Chapter 76 - A Blast of a Weekend - Part 2

Wayne Manor, 6:50 pm

The Rolls Royce from Wayne Manor was already set, ready to escort the two couples to the Iceberg Lounge for the evening. Alfred was patiently waiting in the living room for Master Wayne and Master Orach, who were both expected to descend in their finely tailored suits. Alfred had done an excellent job in preparing clothes that were both comfortable and functional for Orach, who preferred his battle suit and armor over regular clothing.

Soon, both Bruce and Orach descended the stairs, each looking sharp in their suits. Upon seeing each other, they exchanged nods, a silent recognition. They took their seats in the living room, facing each other. Orach, struck by a sudden thought, asked curiously, "What happened to your two brats? I haven't seen them around lately."

Bruce merely stared at Orach for a moment before responding, "Are you seriously asking that? You happened." Orach raised an eyebrow, prompting Bruce to elaborate. Bruce sighed and explained, "Dick, along with Barbara and the rest of the protégés, came together and proposed creating another team, an offshoot of the Justice League, yet independent. Their determination persuaded the leaguers to agree. They've named themselves the 'Teen Titans' and have begun operating out of Jump City. They're currently staying in one of my remote properties in Jump City, using their aliases. Although we offered to construct a base of operations for them, they insisted on designing their own base. So, thank you for planting that idea in their heads."

Orach retorted, "You do realize that the alternative was to let that brat leave the nest and try to make it on his own, right? Now, he has a team backing him up and an opportunity to learn and grow as a leader. The brat doesn't know it yet, but he has the qualities of a leader."

Bruce wanted to argue, but he had to admit that Orach's words rang true. He had seen Robin's frustration building up and his hunger to prove himself, but he had hoped to convince him otherwise before he made any rash decisions. Bruce realized that Orach's idea offered a chance for Robin to emerge from his shadow, affirm his capabilities, and lead a team.

After a moment of silent contemplation, Bruce nodded in agreement. Orach sighed, looking at his friend. A fleeting thought struck him, would he one day wear such expressions when Rachel begins interacting with those brats?

At that moment, a chime on his wrist terminal indicated that it was time. Without delay, Orach used his space law to create a ripple in space, connecting Diana's room to the living room of the Wayne Manor.

A moment later, two stunning women walked through the ripple, leaving both Bruce and Orach speechless. Orach gazed at Diana, who appeared as a vision of beauty. Her long luscious black hair was stylishly arranged in a ponytail, her lips painted a sensual crimson, and she wore a dark blue, elegant yet stylish sleeveless gown with a daring V-neck and thigh-high slits that showed off her legs. Her jewelry consisted of two blue-gem earrings, complementing the single gem necklace around her neck and her bangle, gifts from him. Orach felt an intense desire for her, and she smirked with satisfaction, knowing the effect she had on him.

For a moment, Diana felt an intense desire through her connection with Orach. The rising heat within her, a response to those feelings, brought both excitement and fear. She realized that Orach was wrestling with the urge to claim her right then and there.

Before things escalated, Diana closed the gap between them, whispered in his ear, "Let's go have fun with our friends, and later, when we're alone, I am yours." Hearing these words, Orach managed to control his desires and, after a moment, opened his eyes, looking back at her with a calm expression. He sighed, giving Diana a wry smile before saying, "I both hate and love the hold you have on me, my love. You look absolutely beautiful."

Hearing his words and compliments, Diana felt satisfied and linked her arms with his. On the other hand, Bruce complimented Barbara as well, and she blushed, delighted by his charm. The couples, arm in arm, greeted Alfred and then entered the car, heading to the Iceberg Lounge for an evening of fun.

Iceberg Lounge

As their vehicle pulled up to the Iceberg Lounge, the venue was already pulsating with the vibrant hum of Gotham's elite. The couples stepped out, their combined elegance and charisma immediately capturing attention. The usher checked their reservations with a friendly nod, then guided them with a warm smile to their seats.

Bruce's eyes met those of Commissioner Gordan just as he and his wife entered the Lounge for their own date night. Recognizing Bruce, the Gordans made their way over, their faces lighting up in a warm greeting.

"Good evening, Bruce," the Commissioner began, his gaze flicking briefly to Barbara, "You're looking well...and in good company. Alfred will be relieved."

His wife chimed in, her voice filled with gentle concern, "Bruce, you've done so much for Gotham. But it's high time you settled down. We'd all love to see you start a family."

Bruce's eye twitched at their well-intentioned words. He knew they meant well and considered them as family friends. Thus, he responded with polite laughter, trying to navigate the conversation with grace.

