Chapter 44

Richard watched the entire exchange with contempt.

He considered asking the boy to leave but he knew that was uncalled for so he resorted to watching and glaring daggers at the boy and Lisa but they both didn't even seem to care about his daggers.

Vee took his phone back once Lisa was done, typed a couple of things probably to save her contact and then looked back up.

"Just in case, you do know when the project is due, right?," he asked her expectantly.

Lisa blinked.

She hadn't even known about a project, how was she supposed to know when it was due?

"After midterms?," she guessed.

Vee shook his head, offering her another chance to answer.

"It has to be before midterms then," Lisa answered as she shrugged, that was the only possible answer.

But, to her surprise, Vee shook his head.

"You're right, it is before midterms. But, it's way closer than you think. It's due in one week," he told her.