Chapter 65 - Timey Wimey Past - Part 1

At the realization of Zod's demise, a heart-wrenching scream echoed through the battlefield. "NNNNNNOOOOOOOO!" Faora cried, falling to her knees with tears streaming down her face. The loss of her leader and her friend was too much to bear. She felt an emptiness gnawing at her from the inside, a bitter void left by the loss of the General.

Jax-Ur, on the other hand, simply slumped to the ground. His eyes, once filled with the cold ambition, now held nothing but hopelessness.

For the defenders of Earth, after the intense battle, seeing their enemies defeated was a sight that offered them a brief moment of relief and victory. However, this fleeting sense of victory was abruptly shattered.

Without warning, Orach disappeared from his current location, reappearing on an army vehicle where a few captured Kryptonians were held. Before the soldiers or the members of the Justice League could even register what was happening, Orach's hands were already on their heads. In an instant, his energy surged, burning their bodies to ashes.

Orach then vanished again, reappearing before Jax-Ur. Before anyone could intervene, Jax-Ur was met with a swift and swift blast of energy, ending his life instantly. Lastly, Orach appeared before Faora, meeting her sorrow-filled gaze with his own impassive eyes.

"Your General, although weak, was a warrior," Orach spoke, his voice emotionless. "Find solace in your death, knowing that the man you admired died a warrior's death, holding true to his principles."

As he raised his palm to Faora's face, preparing to deliver the final blow with another energy blast, Superman made his move. Aware of the vast disparity in strength between him and Orach, he decided to rescue Faora and create some distance before attempting to reason with Orach and dissuade him from killing her.

Superman moved with all the speed he could muster, scooping Faora up in his arms and flying away from Orach. He handed her to the nearby soldiers to capture, after which he asked them to get clear from the area since he knew that if he didn't handle the situation with Orach well, these soldiers could die. He faced Orach meeting his gaze. He saw that Orach merely looked at him with a blank expression, and just standing in his place without making a move. This confused Superman but, he took this as an opportunity to convince Orach to do the right thing. He decided to voice his opinion,"Orach, we don't need to kill her. While you were away we found another way to deal with dangerous criminals. We can banish her to a separate space called the 'Phantom Zone'. In this space, she will trapped for the remainder of her life without any chance of escape beside us letting her out. So, please stop this madness."

Hearing these words, Orach still didn't show any change in expression and kept staring at Superman.

To the outside world, Orach appeared silently ignoring Superman's words. However, inside his mind, he was deeply contemplating his next step. He was assessing the situation while Mother Empress updated him about the events of the war before his arrival. She did this by accessing a backdoor she had previously installed, enabling her to hack into all systems on Earth and gather information from both the military and Justice League systems. This is how Orach received a summarized report about what happened before his arrival.

Orach POV

'Power level...36K?...Interesting.'

After understanding the events that occurred before I arrived, I dismissed Clark's words and decided to check his progress during my absence. Seeing Clark's new power level, I considered the idea of dissecting Clark for a deeper understanding of his genetic secrets. His power level had skyrocketed in just a few weeks. After my first inspection of him, I already suspected that Clark's race, the Kryptonians, were a cheat. But, compared to other Kryptonians present, Clark's energy was growing at a faster rate. Could be that he was able to tap into his true potential under the pressure of war? That's…oddly similar to us Saiyans. However, Clark still doesn't have complete control over his power and is showing restraint. If he allowed himself to unleash his true power, this fight could have ended much sooner.

Compared to Zod, who had a power level of roughly 35K, Clark is stronger. Yet, according to Mother Empress's report, Superman struggled during this war. Earlier I had noted, that Kryptonian woman, has a power level of only 32K. However, because of her extensive combat experience, she has managed to overpower Superman multiple times during this war before my arrival.

If Clark trained properly, he could become a decent fighter, matching an average mortal branch Saiyan in terms of base power level in a few years. I believe this is why the 'Tuffles' decided to use Kryptonians to create a weapon against us. However, the arrival of an execution squad from the Annihilation Division thwarted their plans. Then again, Kryptonians, despite their inherent ability to grow stronger under a yellow star over time, have severe weaknesses.

