Chapter 75 - A Blast of a Weekend - Part 1

The day after the exhibit, the world was buzzing with news from the event. The celebration of history and art had morphed into a spectacle that sent shockwaves around the globe. Whether it was Orach's contribution to the Smithsonian, the spectacle of a petrified Lex Luthor, Vicky Vale's article revealing Orach's perspective on Earth and humanity, or his chilling ultimatum towards the secretive military branch, the news dominated conversations worldwide.

The fate of Lex Luthor, who had dared to cross paths with Orach - a being from the higher realms, served as a lesson for the rest of the wealthy and influential to avoid conflict with this formidable entity. Despite this, there were those who took advantage of Lex's predicament, causing LexCorp's stocks to plummet over the following days.

When Lex was finally able to move, he was confused by the gawking and laughter from museum visitors. As the realization of his predicament dawned on him, and he learned that he had become the laughingstock of the world, his anger flared. His loyal follower, Mercy, provided him with a change of clothes and a ride back to his estate. Once home, Lex downed a glass of whiskey offered by Mercy and, in a fit of rage, smashed the glass, hoping to vent his humiliation and anger.

Lex had hoped to gauge Orach during the previous night's event, possibly even to put him in his place. However, he quickly realized that his assumptions were wrong. Orach was not like Superman or any of the other so-called heroes. Unlike them, Orach didn't seem to care about his image among humans, nor did he have a moral code that prevented him from retaliating. Lex understood that this man was a serious threat. This realization was further cemented when he read Vicky Vale's article, quoting Orach's views on their 'fragile' reality. Orach's blatant warning to the 'CADMUS' group, a group Lex heavily supported and financed, sent chills down his spine.

Despite these setbacks, Lex's pride and ego could not let this humiliation go unanswered, and he was determined to find a way to exact his revenge. First, he needed to calm down and devise a plan. He grabbed Mercy's hand, leading her to his bedroom. His pent-up anger and frustration found an outlet in the form of rough lovemaking. Mercy, initially shocked, realized he needed this release and willingly participated.

After several hours, Lex finally calmed down. He looked down at the unconscious Mercy, faint guilt pricking at his conscience for his rough treatment of her. While his ego would never allow him to admit it, he realized how much he needed her by his side, trusted her, and wanted her. He murmured an apology and covered her bruised body with the bed sheets.

Later, he got up, put on his robe, and walked to his home office. After pouring himself another glass of whiskey and settling down in his grand office chair, he was interrupted by an incoming video call.

Lex Luthor glanced at the incoming call notification on his laptop screen. Recognizing the caller ID, he decided to pick up. As the connection was established, a deep, authoritative voice echoed through the speakers.

"So, you've finally decided to answer," the voice chided.

"Yes, after the incident, I needed a breather," Lex replied smoothly. "What can I do for you, Amanda?"

"Lex, are you courting death?" Amanda's voice was stern, filled with concern. "What possessed you to confront that alien?"

Lex sighed, rubbing his temples as he leaned back in his chair. "I admit, it wasn't one of my brighter moments. But, I was wrong about him. He's a threat. A significant one at that."

"I'm well aware he's a threat, Lex," Amanda retorted. "But what's your assessment of him? Any insights on his character or personality? Any vulnerabilities we can exploit?"

Lex sighed, "Amanda, he's not just a brute; he's intelligent. His calculated responses and veiled threats make him a formidable adversary. I'm certain you've read Vicky Vale's article in the Gotham Gazette by now. It outlines his perspective on our reality and his standpoint concerning us humans. That should give you enough to build a character profile. He didn't show any exploitable weaknesses during our interaction. Let's not waste time with redundant questions."

Amanda retorted, "It's not redundant, Lex. The real question is, why are you still alive? His previous actions and his stated principles suggest he wouldn't hesitate to kill if provoked. So why did he merely play a prank on you instead of killing you outright? His actions seem to suggest he was concerned about not causing a scene at the event. But why would he care about a human gathering? We're missing a piece of the puzzle here."

