared down at the General, emitting an intimidating aura.

However, he wasn't the only one observing Zod. Inside the ship trailing Orach, the Mother Empress also watched Zod closely. Her data banks held no information about previous missions to this lower realm, making it an unexplored territory to both Orach and the Mother Empress. Yet, a being from this very realm was now identifying Orach as a 'Saiyan.'

Suffice it to say, Zod had captured the undivided attention of both Oozaru Orach and Mother Empress. As the ship steadied in the sky, a large hologram of Mother Empress, depicted in her Super Saiyan God Red form, appeared. Elegantly seated on a throne, her gaze was fixed on Zod, intensifying the atmosphere.

The battlefield fell silent at this sight, halting all attacks. Everyone's focus was now on the unfolding scene. Earth's defenders, including the Justice League and army leaders who were familiar with Orach and his race, watched anxiously. Zod's correct identification of Orach's race intrigued them, as they had been previously informed by Orach that his race had never ventured to this realm. Justice League members, including Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman, moved closer, expecting the conversation to resume. It was clear that all attention was on Orach and Zod

General Zod POV

As I witnessed the monstrous figure descend before me, its menacing eyes bore into mine, sending chills down my spine. In that moment, my mind was involuntarily drawn back to the ancient texts hidden deep within the forbidden archives of Krypton. I remembered the first time I came across those antiquated documents, my blood boiling with an uncontrollable rage over the history they narrated.

Until this very day, I would not have hesitated to eliminate anyone who dared to believe in those disgraceful events from our past. However, now, faced with this towering creature, I found myself unable to deny the truth of our dark history. The forbidden texts were not mere myth but a stark reality. Every detail, from those terrifying eyes to the monstrous figure and the intimidating tail, was exactly as described in the texts.

If these 'Saiyans' indeed existed, then the shameful chapter of Krypton's history was undoubtedly real. We, the mighty Kryptonians, once shackled and oppressed, were nothing more than slaves.

As these thoughts flooded my mind, I found myself caught between awe and defiance. Despite my overwhelming desire to reject this part of my race's history, this beast's mere existence validated the texts' authenticity. Then, out of nowhere, an image of the most exquisite beauty I had ever seen materialized before my eyes. An elegant figure with blazing red hair and eyes. She stared right at me, her gaze piercing my very soul. Then, her voice echoed in the space between us, "How do you know about us Saiyans, Kryptonian?"

Her question didn't shock me as much as the 'us' did. I was taken aback, realizing she was a 'Saiyan' as well. I couldn't help but think that perhaps Saiyans could transform between humanoid and monstrous forms. If the stories were true, then I couldn't dismiss her inquiry, fearing the Saiyans might destroy everything. So, I answered, "When I first became a General, the high council of Krypton made me study the forbidden archives. They wanted me to learn from our ancestors' past to prevent grave mistakes from being repeated. While studying these records, I discovered a shameful part of our race's history. The story described seven giant monsters descending upon a Krypton colony and utterly destroying it."

I paused, my mind filled with the vivid imagery from the ancient texts. I took a deep breath and said, "The details of these giant monsters match closely with your companion." I pointed to the 60-meter monster next to her. Neither of them seemed to react. I went on, "This chapter of history recalls an era thousands of years ago when our ancestors were subjugated and enslaved." I gritted my teeth as I uttered the last words.


A low growl rumbled from the monster, its eyes glowing red as it glared at me, silent but intimidating.

The woman stayed quiet, her face expressionless, her eyes alert and observant. So, I carried on, "Our ancestors were not just enslaved, they were used as experimental subjects in the Vrangs' twisted biological engineering projects. They aimed to create living weapons, using our kind as raw material. In fact, the biotechnology that our civilization has been using for eons is based on the technology left behind by the Vrangs. But back in those dark days, their experiments were a source of fear and torment. They separated families, performed cruel and despicable experiments on the vulnerable. It was a period of despair, of helplessness. It was our race's darkest hour."

I paused, overcome with emotion. As I surveyed my fellow brethren, I saw their faces etched with shock and dismay. The realization that our once proud people were treated like mere playthings was a tough pill to swallow.

Closing my eyes, I tried to calm the anger building up inside me. I remembered the details and took a moment to gather my thoughts before carrying on, "To my surprise, the records revealed that the Vrangs themselves were slaves to another, more powerful race. This master race, according to the records, hailed from an entirely different dimension. It was they who gave the Vrangs their orders and oversaw the horrifying experiments conducted on our ancestors."