But, even considering their growth rate, it is laughable to think Kryptonians could compare to us Saiyans. We Saiyans continuously train and strive to become stronger. By the time Kryptonians grow to a decent extent, Saiyans would have already surpassed their previous selves and moved up in rank.

Yet, it's strange that the execution squad let the Kryptonians live. It's not their modus operandi. Those emotionless worshippers of the primordial law of death habitually annihilate everything related to their target. So, why did the Kryptonians survive till this day? I feel there's a piece of the puzzle I am missing. There has to be a reason behind their actions. However, another point troubles me.

In due time, Kryptonians will reach this realm's threshold and feel the existence of higher realms. When that day comes, their ascension will immediately attract the attention of alliance member worlds. If the alliance investigates their origins and exposes their relationship with the Tuffles, the alliance members may act against them. I fear the scars left by the last great war will blind them to anything beyond the Kryptonians' link with the Tuffles. They will not hesitate to aim their fleets at this lower realm to 'purify' it. Even with my influential position as heir to the house of Gula and an emperor-level powerhouse, I doubt I could sway the council's majority vote for long. When that happens, Diana will undoubtedly move in this realm's defense. However, she would not survive against the alliance fleet without me.

'NO! I can't let that happen!'

I see three options, eliminate all Kryptonians; wait, make contact with my support ship, and learn from the logs about what happened when the Annihilation Division Squad descended on this realm before acting against the Kryptonians; or the most extreme option—defy the primordial Gods by permanently blocking the Kryptonians' path to ascension, preventing them from ascending no matter how powerful they become. However, I desperately want to avoid the last option. I would face a heavenly tribulation. Even if I go God Blue, heavenly tribulations are excruciating, especially those resulting from breaking the primordial Gods' rules.

After contemplating all this, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and then reopened them to see the rest of the League approaching Superman.

As the rest of the group landed beside Clark, I noticed they had all grown, though not as drastically as Clark. However, when my gaze landed on Diana, I was internally stunned. My scouter showed her base power level at 33K! This was a ridiculous growth, even considering the God Ki she now possessed.

'Just what kind of training did she undergo?'

Suddenly, I heard Flash pleading, "Orach, you don't need to kill them. Enough blood has been shed today. You've already defeated their leader, and she's lost the will to fight. Please, let's end this."

I was initially going to ignore him, still puzzled by Diana's growth. But my scouter picked up an anomalous reading that grabbed my attention. When I looked at Flash, I was alarmed.

'Traces of time law!'

I now knew who was behind the time law manipulation I had been sensing. A wave of anger washed over me and my killing intent momentarily leaked out as I glared at Flash. Noticing him shiver and step back, I quickly reined in my emotions.

'I need to resolve the situation with the Kryptonians quickly, then capture and interrogate Flash.'

With my next steps decided, I refocused my attention on Superman, planning to deal with Flash once this issue was resolved.

End of POV

Orach's change in expression when he looked at Flash was noted by the present heroes. Some believed that Flash's words had angered Orach, while others had a different interpretation. Superman became somewhat confused, while Batman and Wonder Woman, with their warrior intuition, sensed danger as they detected the sudden surge of killing intent from Orach. They grew concerned about how the situation might unfold. First with the Kryptonians, and now it seemed as though Orach had targeted Flash for some reason. Both knew from their interactions with Orach that he was a man who didn't act without provocation, so they wondered what Flash had done to provoke him.

Seeing Orach focus his attention back on Superman, Wonder Woman, recalling the Mother Empress's warning, suspected Orach might attack. She was torn about how to respond if Orach attacked, but she believed her immediate task was to prevent the situation from escalating. She felt that now was the time to speak with Orach, especially since their connection might make him more inclined to listen.

Positioning herself between the two, she addressed Orach, "Orach, I understand your thoughts, but please reconsider. Mother Empress briefly explained the Tuffles race's crime to me, and I acknowledge your duty. However, Kryptonians, particularly Superman, are innocent victims in this. Raised on Earth, Superman embodies Earth's values. You don't have to worry about the Tuffles using them to regain power. Please, I beg you to stop. Let's end this war."