After a moment of contemplation, Lex responded, "Perhaps I was merely a nuisance and hadn't violated his principles or that 'bottomline' of his. Or perhaps his 'respected' human friend, Bruce Wayne, was in attendance. The reasons are immaterial. However, I'm glad you called. I've been meaning to ask, are you free tonight? After the months of city rebuilding efforts there have been many new up-and-comers opening shop. There's a delightful restaurant where we could secure a VIP booth and enjoy each other's company."

Amanda was taken aback at first, but then she understood. Lex wanted a face-to-face meeting, likely to discuss matters too sensitive for a call, given the risk of surveillance. She agreed to this 'date', understanding the necessity of the ruse.

Lex ended the call with a smirk, "Wear something nice, dear Amanda." Amanda shot a glare at the phone before disconnecting, leaving Lex to enjoy his drink, a victorious smile on his face.

Evening - Metropolis - Private Lounge Room

Lex Luthor's gaze drifted over Amanda Waller as she stepped into the private room, her elegant dress lending her an air of sophistication. "Amanda, you look absolutely stunning," he remarked, his voice dripping with insincerity.

Amanda shot him a look of annoyance, her eyes sharp and unamused. "Save it, Luthor. This is merely for appearances. Where's your ever-present shadow, Mercy?"

Lex's playful smirk faded, replaced by a serious expression. "Mercy has the night off," he said curtly, then swiftly changed the subject. "Let's get down to business. The articles have given us a clear picture. That alien and his AI is a bigger threat than we initially anticipated. It has not only made our secret group known to the world but also cast us in a rather unflattering light."

Amanda's face turned somber, her lips pressing into a thin line as she nodded. "I concur. We must assume we're being monitored. That blasted alien's warning was far too effective. The President is in a frenzy, basically ordering us to cease all activities," she spat out the last words, her teeth gritting with suppressed anger.

"Forget them," Lex retorted, waving a dismissive hand. "We don't need them. I've been supporting part of your work from the shadows all this time. Now, my eager associates and I can back all your group's projects. However, we need to tread carefully. We must vanish, make it seem as though we've ceased all activities. Our researchers must be dispersed to various locations to continue parts of our projects undercover. We need to switch to more analog forms of communication, assuming all electronic lines are compromised. It may delay our projects, but at least we can work undetected."

Amanda mulled over his propositions, her forehead creasing in thought. She was well aware of Luthor's dubious reputation, and by association, his partners were unlikely to be upstanding individuals. However, she was in dire need of financial backing to sustain her operations. Her teeth clenched in vexation, the necessity of resorting to such alliances only intensified her resentment for these so-called extraterrestrial heroes. After a moment of deep reflection, she acquiesced with a nod.

Lex then transitioned to their experiments, "What's the status of the specimens we collected?"

Amanda replied, "The specimens have been valuable. We succeeded in creating one using samples from Superman's blood. Now, we have seven more in development. They may be diluted versions, but they will still be formidable weapons."

Lex nodded, taking a thoughtful sip of his drink. "Excellent. Let them incubate for now. Make sure our command codes are deeply embedded in their consciousness for future compliance. As agreed, we'll shut down the facility to maintain the facade of compliance, while quietly moving these valuable assets to a secure, remote location." Lex paused to retrieve a physical map from his jacket pocket and marked a specific location where he planned to transfer the assets. "It's modest, but strategically located off the grid, away from human activities. It's under a shell company, which, in turn, is under another shell company. The facility has just enough power to support the incubation chambers without drawing attention. Also, ensure all records are erased. We will disappear for now, lying in wait and striking only when the moment is right."

Their eyes met in mutual understanding, and they nodded to each other. After a firm handshake, they enjoyed a lavish meal before parting ways, disappearing into the night's shadows.

At Luthor's Residence

After his meeting with Amanda and taking steps to protect his investments from the extraterrestrials he disliked, Lex returned home. He found Mercy in his bedroom, engrossed in her tablet, sitting cross-legged on his bed with a cup of coffee in hand. Her creased forehead indicated deep concentration. As Lex entered, Mercy glanced up, about to rise in greeting, but Lex gestured for her to stay put. "Don't get up. I was a bit too rough on you today. Speaking of which, how are you feeling? If you need medical attention, I can call our family doctor for a check-up."