I paused, to catch my breath, before I continued, "The records speak of a day when the members of this so-called master race descended upon Krypton to carry out their experiments personally. Their goal was a chilling one - to create soldiers to wage a war and exact vengeance on their enemies, specifically an alliance and a race known as the 'Saiyans'."

Noting that their expressions remained unchanged. I pressed on, "The records recount the horrifying day when seven terrifying creatures descended upon our world and wreaked havoc, unleashing destructive energy beams from their mouths. Their arrival instilled fear in the master race. It is stated in the records that these monsters made a point of hunting down each member of the master race, slaughtering them mercilessly."

"The recorded accounts tell of one of the members of the master race uttering the word 'Saiyan' with his dying breath, crushed under the foot of one of these monsters. Our ancestors watched on in terrified silence, paralyzed by fear, as these seven monsters decimated their masters. Yet, the records indicate that, for reasons unknown, our ancestors were spared. The seven monsters, having completed their grim task, ignored the remaining Kryptonians and ascended back from whence they came, never to be seen again."

"With their oppressors defeated, our ancestors found the strength to rise up and rebel against the remaining Vrangs, ultimately driving them out for good. The records contain a solemn promise made by the survivors, 'Never again would Kryptonians bend the knee to an outside force. Never again will we be slaves!' From that moment, the great Kryptonian Empire was born, and a new era for our race began."

Back then the records had left me with more questions than answers. Who were these Saiyans? Did they really exists? Why did they spare our ancestors? And most importantly, would they return?

Just then the woman asked, "What was the name of the 'master' race behind the Vrangs?" After a moment, I answered, "The records mention them as the 'Tuffles'."

Upon hearing my response, the woman's expression changed. Her eyes went wide before becoming serious and cold. The monster grew eerily quiet. It seemed they knew about this race. Could they be from the same higher dimension? If so, it's no surprise I didn't find any references to 'Saiyans' in any of the worlds I visited. Until now, I had assumed these were merely myths.

End of POV

The conversation revealed shocking news that affected all Kryptonians there. Even Superman, or Clark, felt mixed emotions as he learned about his homeworld's dark history. For the rest of the Justice League and the Army, the Kryptonian history was interesting, but their main focus was on being careful against the Kryptonian enemies.

Wonder Woman, however, was more concerned with her connection with Orach. She observed a significant surge in Orach's emotions when Zod mentioned the 'Tuffles'. Reading Mother Empress's change in expression, she grasped that these 'Tuffles' and 'Saiyans' share a complex, most likely strained relationship.

Suddenly, Mother Empress's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, her tone as icy as the vast expanse of space, "Kryptonian, did your archives depict any symbols on the armor of the Saiyans who descended upon your world?"

"Symbols? The archive does contain a partial representation of a symbol, but..." Zod began, his confusion apparent. However, before he could continue, Mother Empress waved her hand, causing thirteen symbols to materialize in front of Zod. "Kryptonian, these are the thirteen symbols of power for Saiyans. Do any of these remotely match the symbol depicted in your archives?"

Zod's gaze was drawn in by a circular symbol with jagged edges, its center filled with a dark blue energy that seemed to churn ominously. The archives contained only a fragmentary representation of this symbol, but seeing it now, in all its completeness, Zod recognized it. He felt a mix of fear and oppression, a strange feeling that he couldn't ignore as looked at the symbol.

Observing Zod's fixation on the symbol, Mother Empress found the confirmation she sought. She waved her hand once more, and all 13 symbols dissipated into thin air, preventing any potential harm their inherent law power might cause to the beings of the lower realm. Zod snapped out of his trance, taking a moment to collect his thoughts before returning his gaze to the Saiyans in front of him.

"You Kryptonians are extremely lucky to have survived for this long," Mother Empress stated, her tone icy and detached.

"Lucky?" Zod retorted, his anger evident. He pointed an accusing finger at her, his voice growing indignant. "Our ancestors were chosen by those filthy 'Tuffles' to be your opponents, a testament to our potential. Our great race, through sheer persistence and determination, survived and established an empire. Our race is as strong as yours, if not superior."

Mother Empress's eyes grew colder at his words, but before she could respond, a bone-chilling roar echoed through the sky.


