This Hotel Belongs To Davis

" Hello, I am Mr Tony, and how may I help you?" Mr Tony walked closer to Davis who was still fuming with anger.

" Are you the CEO of this company?" Davis asked and Mr Tony nodded.

" Yes I am, I heard someone arguing so I decided to come take a look" Mr Tony said politely which immediately calmed Davis who was fuming in anger.

'He is not as arrogant as his receptionist ' Davis thought inwardly and exhaled.

" I came to spend the night here in this hotel but it seems your receptionist is underestimating me because I was once a delivery man," Davis said and Mr Tony turned to face the receptionist.

" I have told you times without numbers not to disrespect customers but you wouldn't listen. This is the last warning from me, the next time you try such, I will fire you without thinking twice" Mr Tony pointed at the receptionist who bowed her head.

" You can follow me to my office so we can discuss the hotel" hearing this from the CEO, the receptionist, Nina couldn't believe her ears.

So it was true that her boss was really going to sell the hotel to a nobody like Davis?

" He doesn't have any money, he is just a delivery boy" Nina muttered and glared daggers at Davis who simply looked away and followed Mr Tony behind.

Reaching his office, Mr Tony told Davis to take a seat while he brought out a file from the drawer under the desk in his office.

" Are you really going to buy this hotel?" Mr Tony's tone was no more high as before. It was extremely low and one might pity him from the tone of his voice.

" Yes, because once I set my mind to buy something, I am definitely buying it" Davis assured.

" I didn't want to make it public that I would love to sell the hotel but I seriously need money for a business and I have nowhere to run to, I guess God sent you to come buy this hotel" Mr Tony smiled.

" At first, I wasn't here to buy anything. This hotel has been a dream of mine, so when I became rich, I decided to spend the night here since it was a dream of mine, but that receptionist of yours underestimated me because I was once a delivery boy" Davis said and exhaled before straightening up.

" So….how much are you willing to sell this hotel?" Davis was no longer the delivery boy everyone once knew. If someone was to see him right now, he looked so charismatic and business minded.

" I am selling it for 1 billion" Me Tony replied and Davis nodded.

" I hope all the necessary documents are complete?" Davis asked and Mr Tony nodded.

Mr Tony never believed Davis, he thought he was playing a prank on him, but somehow, he prayed that whatever comes out of this issue should be good news.

" Yes, everything is ready except the money" Mr Tony replied and Davis nodded.

" Send me your account details, the money would be sent to you soon" Davis said and Mr Tony took out his phone and sent Davis his account details.

After seeing the account details, Davis forwarded it to Mr Roland before placing a call across to him.

" Hello young master" Mr Roland called immediately the call was connected.

" I sent you account details, send a billion dollars to the account" Davis said and Mr Roland dared not ask any question since he couldn't question the judgement of the heir.

" Okay Young master, the account will receive the alert in five minutes" Mr Roland said and Davis nodded.

" Before I forget, your grandfather handed over the Chen industry to you and wants you to sign the contract in your name by the day after tomorrow," Mr Roland explained.

" Understood Mr Roland, but how much is the net worth of the industry?" Davis asked curiously.

" It's over $10 billion if not more than that" Mr Roland replied and Davis nodded his head before hanging up.

If it was the first day when he became a billionaire, he would be shocked and marvel about the amount but it was no new to him now since he kept hearing such a large amount of money on a daily basis.

" The money will drop in five minutes" Davis informed and rested his back on the chair.

 Mr Tony never believed, because even after five minutes, the money didn't drop and he began to have doubts so he voiced out.

" It's more than five minutes now, do you think he will send the money?" Mr Tony asked with a sarcastic voice.

" Yes, I don't know why it's taking so long," Davis muttered.

" I just hope you aren't playing with me because I won't be happy and wouldn't take it likely with you if everything you just displayed here happens to be fake" Mr Tony said and Davis looked him in the eyes.

" Why is it so hard to believe that I am a billionaire? Is it because I am dressed like a poor man and I am not using the latest Iphone15 or wearing gold and diamond on my neck?" Davis asked. He thought even if the receptionist doesn't believe him, at least the CEO of the hotel, Mr Tony would believe him, but it seems he was wrong.

" Since you don't believe me, I think it's high time for me to leave. I can't work with a person who doesn't believe me" Davis muttered and stood up from the chair before leaving.

" That bastard! Washe trying to fool me? So if I can give him all the documents to sign then I won't get my payment, never!" Mr Tony hissed in annoyance as he rested his back on the swivel chair before exhaling.

Just when he thought of closing his eyes to rest, his phone dinged and he took it to check what the message was all about.

He was extremely shocked to see that one billion has been sent to his account from Chen family Bank.

" Is this from him? Oh my God! What have I done?" Mr Tony panicked and immediately stood up from his chair before running as fast as his legs could get him.

Luckily, he met Davis at the reception, where the receptionist was laughing and mocking him.

"What? Mr buyer? Why haven't you bought this hotel? I knew you were nothing but a nuisance and waste of time. You just came here to waste the time of my boss' ' Nina laughed mockingly while Davis just stood there in embarrassment.

"Are you done? If you're done, can I take my leave?" Davis asked in a low voice as he started walking away.

" Why is your voice no higher? I thought you were shouting on top of your voice when you came in?" Nina asked as she laughed.

Just when Davis was about to push the entrance door open, he heard someone shouting his name from behind.

" Mr! Mr! Please wait!" Mr Tony shouted as he ran to meet Davis who furrowed his brows in confusion and Nina was as confused as Davis was.

She just couldn't believe that her boss was running barefoot because of Davis.

" How may I help you?" Davis asked and Mr Tony fell on his knees which made Nina's eyes widen like the size of an orange while Davis was equally shocked.

"Forgive me for underestimating you.The one billion has been sent to my account just now from Chen family Bank" Mr Tony said, holding Davis by his trousers.

"I guess now you believe me, so go get the documents so I can sign and claim ownership of this hotel" hearing this, Nina nearly collapsed to the ground out of shock, while Davis turned to her with a triumphant smile.