Diana observed the scene with amusement, while Barbara blushed, feeling a wave of embarrassment.

Orach, too, was amused, but he was content to remain a silent observer. That was, until Mrs. Gordan turned her attention towards him. Recognizing his face, she stiffened, taking a step back towards her husband. Orach, understanding he was about to be under the spotlight, braced himself.

Seeing his wife's reaction, Jim Gordon followed her gaze to Orach. Recognizing the man he'd heard of and seen during the Kryptonian invasion, he understood his wife's fear. To alleviate her anxiety, he squeezed her hand gently. Then, he turned to Orach with a polite smile, extending a hand for a handshake as he introduced himself.

"Hello. I'm Jim Gordon, Commissioner of the GCPD. You must be Mr. Orach. It's a pleasure to meet you. I knew you'd made your home in Gotham, but we've never had the chance to meet."

Orach, noticing the respectful demeanor, reciprocated with a warm smile and a firm handshake. Commissioner Gordon after the handshake continued, "You have my gratitude for your kind words about Bruce and for making Gotham your home. Based on you coming here with your lovely companion in a group with Bruce, I take it the rumors of your friendship are indeed true." He paused to nod at Diana before turning back to Orach, "From what I've observed of your actions and heard from your words, it's clear you're a good man, even a hero. Your presence in Gotham, along with ours and Batman's, has lowered criminal activity in the wake of the Kryptonian invasion. For that, I'm deeply thankful. However, while I respect your beliefs, as a law enforcement officer, it's my duty to remind you that taking lives is not the solution. Should you encounter any criminals, I urge you to rely on the police force."

Both Diana and Bruce, were intrigued to see how he would respond to Gordon's advice. Orach, wearing a placid smile, responded, "Commissioner Gordon, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. You've earned Bruce's respect and praise, which speaks volumes about you." His expression then turned blank as he continued, "Your thoughts on my principles, especially regarding taking lives, are noted, but I must ask you to refrain from commenting on them. My principles are not just taught, they are forged and solidified in the crucible of war. I'm aware of your history, and while you've fought a 'war,' your world has yet to witness the horrors of a true war. I sincerely hope it never has to."

Gordon, taken aback by Orach's stern words but understanding the weight behind them, simply nodded and took his leave, hoping to salvage the rest of the evening and enjoy the planned date. Bruce, although not fond of Orach's blunt demeanor, understood that this was Orach's way of showing kindness. He sighed, took Barbara's hand, and led her to their table. Barbara, though taken aback by Orach's words, remained silent and followed Bruce's lead.

On the other hand, Diana wore a complex expression. She also considered Orach's words to be rude, but she was aware that she still had much to learn about him. Despite her own experiences as a warrior and her participation in wars, witnessing Orach's reaction and hearing his words left her unable to fathom the immense scale of the battles he had been part of. She could not help but feel concern for the evident toll these conflicts had taken on him. Despite this, she took a deep breath, gently took hold of Orach's hand, and guided them to their seats with a reassuring smile.

She understood that if she wanted him to open up and share his burdens, his story, and his journey, it would be a slow process. Ever since they acknowledged their feelings for each other, she had been determined to take it one step at a time. So, for tonight, they would not let anything stand in the way of their evening.

Soon a waiter approached their booth to take their orders. Amidst the soothing song from the stage, they placed their orders for their preferred beverages. Not long after, their drinks arrived, but, accompanied by an unexpected visitor, the owner of the lounge, Oswald Cobblepot.

Earlier Oswald, working from his office upstairs, had spotted Orach and was momentarily filled with terror. However, observing this powerful being accompanying a date, brought him some relief. Determined to extend his hospitality and ensure a smooth evening, he decided to personally attended to their table.

Bruce's eyebrow arched slightly in surprise as Oswald approached. The flamboyantly dressed club owner made his way over to their table, greeting them warmly, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," he began, offering a polite nod. "I'm Oswald Cobblepot, the proprietor of this establishment. I'm delighted to welcome you all tonight."

His gaze turned to Bruce as he said, "Ah, Brucey, always a pleasure to see you. And on a date, I see." He paused to give Barbara a polite smile and nod before continuing, "Delighted to have you both here on a couple's night." He then shifted his attention to the unfamiliar faces, asking, "And who do we have here?"

Bruce, playing along with Oswald's approach, introduced, "Oswald, meet Diana and Orach, friends who I've invited on a double date. Diana, Orach, this is Oswald Cobblepot, the owner of the Iceberg Lounge."