The deafening roar seized everyone's attention. They witnessed Orach, in his Oozaru form, whose eyes glowed momentarily. Suddenly, Zod was seen flying backwards, crashing into buildings and causing shockwaves. None saw how Zod was sent flying, but in reality, it was Orach's tail that had struck the ground in front of Zod, catapulting him away. After their initial shock wore off, the Kryptonians, fueled by anger, launched themselves towards Orach.

Orach remained still, allowing the incoming attacks to approach. The Kryptonians unleashed a flurry of attacks, from heat visions to powerful punches, they tried everything to bring down Orach. Orach merely snarled and used his tail to swat away the majority of the attackers, crushing them as if they were mere insects. This scene shocked those present. The enemies that had given them such a hard time, causing them to lose so many of their comrades, were being decimated effortlessly.

With the battlefield strewn with the fallen bodies of Kryptonians, only the wounded Faora-Ul, Jax-Ur, and Zod remained standing. Zod, emerging from the ruins of the building he had collided with earlier, took in the sight of his fallen comrades. His eyes flared a vivid red, not just from the inbuilt heat vision but also from the simmering rage within him. However, instead of launching an attack, he chose to voice his fury.


At Zod's accusation, the towering Oozaru Orach turned his beastly gaze towards the Kryptonian general. His eyes, glowed red and narrowed. He then turned his attention towards the second moon in the sky, the source of his current transformation. Opening his mouth, he unleashed a massive energy blast towards the moon, aiming to destroy the projector that was casting the Blutz Waves causing his transformation. The energy beam shot through the atmosphere, tearing through the sky like a lance of pure power, its intensity lighting up the sky.

Watching this display from her throne, Mother Empress could only let out a sigh of resignation. The destruction of the projector was not only unnecessary but also a waste of valuable resources. "Young Master..." she lamented with a sense of helplessness, "Couldn't you have simply instructed me to shut off the projector?" They could fabricate another but, would take time.

However, her words fell on deaf ears, as the projector in the sky was obliterated by Orach's energy blast, causing a small explosion that was visible even from the ground. The once bright second moon in the sky was now gone, signifying the end of the Blutz Waves.

With the source of his transformation gone, Oozaru Orach began to shrink back to his humanoid form. Sensing this change, Mother Empress rose from her throne. Her dress sleeve, expanded and stretched out to envelop the entire body of the shrinking Oozaru Orach.

As Orach transformed back into his humanoid form, he stood tall, adorned in his basic nanotech suit. Mother Empress pulled back her sleeve to reveal him. His eyes were fixated on Zod. Landing on the ground, Orach turned to face Zod and said, "You wanted to fight straight on as a warrior, right? Here I am." Orach then stretched out his arm in an inviting gesture and continued, "Come."

Without any further hesitation, Zod lunged at Orach with a forceful right-hand punch. To the onlookers, Zod seemed to move with incredible speed. However, to Orach, his movements were slow and predictable. Yet, Orach chose to confront this challenge as a true warrior would. He deftly deflected Zod's punch with his left palm while simultaneously sending him flying in the opposite direction with a powerful push from his right palm. Zod flipped over in mid-air, managing to break his fall by planting his feet firmly in the ground. He stabilized himself and then heard Orach's mocking voice.

"Is this it? Is this the extent of an experienced Kryptonian warrior's strength? Is this the so-called potential you're so proud of?" Orach asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Without warning, he vanished from his standing position only to reappear directly in front of Zod, delivering a harsh slap to his face that sent him flying once again. Zod's body crashed and rolled over the ground, his face bloodied. He couldn't comprehend the stark disparity in their strengths. His expression twisted with pain, his pride severely wounded, and his anger escalated with each passing second.

Just as Orach was about to further deride the defeated Zod, his right hand instinctively caught a surprise punch from Faora. Although taken aback, Faora refused to back down. She used her legs to ensnare Orach's neck. However, Orach simply caught her thigh and effortlessly threw her to the ground. He then stomped on her face, pinning her to the ground. Seeing their General in such a vulnerable state, Faora couldn't help but attack. But, now with her opponent's foot pressing her face into the dirt, she felt weak and helpless. For the first time in a long time, she felt utterly defeated, and tears silently trailed down her face.

Witnessing the grimace on the Kryptonians' faces, Orach couldn't help but reveal a slight smile. "What were the Tuffles thinking? You Kryptonians are pathetically weak. No matter how they genetically modified you, your race could never match up to us Saiyans," he taunted.