Orach found himself locking eyes with Wonder Woman, his gaze meeting her clear, blue eyes. He already had an inkling that Diana would try to interfere and strive for a peaceful resolution, considering that Clark was not just a fellow protector of Earth, but also a friend. Despite already expecting this, an internal sigh echoed within him as he witnessed Diana stepping in between Superman and himself. He had already resolved to adopt the second option, wait-and-see approach. However, just then there was an unmistakable glint of mischief dancing within his eyes.

Rather than swiftly neutralizing the situation, he decided to let it unfold further. His aim was not to create discord, but instead to observe the reactions of both Diana and Bruce. Thus, he chose to play his part in this unfolding drama. With a swift tap on his scouter, he sent a coded message to Mother Empress, instructing her to let the scenario play out without interference.

Once he was certain his message had been received, Orach straightened himself, his hands coming to rest behind his back. He closed his eyes for a brief moment, as if collecting his thoughts. When he opened them, he spoke in a tone that was frigid yet composed, "You have no idea about the consequences of letting Kryptonians live. Mother Empress's data banks aren't complete; she could only give you a rudimentary idea about the 'Tuffles.' However, I have delved into the battle logs of my mother and one of my aunts, both of whom fought in the war during their younger days before my mother even ascended to the status of an emperor-level powerhouse. Their records offered me a glimpse into the horror, the desperation, and the loss they endured."

Those who were in the know about Orach's mother's position and power expressed their surprise at this revelation. They had been made aware of the immense power that Orach's mother wielded, and this revelation left them in a state of shock.

After a moment's pause, Orach resumed his speech, "Diana, the higher realm has witnessed three great wars, but the one that shook the higher realms to their core was the last great war instigated by the Tuffles. It led to one tragedy after another. Mother Empress must have informed you about them annihilating a realm, right? But did you know that the realm they destroyed was merely a testing ground for their new invention?"

He paused momentarily, assessing her reaction. Seeing her visibly recoil in shock, he continued, "They felt no remorse for the countless lives lost in that entire realm. All that mattered to them was a petty demonstration to validate the results of their new invention. A piece of technology so terrifying that it even managed to incite the wrath of the true Gods. The Tuffles might have been weaklings, but armed with their technology, they were formidable adversaries. Even if you managed to eliminate a warrior from their ranks, their high-level warriors could persist by transcribing their code onto another's genetic code. This allowed them to rejoin the battle even after their initial demise."

Orach took a deep breath, making a deliberate attempt to display an emotional state for a more convincing performance, and continued, "Diana, did you know that I was supposed to have a loving uncle? He was the youngest among my mother's siblings and was loved by everyone. However, during the war, when he let his guard down after killing an enemy, he was taken over. Can you guess how he met his end?"

Orach paused dramatically, gauging Diana's reaction. He saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes; he had a feeling she could predict the tragic end of the story. Seeing the reaction he anticipated, he continued, "But the cruelty of the Tuffles didn't stop at body possession. To understand their merciless nature, consider this, even after seizing control of a body, they allowed the original owner to remain conscious of their body's actions. My uncle could only watch helplessly as his body, controlled by a Tuffle, fought against his own sisters. Despite my mother and aunt's best efforts, reaching their Super Saiyan God Blue state during the fight, they couldn't free my uncle. Somehow, my uncle temporarily regained control and begged his sisters to end his life. The battle ended with both sisters reluctantly killing their brother's body. They ensured the Tuffle's tech was destroyed before it could find another host. Afterwards, both sisters cried and felt guilty of not being powerful enough to protect their beloved brother, while he comforted them with a smile until his final breath. That day, our bloodline vowed to eliminate all things related to the Tuffles."

Orach paused and took a deep breath before continuing, "Diana, both as an officer of the Strategic Division and as the heir to the house of Gula, my bloodline demands the eradication of everything associated with 'Tuffle.' The present Kryptonians, including Superman, could be the descendants of those experimental subjects that survived in their past. Therefore, I must act to eliminate even the slightest possibility of the Tuffles' resurgence. So, I implore you, the woman I have fallen in love with, to step aside."

Orach watched Diana closely as he finished speaking. He saw her processing his words, her eyes reflecting a storm of emotions - shock, sadness, and understanding. He knew his request was a lot to ask, but he needed to see how she, and Bruce, would react to the scenario where he had to kill Superman. It was a test of their loyalty, and a gauge of their understanding of his duty. He hoped, more than anything, that they would see the necessity of his actions in this type of scenario, the heavy burden he bore for the sake of the realms.