Oswald's eyes widened slightly but he quickly composed himself. "Mr. Orach, what an unexpected surprise. Welcome. I trust everything is to your satisfaction?" he asked.

Orach, unperturbed by Oswald's clear pretense, simply nodded, "Everything is fine, Mr. Cobblepot. We're just here to enjoy the evening."

Oswald, relieved by Orach's response, promised the best services of his club. "Of course, of course. I assure you, you'll have a great time tonight. In fact, to make your first visit special, let me treat you. Tonight, your meals are on the house."

Orach looked at Oswald for a moment and then replied, "Mr. Cobblepot, I appreciate your gesture, but as a Saiyan, I must warn you that we are voracious eaters. Treating a Saiyan to a meal might be a costly affair for you."

Diana and Bruce turned their heads to hide their amusement at Oswald's predicament. Diana was holding back a laugh, while Bruce, aware of his increased household budget, couldn't help but suppress a smirk. After all, as the saying goes, misery loves company. Oswald, on the other hand, seemed quite flustered by this revelation.

Seeing Oswald's troubled expression, Orach added, "Mr. Cobblepot, I appreciate your hospitality. However, we are here tonight as customers, and we'd like to be treated as such. So, just ensure we have a pleasant evening. But given your efforts to network, Bruce and I will consider holding some of our business lunches here. This could give you a chance to expand your network among Gotham's elite. Does that sound fair?"

Overjoyed by the proposition, Oswald nodded enthusiastically, "You got yourself a deal, Mr. Orach. If there's anything you need, anything at all, don't hesitate to let me know."

With that, Oswald excused himself, allowing the group to resume their conversation.

Seeing Oswald take his leave, Barbara took a sip of her drink and commented, "It's quite remarkable to witness a former criminal change their ways. Instances like this instill hope that even the most hardened criminals can reform."

Bruce nodded in agreement, adding, "Indeed. There was a time when Oswald posed a significant threat to the city, on par with Riddler."

Barbara nodded, recalling her readings on the subject. "Yes, I remember reading about their exploits. Thankfully, in each case, the GCPD and Batman were there to thwart their schemes."

Bruce sighed, his tone laced with a touch of regret. "It's unfortunate, but Gotham still needs Batman."

Sensing an opportunity to encourage a connection between her friends, Diana decided to stoke the conversation. "Barb, what's your opinion of the Bat of Gotham?"

Bruce raised an eyebrow at Diana's sudden question, while Orach remained a silent observer, sipping his cocktail. Barbara paused to consider her response, "Well, he works with you, Diana, as part of the League, so he's definitely a hero. But, to be honest, he's a bit... intimidating. That new suit of his is particularly menacing. I respect his drive to do good, but I can't help but wonder... What kind of man chooses to dress like a bat?"


At this, Orach burst into laughter, almost spitting out and spilling his drink. Bruce sat stoically, feeling as though he'd taken an invisible arrow to the chest. Diana, meanwhile, had a sinking feeling that she might have stirred up a hornet's nest.

Encouraged by Orach's laughter, Barbara continued, "I mean, of all creatures, why a bat? Isn't it a bit... excessively dramatic? Why not something less... nocturnal? And that voice modulator – it's as if he's auditioning for a role in a horror film!"

Another invisible arrow seemed to pierce Bruce's chest as Orach continued to laugh. This time, even Diana couldn't suppress a giggle.

Bruce shot his so called friends a glare, then smiled wryly at Barbara, "What if he chose the bat to instill fear in the hearts of criminals, to deter them from their misdeeds?"

Barbara nodded thoughtfully, "That makes sense. But a full-coverage, masked stealth suit would serve the same purpose, wouldn't it? Why the bat theme? Maybe he was traumatized by bats as a kid and wants to instill that same fear or... he's just got a thing for bats," she said, shrugging her shoulders.


The table erupted in laughter again. Orach chimed in, still chuckling, "Or maybe he's a billionaire with eccentric tastes!"

Bruce shot Orach a glare, only to receive a smirk in return. Sensing the jovial atmosphere, Diana decided to contribute to the banter, "Perhaps the next time I encounter him, I should suggest a more spirited creature. What about... a wolf?"


A wave of laughter swept across the table at Diana's suggestion. Bruce, realizing the jesting wasn't going to end soon, decided to join in the fun, "Absolutely, and maybe I could even persuade the GCPD to replace the Bat Signal with a Howling Wolf Signal!"