Zod gritted his teeth in response to Orach's disparaging comments but found himself at a loss for a suitable retort. Orach continued, "Fine. I'll lower my power level to match yours and give you a fair chance. Let's try this again. Come, Zod. Show me your warrior spirit." As he finished, Orach once again raised his arm, making an inviting gesture.

With a loud shout, Zod lunged at Orach again, pouring all his strength into his next attack. Orach met his challenge with a smile, moving to meet Zod midway, their punches colliding in a show of force. Orach matched Zod blow for blow, the sounds of their fierce battle reverberating across the field. The intensity of the fight escalated with each passing second, the tension hanging heavy in the air.

Wonder Woman's POV

"Why is Orach doing this?" I found myself asking aloud as I watched Orach and Zod locked in their relentless battle. I knew that Orach could bring the conflict to a swift end, yet he chose to prolong it. It was a decision I found difficult to comprehend.

As if in response to my unspoken query, Mother Empress's voice resonated in my comm, "Young Master is answering the Kryptonian's challenge as a warrior. Moreover, this matter involves the 'Tuffles,' making it a grave concern for a Saiyan, especially for the heir of the House of Gula. So, he wants to use this opportunity to investigate something."

I surveyed the other champions and remaining soldiers. Their expressions remained unchanged, revealing no indication they had heard Mother Empress' voice. It seemed she had created a private channel, a discreet hack showcasing her skill. I sighed, deciding to disregard the intrusion.

"Mother Empress," I began, curious about the term she had mentioned, "Who are the 'Tuffles'?"

"Tuffles are a race of sinners. They annihilated an entire lower realm and instigated the last great war in the higher realms. Diana, if the Young Master decides to confront Clark, I implore you not to interfere," Mother Empress said with grave seriousness.

The revelation sent a shiver down my spine. The notion of a race capable of obliterating an entire universe was both repulsive and horrifying. However, Mother Empress's request left me puzzled, "Why would Orach confront Clark?"

"Every member of the Alacrity Galactic Alliance is sworn to eliminate anything or anyone related to the Tuffles. These descendants of the bioengineered Kryptonians, being a creation of this condemned race, must also be eradicated," she responded.

The answer shocked me,"Why? Why so extreme? I understand the severity of the Tuffles' crimes, but Kryptonians are merely victims of the Tuffles. And Clark is different. He was raised on Earth, instilled with Earth's values. How can you justify harming Clark?"

"Diana, you don't understand," the Mother Empress replied. "Saiyans value life and its endless possibilities, and we generally avoid killing unless it's necessary. However, when it comes to Tuffles, none can be spared. You don't understand their operations, their mentality and the fate of worlds they've conquered. Being a slave under them is worse than death. They may not be powerful by themselves, but their technology makes them formidable. They've survived in various forms and wreaked havoc on entire worlds. Even after their eradication in the higher realms, it's highly probable that the Tuffles left something in the Kryptonians' genetic code that could enable them to return. If the Young Master decides to act against Clark, it would be justified. We cannot allow the Tuffles to reappear."

I was left speechless. A part of me wanted to argue, to defend Clark. But another part of me understood that Orach and Mother Empress knew more about the Tuffles and their creations. Considering the way Mother Empress had described the Tuffles' crimes, it seemed wise to trust Orach's judgment in this matter.

Caught in my own inner turmoil, I was jolted by a thunderous crash echoing across the battlefield. The resulting shockwave was so forceful that the ground beneath me trembled. Instinctively, I raised my shield, bracing for the energy wave. Once it passed, I looked up in time to see Orach hurl Zod into the ground again, shaking the earth with his strength.

End of POV

A moment of silence preceded Orach's voice, echoing across the battlefield, "Do you have your answer now, Kryptonian? Will you continue this futile struggle, or do you yield?"


Suddenly, a sorrowful laughter filled the air. It was Zod, pushing his battered body up from the crater. His voice, filled with pain, cried out, "Why? Why do you exist? Why must we Kryptonians, despite our inherent power, suffer so? WHY?"

His voice echoed, a raw scream of frustration and anger. He paused, gathering his thoughts or perhaps his strength. Then, with fierce determination in his eyes, he declared, "Let's end this, Saiyan! Forget about making me yield. I, Zod, KNEEL TO NONE!"

Orach, hovering in the sky and seemingly unfazed by Zod's declaration, responded, "Fine. Have it your way." The battlefield fell silent as Orach raised his palm and unleashed an energy blast towards Zod. The blast struck Zod, enveloping him in a brilliant light. When the light subsided, the unyielding general was gone, leaving no trace behind.