
The manager led the way as they walked to the bank's private vault. The manager's heart was filled with hatred for Davis. She just couldn't wait to disgrace and throw him into the cell if it eventually turns out that he doesn't have a vault with the bank.

" Here we are finally," the manager got to the vault and turned to Davis with a smile.

" What is the number in your vault?" She asked.

" 1900, that's the number" Davis replied while the manager went to the vault with the particular number before inputting the code to it.

" Here, place your fingerprint on it so it would unlock" she said and Davis moved closer and placed his fingerprint but it didn't open.

 The manager smiled disdainfully, showing her real colour.

" You don't have a vault with our bank Mr Davis, so I am to call the police to arrest you for lying about having a vault with our bank" the manager said which made Davis frown slightly.

The butler already told him that the vault was his since when he was little, so how possible was it that the fingerprint didn't match? 

Davis just couldn't get why.

" Give me a few minutes to call someone" Davis muttered and took out his phone to call the butler again. The phone kept ringing but no one picked it up.

At that moment, Davis was getting anxious by the second because if eventually, the butler doesn't pick up, he will end up in the police station as promised by the manager.

Davis kept trying the butler's line, but it didn't go through because it kept ringing without anyone picking it up. After the fifth call, the call was picked up by someone other than the butler.

" Hello Mr Butler," Davis said eagerly immediately after the phone was picked up.

" Who are you? And who are you looking for?" The voice asked.

" I am looking for Mr Butler, " Davis replied but the voice scoffed.

" There's no one bearing Mr Butler here, if you don't have anything to say, please hang up" the voice said and hung up immediately without letting Davis say any more words.

 Davis was still staring at his phone in disbelief when the manager's voice brought him back to reality.

" I guess there's no one to save your ass, Mr clout chaser" she chuckled and brought out her phone to call the police.

" Hello, is this the police?" The manager asked.

" Yes, this is the police force based in Brooklyn, New York City, how may we be of help to you?" A voice asked from the other end of the call.

" I am calling so you could come arrest a clout chaser and also a thief from our bank. He came with the purpose of stealing one of our top customer's money from his private vault but he was caught red handedly " the manager said and hung up.

" I hope you spend the rest of your miserable days in the cell" the manager turned to Davis who was thinking of a way to get himself out of this problem.

He knew there was no one to help him other than the butler, but now, the butler himself is nowhere to be found.

' Oh God, help me. What have I gotten myself into?' Davis asked inwardly as he bit his lips repeatedly.

 The manager called some security men to come take Davis to the reception so that the police could take him away.

He was dragged to the reception where the receptionist started mocking him.

" I said that he is a thief and a clout chaser, I knew from his face that he was a thief. You think you can walk into a bank and steal? Hell no! I hope you rot in jail for many years" the receptionist said disdainfully, her expression filled with disgust for Davis who said nothing.

He knew within himself that he was no thief but there is no one to help him out of this problem he has gotten himself into.

 Soon, the police arrived and the manager explained everything to them. 

One of the policemen got closer to Davis and handcuffed him, dragging him towards the police car.

The receptionist's lips curved into a smile as she watched Davis being dragged away.

Just when the police man was about to put Davis into the car, a luxurious car came speeding towards their direction. It stopped when it got closer to them and Mr Butler ran out of the luxurious car towards Davis who sighed in relief after seeing him.

** Isn't that the butler of the Chen family?

** What is he doing here?

** Is that clout chaser related to him?

The passersby who were watching the scene began to murmur among themselves as they watched the scene unfold before them.

 The manger upon seeing the butler of the Chen family walked closer to him.

" Good day Mr Roland, what are you doing here?" The manager bowed her head after asking.

" How dare you call the young master a thief and try to send him to the police station?" Mr Roland the butler shouted immediately with anger visible in his eyes.

 After hearing from his secretary that Davis called, he immediately knew that there was a problem so he had to leave the meeting and came running to the bank only to find out that they were taking him to the police station for attempted theft.

" What? Who is the young master? Him?" The manager asked with wide eyes.

" Yes, him. He came to withdraw from his private vault inside the bank which his grandfather kept for him for twenty years, yet you called the police on him accusing him of theft?" Mr Roland shouted and turned to the police.

" Release him right now!" He shouted and the police immediately did as they were told.

 Upon realising what had happened, the manager immediately fell on her knees and held Davis by his leg.

" Forgive me young master, I never knew you're the one Grandpa Chen is keeping a private vault for. Forgive me for calling you a thief and a clout chaser" the manager pleaded and the receptionist also fell on her knees after realising that her job was also at stake since Davis happened to be the heir of the Chen family.

" Tell me one reason why I should forgive you after such humiliation?" Davis asked coldly, his voice as cold as ice and his face void of emotions.

Seeing this, the manager and the receptionist

immediately knew that they were doomed for life.