I Have A Sister

"Sure Mrs Lydia I will surely bring my relatives here" Davis replied loudly which made the lecturer smile, after his lectures, Davis was going back home then he saw the restaurant where he used to work before, then he remembered that he hasn't eaten anything since the morning.

"the lobsters and wines that I would always serve and deliver to people, but could never afford enough money to buy, maybe today should be the day that I get to taste it". Davis said to himself and walked into the restaurant.

When he entered he looked around, and went to sit at the vip section, then a waiter came and met him "sir can I take your order" the waiter was oblivious of the fact that he was talking to Davis.

"I would like one bowl of lobster and a glass of Champagne," Davis said. In hearing his voice the waiter paid more attention to his face "Davis!" The waiter called in shock at first then disdain followed his expression.

'?"i don't know what kind of prank that you are trying to pull here, but if you know what is good for you, now you would just go and put in your name tag and start waiting other people's tables before the boss comes and sees you here them fire and you" the waiter whose name is Lucas said to Davis. But Davis tried to ignore what Lucas just said so that he wouldn't get angry.

"Lucas, would you just go and bring my order like I told you" Davis said seriously.

"We only serve people that we know are going to be able to pay, not some poor..." Lucas was saying but got interrupted by Davis.

"Don't insult me because you don't know how much that I have, you just assume that I am still poor just because if my dressing" Davis said, the manager, Dylan could hear some noise of discomfort coming out of the vip section, so he went to check it out. When he reached Davis's table he faced Lucas. 

"What are you doing to one of our customers?" The manager asked Lucas.

"sir he is not one of our customers it's just Davis" lucas said then Dylan looked at Davis with so much contempt and disdain.

"bastard! What are you doing here? You didn't come to work yesterday, if you did not know that means you are fired, then let me tell you now you are fired." Dylan said but Davis didn't show remorse because he was going to miss his job, because he wasn't. He just became a billionaire overnight, so working in a restaurant as a waiter and a delivery boy was something he didn't consider doing ever again.

"I ain't come here to work, I came here to order a meal," Davis said and immediately Dylan started laughing.

"Just get out of here before I call the police on you and have you thrown in jail," Dylan said and Davis got annoyed and stood up.

"Don't always judge a book by its cover, I would've bought this place by now to shut you up but that would just be me giving you some money in your pocket, so no. What I will do is in going to build my own restaurant it's going to be a 5 star restaurant next to my hotel. And it's going to be way more classier than this, that is going to steal all your customers away, and when that happens you would come and beg me to work in my restaurant even as a waiter. That would teach you some humility and respect". Davis said then Dylan laughed even harder than before.

"it's just like I expected poverty has finally driven you insane. Now leave my restaurant you bastard before I call the cops on you" Dylan said, Davis walked away as if Dylan's words didn't hurt him the way they always do before.

"but sir when I went to deliver some food to someone staying at a room in that 5 star hotel, I heard that it had been bought by someone named Davis, you don't think that it could that Davis do you" Lucas asked then Dylan scowled at him.

"what are you doing just standing there, get back to work or you'll also get fired!" He said arrogantly "yes sir" Lucas replied with his head low and got back to work. After he left, Dylan started to get filled with panic, "what if what Dylan said was true, or what if what Lucas said was also true about Davis buying a 5 star hotel. No Davis is just a poor clout chaser, there is no way he can become rich overnight to accomplish all those things, Dylan thought reassuring himself.

Then he chuckled to the idea of Davis becoming wealthy overnight the whole thing became funny to him all iva sudden as he walked out of the vip section.

That's how much he underestimated Davis... On Davis' end immediately he left the restaurant he put a call through to his Butler Mr Roland. "What can I do for you, this fine evening young master?" the butler said. Davis appreciated the fact that Butler picked the call at the first ring.

"I guess you were close to your phone this time," Davis said.

"I want to start making it a habit to be picking your calls quickly" Mr Rowland pauses for a minute "so as I asked earlier what can I do for you young master" Mr Rowland added.

"I want you to build a five star restaurant near the hotel, would that be possible?" Davis asked.

"Most certainly anything is possible if you can only dream about it and have the resources to establish it," Mr Rowland replied.

"good make arrangements I want it to get started right away, and hire enough workers so be it, can be finished as soon as possible" Davis said and Mr Rowland smiled from the other end of the phone, 

"i must say young master you never cease to amaze me, I assume that you haven't even that you haven't even bothered changing your wardrobe or buying yourself a car or even getting yourself a better apartment, but you already want to build a restaurant and that's after you bought a 5 star hotel bravo! I've said this before and I'll say it again, you are just like your father business minded. Mr Rowland said and this time it was Davis's turn to crackle a smile at the other end.