His tone held a hint of concern that warmed Mercy slightly. She reassured him, "I'm fine, Lex. These bruises will heal soon enough. You don't need to disturb the doctor this late at night." At that moment, she remembered the article she had just read and the call she received from the business accountants. "Lex, did you authorize any charity donations recently?"

Upon hearing this, Lex's eyebrows shot up. A sinking feeling came over him as he asked Mercy to elaborate. She explained how she had been awakened in the early evening by a call from the business accountants. They informed her of numerous donations from the business accounts to various charities worldwide, all made simultaneously. This uncharacteristic behavior prompted them to investigate a possible cyberattack, but their efforts to trace the source were fruitless. The news had already begun reporting on the charitable donations, each accompanied by a heartfelt note from Lex Luthor. Many beneficiaries were orphanages, and news coverage showed young children smiling, holding 'Thank you Mr. Lex Luthor' signs, and singing praises for LexCorp's generosity.

Lex's face paled as he absorbed the information. He switched on the TV and tuned into the news. Seeing the reports of his philanthropy and reading the articles on Mercy's tablet, he felt fear grip him. He realized that this was part of the alien being's retaliation. Although the 30 million amount taken was sizable, it wouldn't significantly dent his overall wealth, and he knew he could recover the losses soon. However, the fact that this attack occurred without triggering any alarms and left no traces was deeply alarming. The questions loomed, How could he prevent this from happening again? And how did this 'generosity' become public so swiftly? Lex knew he couldn't even lodge a complaint to retrieve his money without facing public backlash. He had been outmaneuvered.

Gritting his teeth, Lex muttered, "Well played, you alien fiend. Well played. But mark my words, I will retaliate. I will reclaim what's mine, or my name isn't Lex Luthor!" He made a silent vow to himself, his resolve for revenge stronger than ever.

Time rewinds to Friday morning in Washington D.C at the Smithsonian

On the second day of the grand exhibit, the museum welcomed the general public. Visitors had the chance to appreciate the displayed relics and attend enlightening lectures from curators about the history of various civilizations and their artifacts. The events from the previous night had drawn many people to visit, some especially to catch the glimpse of the 'Naked Luthor'.

Among these relics, there was one that Orach had flagged as dangerous last night. In the interest of public safety, Barbara manipulated her assessment of the relic, downplaying its significance to the museum. This action, though against her principles, was driven by her concern for the safety of the public, and her determination to keep the dangerous artifact out of malevolent hands. After completing her task, she quickly informed Bruce that she had done her part and that he could now take steps to acquire the relic from the museum.

Bruce expressed his gratitude for her efforts, promising to return the favor, and looking forward to their date that night. The two couples, had planned to visit the Iceberg Lounge in Gotham for a night of fun and ballroom dancing, given it was a couple's night at the lounge. With Orach's ability to manipulate space, the distance between Gotham and DC was no longer a concern. The thought of a potential relationship with Bruce Wayne made Barbara giddy with anticipation. Suffice it to say, she was looking forward to the evening.

By the time the clock struck four in the afternoon, Barbara was at Diana's office, ready to leave for the day. They had planned to make an early exit, as they needed time to prepare for the night's event.

"Hey Di. Are you done?" asked Barbara as she peeked and entered Diana's office.

Diana, who had been eager to finish her work early, responded, "Yes, I just finished. Are you ready, Barb? We promised the boys we'd be ready by 7 pm. We have an hour to get to your place, pick out your dress options, and then go to my apartment. We'll spend another hour freshening up and the final hour trying on dresses until we find the perfect one." Diana quickly packed her documents and laptop into her modern leather briefcase.

"Absolutely. Let's go," replied Barbara, her briefcase in hand, signaling her readiness to depart.

Diana and Barbara set off like two women on a mission. They hopped into Diana's sedan and headed first to Barbara's apartment. Afterward, they navigated the bustling city traffic to reach Diana's place.