Upon hearing Orach's tragic family history, the oath binding him, and his request, Diana was filled with mixed emotions. She was silent as she processed his words, realizing that Orach could have kept his intentions to himself. However, his willingness to share his motivations for opposing the Kryptonians demonstrated her significance to him. As she pondered, she remembered that she was not only Wonder Woman, protector of Earth, but also Orach's wife and by extension, a member of the house of Gula. Therefore, she felt that she should respect the oath.

After much thought, Diana finally made her decision. When she sheathed her sword and shield, she felt an unexpected emotion from her connection with Orach, a hint of both joy and intrigue. This confused her at first, but she concluded that Orach was probably pleased to see her choose him. Believing she understood him correctly, she stepped aside, clearly indicating that she would not interfere in what would unfold next.

Their conversation was overheard by everyone present, sending alarm bells ringing. They knew that the situation was far worse than they had imagined. Orach was targeting all Kryptonians! Hearing the severity of the war in the higher realms, the nature of the 'Tuffles', and Orach's oath, they realized Orach wouldn't stop if he decided to act. Even Superman, their greatest champion, was in danger.

Superman, with sweat trickling down his face, couldn't help but remember his parents and Lois. He was unwilling to simply surrender and die. He had plans and dreams. He wanted to propose to Lois, start a family with her, and be with her until her last days. He knew survival chances were slim, but for his envisioned future, he clenched his fists and summoned all his strength. He was determined to fight and pursue that bright future.

Orach's scouter detected fluctuations in Superman's power level as he resolved to fight Orach for his future. The power level rose until it reached 38K. This intrigued Orach, who was keen on being attacked by Clark. It would give him an excuse to act and capture Clark, preferably alive, for physiological study. However, he was also prepared to work with Clark's dead body if necessary.

Noticing the escalating situation, particularly Wonder Woman's stance, Batman's mind raced to find a way to dissuade Orach from acting against Superman. He hoped to find a solution that wouldn't result in Superman's demise. After gathering his thoughts, Batman suggested, "Orach, I think you should wait and observe for now."

Hearing these words, Orach wasn't surprised. Both Mother Empress and he felt that Bruce's nature somewhat resembled his own. Therefore, he was keen to hear Bruce's reasoning and listened attentively as Bruce continued.

"There are still many unanswered questions, aren't there? For instance, why weren't you informed of a mission to our realm? Why were the 'Tuffles' in our realm in the first place? And why did those Saiyans who descended ages ago, let the Kryptonians live back then? They must have known about Tuffle's tactics even back then. It's possible that they determined the remaining Kryptonians weren't a threat and had nothing to worry about, right? Also, you mentioned Mother Empress's data banks were incomplete, but what about your second ship? It should have mission logs, right? Why not wait and see for now, locate the ship first, review those logs, and then base your decision on what's stated in them? I believe it would be wise to find those answers before you act. Plus, Kryptonians have known weaknesses that we can exploit if what you fear comes to pass. We should also try to check if the Kryptonians have the Tuffle code by scanning the blood of both this Kryptonian woman and Superman. What do you think?"

Orach looked at Batman, intrigued by the man before him. Aside from Diana and Alfred, Batman was the only other person in this lower-level world that had caught his interest. Recognizing some similarities between them and hearing Bruce's sound reasoning, Orach was convinced that Batman was worth investing in. Maintaining his act, Orach gazed at the sky with a composed demeanor, closing his eyes for a moment of contemplation. After a brief pause, he returned his gaze to Batman and said, "I already have Superman's blood. Get me that woman's blood and ensure her whereabouts are monitored by your group. If I find even a hint of 'Tuffles' in either Kryptonian's code, I'll take action and eliminate anything and anyone standing in my way. Understood?"

Batman, upon hearing Orach's words, didn't express relief. He was bothered by the thought, 'This was too easy! Why was Orach convinced after a single argument?' For the moment, he felt it was good enough and nodded in understanding. He was relieved to have brought this matter to a temporary close. However, his relief was short-lived. In the next moment, Orach vanished, and a scream sounded. Batman quickly turned to see Orach clutching Flash's neck.

Then, with a cold, narrowed gaze, Orach accused Flash, "What did you do?"