The table erupted into fits of laughter once more with Bruce's unexpected humor adding fuel to the fun. The booth buzzed with the sound of their shared amusement. The friendly jibes and playful exchanges made for a delightful part to their evening.

As the evening progressed, the soft melody of a waltz began to fill the lounge. Bruce promptly extended his hand to Barbara, asking, "Shall we?" With a smile, she took his hand, and they elegantly moved onto the dance floor. Not wanting to be left behind, Diana reached out for Orach, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. Orach, managing a wry smile, nodded in agreement, and they joined the other couple on the dance floor.

"Don't worry about not knowing the steps. Just trust me, and let me lead. We're here to have fun," Diana reassured Orach, interlocking one of her hands with his while draping his other arm behind her waist. They began to move with the rhythm, Diana guiding Orach through the dance.

"See? Dancing isn't as daunting as you thought, right?" Diana teased, their bodies swaying rhythmically to the music. Orach, who had been focusing on mirroring and analyzing her movements, looked up and met her gaze. A hint of newfound confidence in his eyes. "I understand the movements." he declared.

In a swift, unexpected motion, Orach pulled Diana closer, momentarily taking her by surprise. Their noses were nearly touching, his gaze locked onto hers. "Now, I'll take the lead," he stated, his voice firm yet gentle. With that, he started guiding Diana, their movements now dictated by the rhythm of the waltz.

Diana, though initially taken aback by Orach's unexpected confidence, found herself excited. She remembered her goal for the night was to enjoy their time together and create memories, and this was a perfect opportunity. Despite her surprise, she seamlessly followed his lead.

The first few moments were filled with careful steps and minor stumbles. But before long, their movements became smooth and graceful, embodying the elegance and charm of the waltz. Orach, guided by the rhythm of the music and the fundamental steps he had learned with Rachel, led Diana confidently across the dance floor. His posture was poised, his movements fluid, a testament to his diligent practice.

As the tempo of the music slowed, their movements relaxed. Orach's right hand rested on Diana's shoulder, guiding her effortlessly. Their eyes locked onto each other's, losing themselves in the rhythm and each other's presence.

Not far behind, Bruce and Barbara were also enjoying their dance. Barbara found the experience enjoyable, cherishing the charm of the evening and the company of Bruce.

As the music tapered off, so did their movements. Their final steps aligned perfectly with the last notes of the waltz. Both couples returned to their table, with Diana and Barbara's faces glowing with the exhilaration of the dance and the intimacy of the moment. A waiter approached them, praising their dancing and offering to take a group picture. With their consent, he captured a beautiful moment of their evening and shared the digital file via email.

Once food was ordered, with Bruce, Diana, and even Barbara aiding Orach in deciphering the stylishly named dishes, they continued their lighthearted chatter.

During this, Diana couldn't help but give Orach a quizzical look, her eyes narrowing as she asked, "What was that performance out there? You told me you couldn't dance, didn't you?"

Her question captured the attention of the other couple at the table, their gaze turning towards Orach. Orach found himself amused by Diana's expression, it was adorable. After a moment of admiring her, he replied, "I didn't want to embarrass you, so I asked Mother Empress to research ballroom dancing. Then with my daughter's help, I learned the moves…Wait, what's wrong?" Orach noticed the expressions of his listeners shifting from intrigued to understanding, then to shocked.

Coming out of her shock, Diana closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. When she opened her eyes, there was a slight chill in them. Holding onto their connection to gauge Orach's reaction, she looked directly at him and demanded, "Orach, what do you mean by 'your daughter'? Explain now."

Realizing his blunder from the sudden, slight chill in Diana's gaze, Orach understood that he had unintentionally dropped a significant piece of news. He had inadvertently revealed a key detail about his life that he had planned to share with Diana tonight, in a serene, private setting in a more natural way than a slip of the tongue. Seeing Diana's icy stare, he felt it was better to explain everything now. He used his Ki to isolate their conversation, creating a private bubble around them. Bruce, who was sitting nearby, raised an eyebrow at the isolation but decided to respect their privacy.

Diana, noticing the isolation, felt a flicker of concern. Was Orach about to reveal something that could shatter her heart? But she quickly dismissed it, knowing their bond was strong. She patiently waited for Orach to speak.

Orach began to recount his discovery of Azarath, the ruined realm, and the young survivor, Rachel. He explained how he initially took Rachel under his wing, considering her a little sister, and how he had established control over Azarath. He told her about the accelerated flow of time in Azarath, his encounter with Trigon, and how he had been training Rachel to strengthen herself. Orach confessed that he now considered Rachel his own daughter. He concluded by expressing his hope that Diana would meet Rachel and, in the future, be a mother figure to her.