Upon arrival, each took a separate bathroom and indulged in a refreshing shower. An hour later, they emerged, with Barbara joining Diana in her bedroom. They nodded to each other, embarking on the task of trying out their selected dresses. They sought each other's opinions to confirm which outfit best complemented their figures and would most appeal to their partners. By the time they were fully dressed and ready, it was already quarter to seven. With satisfied looks and a shared high-five, they were ready to dazzle their dates.

At seven sharp, Diana felt a ripple in the space in her bedroom, indicating that Orach had created a gateway for her and Barbara. Hand in hand, their smiles radiating confidence, the two women stepped through the ripple.

Rewinding Time - Friday Morning - Gotham/Azarath

Orach's day began in typical fashion. He woke and collected an abundant breakfast prepared by Alfred, who was now accustomed to catering to Orach's voracious appetite. With the morning meal secured, Orach ventured into Azarath. There, he and Rachel shared a peaceful breakfast before he resumed her Ki training. He continued to teach her the concepts of laws and how to interact with them using Ki, then let her meditate on the lessons while he took to the skies for his own training. After three hours, a message from Mother Empress redirected his attention to a topic he had asked her to research - ballroom dancing.

The previous night, Bruce had suggested Gotham City's Iceberg Lounge for their double date. With a couple's night planned, the lounge promised an evening of food, drinks, merriment, and shared memories. The ladies, in particular, were eagerly anticipating the ballroom dancing. Orach, on the other hand, wasn't. He was quick to learn new techniques when they held the potential to give him an advantage in a fight, but dancing was a different story.

When he confessed to Diana his lack of dancing skills, she simply smiled confidently and assured him she'd guide him through it. The goal of the evening was to enjoy themselves and make memories together. Seeing Diana's eager, hopeful expression, Orach couldn't refuse. However, he was ill at ease with the idea of attending such an event without knowing how to dance. Thus, he asked Mother Empress to research ballroom dancing. She promptly began reviewing various styles and compiled a step-by-step guide for each one.

After finishing his training, Orach focused on the dance instructions. He practiced the steps, trying to memorize the movements. However, after an hour, it was clear that dancing wasn't his strong suit. His movements were strained and he struggled to obtain the grace and fluidity needed for the dance styles.

While Orach was deeply immersed in his dance practice, determined not to embarrass Diana, he was unknowingly the center of his daughter's amusement. Ever since he started his awkward dance moves, she had been sneakily observing, delighting in the unusual sight of her seemingly invincible father struggling with something. Eventually, she could no longer suppress her laughter and let out a melodious giggle that instantly caught Orach's attention, freezing him in place. The realization that his daughter had witnessed his less-than-graceful attempts at dancing made him feel a wave of embarrassment.

He had always sought to shield his daughter from his failures, yet here he was, caught in the act. Her laughter subsided into a playful giggle upon seeing her father's flustered expression. Throughout the years spent in Azarath under his tutelage, she had come to view Orach as an omnipotent being. His patient guidance, love, care, and occasional reprimands had transitioned him from a mentor to a father figure in her eyes. So, witnessing his first-ever failure, and knowing his effort was for her future mother, she decided to lend a helping hand.

With a warm smile, she flew by his side, took one of his hands while wrapping his other arm around her waist and reassured him, "Come on, Orach. I know you can do this. Sometimes, having a dance partner helps. So, I'll be your dance partner."

Despite the lingering embarrassment, Orach let Rachel guide him through the steps until he was comfortable enough to lead. The father-daughter duo might have started off awkwardly, but they soon found their rhythm, dancing to the tune provided by Mother Empress.

Noticing her natural ability to follow the steps, he couldn't help but ask, "Have you seen this style of dancing before? Are you interested in learning to dance?"

As she attentively monitored his footwork, she heard his question. Looking up at him with a raised eyebrow, she responded, "I've watched some videos from the outside world in my spare time. It looked fun, so I tried practicing some moves for a while. But, without a practical use, I didn't practice much. However, I can follow the steps and help you now." With that, she refocused on his footwork, guiding him through the steps.

It took some time, but the initial stiffness in their steps gradually eased, replaced by laughter, smiles, and shared enjoyment. After mastering the dance and being reminded of the time by Mother Empress, they concluded their practice session. Orach thanked Rachel and announced his departure. Rachel, with a teasing smile, nudged him, saying, "Just go." Orach returned her smile, nodded, and activated his space law to leave, but not before hearing her encouraging words echo in his ears, "Go get her Father! Remember to bring her to meet me soon."