Talking about his father made Davis remember that tomorrow was to bring you parent or guardian to school day, and since he had no parents, Mr Rowland was the person he had in his mind to bring as his guardian. Even though he knew that Mr Rowland would probably agree to accompany him as his guardian, he didn't want him to accompany him because he was paid to do so out of his own will.

So he asked Mr Rowland not as a request to his butler but as a favour, "Mr Rowland can I ask you a favour?" Davis asked.

"Yes if course"

"Tomorrow at my university, I am supposed to bring my parents or guardians for the school day and I was wondering if you'd accompany me as my guardian?"

"i'll be my honour young master" Mr Rowland said

"Thank you Davis said then hung up. Everything was still seeming like a dream to him. He just ordered for a restaurant to be built and it was going to be so, he started walking by the sidewalk of the road heading towards the dorm as he was used to doing when he was poor. Then a Ferrari that had loud music playing out of its sound system and an open roof came and sped past him and intentionally splashed dirty water on him, soaking his clothes.

The owner of the car was Kevin and he had with him two friends Kelly and Kenneth, and a bunch of kids too were in the car m, they looked like they were going to a party.

"Watch where you are going, you twerp!"Kevin yelled even if he was the one who splashed water in Davis' clothes while the people with him in his car laughed at Davis.

"Just look at his clothes, at least with the dirty water on him it's an improvement" they mocked him as he drove by... Davis looked at his now soaked and dirty clothes, "I guess it's time that I get a change of wardrobe," Davis muttered.

He walked to the nearest boutique in Brooklyn because his clothes were wet and dirty. He entered into a very classy boutique. His eyes widened as he saw the place, the floors and ceilings were well cleaned and waxed that they were reflecting each other, the clothes were all hung in gilden rails that simmered in his eyes.

The clothes all expensive taste and looks too extravagant for his style of dressing, but he kept in briwsingvaround, then a lady came and met him "if you want to do window shopping do it outside, people who come in here are people who are actually going to buy stuff" the sales attendant said disdainfully.

"Do people always have to be rude and inconsiderate towards others just because they look poor?" Davis asked with rage in his tone, before the sales attendant could say anything, another lady showed up. Clearly in her early twenties Davis percepted.

"Leticia you may take your leave and stop bothering him okay" the lady who just showed up said, then Leticia who happened to be the sales attendant just bowed her head and left. 

Davis stared at the lady in her early twenties, not sure if he should thank her or just wait for her to start insulting him because of the poor status his clothes made him look like he has.

"I saw you staring around, let me guess, none of these clothes fit the styles of dressing you're used to" she said. But Davis didn't reply to her, he wasn't sure if she was trying to insult him or help him.

"Follow me; I think we would find something that is both classy and fits your style" she said and started walking away and he followed her. They walked to a different set of hangers; then she pulled out a cashmere T shirt. "Here Davis try this on you would like it" she said and gave Davis the shirt.

And she was right he could tell he would like it just by staring at it alone. But that's not what his concern was, not even in the slightest. He has never been into this boutique, and he has never even seen the girl in front of him before, so what concerned him as well as confused him was how did she know his name.

He thought about it so much they could no longer wait, hoping by chance that she would explain. "How do you know my name" Davis asked, 

"Oh, I guess its my fault that you didn't know who I am; I should have introduced myself to you. My name is Ursula Chen, " On hearing the last name Chen, Davis became even more confused.

"You look confused let me try to make it simpler. I am your half sister named Ursula '' she said cheerfully, Davis just looked at her stunned but he refused to show it, because at first he thought it might be a trick of some sort. But he reasoned that not long ago he didn't even know that he was the heir to a company worth tens of trillions of dollars; so it's not really a surprise to him, that he doesn't know whether he has a half sister or not.

"You don't believe me do you. Well I don't blame you. A strange girl who's obviously pretty comes to you and starts declaring that she's your half sister. It's a lot to take in, I know. But you have Chen blood in you so you would be okay, better than okay in fact. When Mr Roland told Grandfather; that is grandpa Chen that he had found you, I could only imagine how much of a prank you thought they were playing on you. But like I said you would be better than okay,and it turns out that I was right; you look great "Ursula said.

Davis didn't really think Ursula was lying, but with her statement now he was sure she wasn't lying, because for starters she knows who Mr Roland is and she also knows who their grandfather is too.

Davis' world just got bigger, at first he used to think he didn't have any family after his parents died. But then he found out that he has a grandfather, and now he's just learning that he has a half sister. What else would Davis find awaits him in his new world of riches.