I Want To Buy This Hotel Now!

The receptionist named Mina from the bank walked home feeling so down. Mr Roland made sure she was fired alongside the manager of the bank and she regretted making fun of Davis.

She got home and took a shower before settling for dinner when her phone rang.

" Hello babe, how are you?" A voice rang from the other end of the call.

" Hey," Mina replied in a dull voice.

" Mina? What happened to you?" The voice asked after noticing how dull her voice was.

" Hey Rita, I got fired from my job" Mina said as tears slipped down her eyes.

" What? You got fired? Who got you fired? Your boss?" Rita asked eagerly without taking her time to breath.

" Someone named Davis Walton came to our bank today" Mina started but Rita interrupted her when she heard the name she mentioned.

" Davis Walton? Is it the Davis I know? My pauper ex boyfriend?" Rita asked.

" I don't know your ex boyfriend but the guy in particular is Davis Walton. He came to withdraw from his private vault in our bank but I underestimated Jim and insulted the life out of him, but the manager said she will take him to where all our customers private vaults are so he could show her his vault but it turned out the fingerprint didn't match so the manager in our bank called the police to arrest him" Mina started explaining while Rita listened attentively.

" So what happened next?" Rita asked and Mina sniffled tearfully before continuing.

" The butler of the Chen family immediately rushed to our bank just when Davis Walton was about to be taken away. The butler said that he is the heir of the Chen family and is capable of buying the whole of Brooklyn in the blink of an eye. The heir was angry and ordered for us to be fired because we insulted him and underestimated him" Mina said and started crying.

" Davis Walton? Is it the Davis Walton I know? No! It can't be. Davis is a delivery boy who has noticed, how can he be the heir of the Chen family all of a sudden?" Rita chuckled unbelievably as she tried to wrap her head around all what Mina said.

" Don't worry, my new boyfriend would find another job for you" Rita assured and Mina stopped crying immediately.

" Really? Thank you so much my dear friend" Mina smiled.

" Anything for my friend, just don't worry" Rita said and hung up.

" Hey darling, who were you talking to?" Giovanni came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist while Rita was sitting on the bed with a towel around her chest.

" Oh, it's my friend Mina, she was fired from her job today and she's sad. Can you please find her another job? Since your father is the mayor of Brooklyn " Rita pouted and Giovanni walked to her and kissed her on her lips.

" Anything for you darling, I will give it my best" Giovanni said and climbed the bed with Rita beside him as they cuddled each other.

" Why do you look so disturbed?" Giovanni asked as he played with Rita's hair.

" Do you think that Davis can become a billionaire all of a sudden?" Rita asked and Giovanni burst into a fit of laughter.

" What made you think so?" Giovanni asked after laughing.

" Nothing, I just wanted to ask, so is it possible?" Rita asked and Giovanni sat upright.

" My love, you and I know that Davis is just a delivery boy who makes just $1000 a month, so how is it possible for him to become a billionaire not even a millionaire? Nah! It's never possible " Giovanni assured and Rita nodded with a smile.

' I guess she must be talking about another Davis Walton' Rita said inwardly.

" But why do you ask such a question?" Giovanni asked with furrowed brows.

" Do you want to return to him if he becomes a billionaire?" Giovanni asked angrily, his tone changed from a calm one to a rage one.

" No no my love! I will never return to him because I know he can never be as wealthy and capable as you're" Rita smiled and kissed Giovanni to calm him.


After he was taken away from the bank by Mr Roland the butler, Davis decided to take a rest at a hotel instead of returning to the dorm.

His mind flashed back to the 5 star hotel he went to deliver food the other day and was disgraced by the receptionist and the security men. Thinking about taking revenge, Davis decided to spend the night at the hotel since he had always dreamt of staying in such a high class hotel.

 He flagged a cab which took him to the hotel and he stopped at the front of it before smiling widely.

" I am back here again, not as a delivery boy, but as a wealthy man who is capable of buying this whole hotel in just a second" Davis smiled proudly and made his way to the reception.

" Hello—-" the receptionist's voice trailed off when she saw the person who entered the hotel.

" You again? What are you doing here? Do you want to get disgraced?" The receptionist glared with disdain in her voice.

" I am not here to deliver or cause any problem, I am here to pass the night. So how much is a night here?" Davis asked as he walked closer to the counter with his black sleek card in his hand. The receptionist burst into laughter like she just heard the most ridiculous joke of the century.

" Pass a night? Here? Does this place look like a mote to you? Huh delivery boy?" She asked sarcastically with mockery in her voice.

" Can you please stop wasting my time and let me know how much it would cost me to spend a night here? '' Davis cut in angrily. His patience was running out but this receptionist doesn't seem to understand that he was no longer the delivery man she could ridicule or make fun of.

" This time around, I won't call the securities on you, I will call the police to throw you out of this place, if you don't leave this minute" the receptionist said angrily.

" I see that you're the stubborn type, can I see your manager? I think I am interested in buying his hotel since you've provoked me" Davis said and the receptionist couldn't believe her ears.

She was just amazed at how bold Davis is that he wants to buy a whole 5 star hotel.

" Are you kidding me? Are you normal or do you need medical treatment? First of all, does this hotel look like a hotel that needs to be sold to another person? Secondly, do you know how much this hotel cost? I guess you don't because you're a poor twerp" the receptionist smirked.

" Get me the manager or the CEO of this hotel because I want to buy it right now?" Davis banged his hand on the receptionist's table.

 " Hello Mr, how may I help you?" A voice said from behind and both Davis and the receptionist turned to face the voice.

It turned out to be the CEO of the hotel, Mr Tony.