Gotham-Wayne Manor

When Orach returned to his room, Mother Empress manifested herself and greeted him with a playful smile, teasing, "Young master, if our little princess caught you grinning like that, she would never let you live it down."

Caught off guard, Orach broke from his stupor and offered a wry smile to Mother Empress, confessing, "Even though it isn't the first time she's called me 'Father', she's always done it discreetly. It's still a rare occurrence for her to address me as such so openly. I couldn't help but feel a bit taken aback...and perhaps, a little elated."

Mother Empress mirrored his smile, her holographic figure radiating warmth. She nodded and acknowledged, "Yes, we know she has accepted you as her father a long time ago, but she's still shy and somewhat awkward about expressing it openly. However, this is progress, considering the scars of her past."

Her words stirred Orach, he remembered the prey he had marked, named 'Trigon'. His expression hardened as he declared, "She has already mastered the fundamentals. As long as she continues to train diligently, she'll grow stronger. She will defeat that beast, and if, by some bizarre twist of fate, he manages to escape at that point in time, I will step in and end him. I will protect her smile and ensure a future where she can stand tall, unafraid." As he spoke, an unconscious wave of killing intent seeped from him, chilling the room.

Noticing the change, Mother Empress tactfully redirected his focus, reminding him of the time and the need to review his team's reports before preparing for the evening. Heeding her advice, Orach calmed himself, nodded, and set to work.

By evening, Orach had finished reviewing the reports his team had forwarded to him. The testing results were as expected, successful. He signed the papers, authorizing the team to file for human trial permissions. Just as he was finishing up, he sensed Bruce's return to the estate. Having completed his tasks, he descended to the living room, where he found Bruce seated, a glass of scotch in hand, his posture telling of his exhaustion.

Seeing Bruce in such a state, Orach quirked an eyebrow, questioning, "What has you so drained?"

"Oh, Orach," Bruce turned towards him, acknowledging his presence before continuing, "Barbara successfully downplayed the importance of that item you flagged, making it seem less desirable to the museum. After a round of negotiations, I managed to procure it. But an acquaintance well-versed in magic reached out to me shortly after my men brought the item to me and assured me that the best place to hide such an object would be his residence."

Orach found this strange and raised his concern. "The timing is suspicious. How did he know you just acquired the item? And you gave it to him just like that?"

Bruce fixed Orach with a stare. After a moment of silence, he replied, "Why else do you think I am drained? He is a prick and exhausting to deal with. But, trust me, Orach, he is a true master of the dark arts. Apparently, the stone was giving of a magical signature that attracted his attention. With his home being a fortress, hidden and warded from prying eyes, I decided It will be safe there."

Convinced by Bruce's confidence, Orach nodded, "If you believe so, I trust your judgement. Anyway, go freshen up. We have some time."

"Yeah, I promised the professor a good time," Bruce replied, rising from his seat to head towards his room. As he ascended the stairs, a news report he had seen earlier came to mind. He turned back to Orach, throwing a question over his shoulder, "Orach, Lex was in the news today. Not just for the 'Naked Luthor' incident but also for philanthropy which is unlike him. So, I tried to trace the money but the only thing I was able to find out was that the donations were made simultaneously from LexCorps' accounts, all happening while Lex was stuck as 'Naked Luthor' at the museum. Despite each donation carrying an electronic note by Lex himself, there's no way he could have done it. The speed at which the news spread across various channels was also uncanny. You wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you?

Orach merely took a seat on the living room sofa, picking up a cup of green tea that Alfred had just brought during Bruce's questioning.

After taking a sip, he replied, "Delicious. Much better than that bitter black brew you humans seem to enjoy. What's it called again? Ah, Coffee!"

Seeing him dodge the question, Bruce merely turned back and continued towards his room. He understood that Orach didn't want him poking his nose into this matter. So, he decided to keep this at the back of his mind, but he grew even more wary of the capabilities of Mother Empress.