Absorbing this torrent of information, Diana's expressions changed rapidly, from shock, sadness, anger, before settling into a calm countenance with her eyes closed. Orach patiently sat back, giving her the time she needed to process everything. But Diana surprised him after a few moments by opening her eyes, giving him a wry smile, leaning in close and planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. Orach let out a sigh of relief, thinking she wasn't mad. However, the next moment, Diana twisted his ear.

"You don't ever keep this level of important information from me moving forward. Got it?" Diana said, her eyes boring into his as she twisted his ear, her smile still in place.

Understanding that his only option was to agree, Orach nodded, following his father's example when dealing with his mother's wrath.

Upon receiving Orach's nod, Diana let go of his ear and a smile played on her lips. "So, I am a mother," she mused. The concept felt amusing and a tad bit surreal, but she had already accepted Orach, and even though she had planned on having children with him a few years down the line, the sudden news of becoming a mother didn't feel unwelcome. If anything, she was excited to meet Rachel, the girl who clearly held a special place in Orach's heart.

"Tomorrow, you are taking me to our daughter. It's high time I met her. I shudder to think how you've been raising her, poor child," Diana spoke in a commanding tone, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. Orach, although thrilled about Diana's acceptance of Rachel, felt slightly irked at her comment.

"Hey now," Orach retorted, "I raised her well. She might be shy and a bit mischievous, but overall she's a good, mature girl. I didn't just teach her about cultivation and fighting techniques. Mother Empress prepared a STEM study plan for her as well. When she's ready, she'll fit right into society."

Diana's eyes carried with amusement, but there was a hint of concern as well, "Orach, I'm not doubting your efforts. I'm sure that with Mother Empress, she received the finest education. But education isn't the only thing a girl needs. She needs a mother figure to guide her. Tomorrow, when we meet her, I'm bringing her out. She'll stay with me. You can always visit the apartment anyway. Understood?" Her tone was commanding, leaving no room for a rebuttal.

Seeing Diana's determined expression, Orach simply sighed in defeat and nodded. Diana, satisfied with his obedience, flashed him a triumphant smile. Then, she raised a question, "Now, with that out of the way, could you tell me why you erected this sound barrier?"

Orach then explained his reasoning, "Azarath is something I would like to keep a secret, even from our friends. It is meant to be our family's sanctuary in the future. I've reinforced the realm, making it both an evolving cultivation ground and a fortress. Only those to whom I grant access can enter. Aside from that, only a being stronger than me has the possibility of entering, but that's highly unlikely to happen in the near future."

Diana considered his words and the importance of the realm. After a moment, she nodded and agreed with Orach. It was indeed better to keep this within the family. Finally, she crafted a simplified version of the story to tell others when introducing Rachel.

With their conversation concluded, Orach released the barrier.

Just then, Bruce announced, "Perfect timing, the food has arrived."

Barbara, however, appeared concerned and shot a hateful glare at Orach. Shifting her chair next to Diana, she initiated a women-only conversation, probing to ensure her friend hadn't been hurt by Orach's revelation. By the time the waitstaff had set their meals on the table, Diana had relayed a simplified version of events, ending with Orach adopting a daughter and her acceptance of becoming a mother.

Upon hearing about Rachel's origins, Barbara's expression softened, though she still found Orach's impromptu announcement during their date somewhat lacking in tact. She found herself more aligned with Bruce's approach to matters.

Meanwhile, the women's discussion left Orach with nothing to do but stare longingly at the food on the table. Bruce approached him, his curiosity piqued, and then asked, "I was wondering why Dick's roster had a slot booked under your name. Are you planning to have your daughter join Dick's team?"

Orach, his attention still riveted on the spread of food in front of him, responded, "She's spent most of her childhood in isolation, with limited interaction with peers her age. It would be beneficial for her to socialize with children close to her age and learn about this world from their perspectives. It will broaden her experiences and help her create cherished memories."

Bruce nodded in agreement, understanding Orach's intentions. Once the lavish dinner was served, the couples relished the feast, thoroughly enjoying the evening. The ambiance was alive with laughter and shared stories, with the excitement from the dance still lingering. Despite the late hour, no one was eager to end the night. But eventually, they had to say their goodbyes. Barbara went with Bruce back to the Wayne mansion, while Orach and Diana left through a ripple in space, heading to Diana's apartment. Each couple was keen on ending the night on a high note, confident that it would be an unforgettable evening.