Chapter 62: Chance to be Greater I

No way.

No fucking way.

This… this couldn't be happening! Not now, at least!

This guy just broke into his house. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D is in his house, in front of him.

Peter could feel his heart beat faster and faster, barely registering the sound of everything in his hand being dropped onto the carpeted floor.

Why now?

God, why him?

Staring at Fury for a bit longer, watching as the man scanned over his features with an expression Peter couldn't read.

"What are you doing in my house?" Peter asked, hands balling into fists. His voice sounded tired with an undertone of anger.

This guy just breaks into his house and quotes his uncle.

He just breaks into Peter's house and says one of the last things Ben said to him as if it meant nothing.

As if it were something he found in the back of a book! As if it didn't matter.

Fury barely paid the question any thought, raising his eyebrow as if the answer was obvious.

"I came here to talk, clear the air. I see tha-" Fury began, Peter quickly cutting him off.

"Clear the air? You-you broke into my house, right after Tony Stark showed up on your behalf and said that you had legal ownership of me because of a spider bite during school!How is-is any of this clearing the air?" Peter yelled, running his hands down his face while Fury stood unphased.

He just… this guy didn't care, did he?

"Not only that, but you quote my uncle as-as, what? An icebreaker? Is that what you were trying to do? Just because you're Nick Fury, top cop in the world or something, you can just drop in and do all of this?"

Gesturing all around him, Peter took deep breaths as Fury stood there in the dark living room.

"Kid, I came to talk. I get that the way Stark went about things wasn't the best, that's why I'm here to clear things up about what's gonna happen. I'm gonna need you to calm down." Fury said calmly, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking forward.

On instinct, Peter backed away before flipping onto the wall. Fury only rolled his eye as if this was annoying for him.

You know, maybe it was. But did Peter care? Absolutely not.

After all the… absolute garbage today has thrown on him, he was allowed to be mad.

He was tired and bruised, and just… didn't want to do this today. His whole body ached, his brain felt like it'd shut down if he closed his eyes for too long and it was a mystery how he was still standing.

It's been such a long day.

And Peter Parker was tired.

Tired of… life just screwing him over and over again as if he deserved it! Of it just throwing everything his way without a care.

That's how it's been ever since that spider bite, someone or something always screwing him over every time he had a good thing going.

It's happened so much and… Peter was getting tired of it.

Fury sighed, holding out the digital watch on his wrist before tapping it a few times. After a few seconds, the watch projected a light that bathed the room in yellow, and the next thing Peter knew?

He slipped from the wall and crashed onto the floor.

What… the hell?

Peter looked around, staring at his hands before looking at Fury.

"What… what the hell did you just do to me?" He asked, staying on the floor and looking up at the man.

Fury smirked, shoving his hands into his pockets again.

"It's a temporary genetic paralysis, strips mutates of their abilities. Don't worry, it's already wearing off." Fury told him, walking over to his kitchen table and sitting down.

Wait… a genetic paralysis?

Did that mean…

"You… you can take away my powers?" Peter asked him, a bit of his anger fading from his voice.

"Do you want me to?" Fury shot back, leaning forward in his chair and lacing his hands together.

That made Peter pause.

Did he want him to?

If he didn't have powers… then he couldn't be Spider-Man! He couldn't stay in the hero course and help people!

And his friends! What would happen if he just suddenly dropped out?

Just as he thought of all the consequences, Peter began another train of thought.

Then again… these things wouldn't be happening to him if he didn't have powers.

S.H.I.E.L.D would leave him alone, he could just join the support course and become an engineer like he always wanted and just… let himself rest.

He could stay at UA and stay with his friends… make the world better in a different way, get a good job that paid well for him and May without getting him beat up every week, live a normal life.

It was something he'd always wanted. Ever since the spider bite.

He'd… he'd be normal.

He could rest.

He could live the life he's wanted for the past year.

He'd be Spider-Man no more.

"You hesitated, Parker. You don't actually know if you want me to take your abilities away or not. Why's that?" Fury asked him seriously, Peter couldn't help but stare at the man in disbelief.

"Why? Because of this! All of this! I-I don't want this, okay?! I didn't ask for this! For you to burst into my life and screw me over! For my uncle to get shot cause I used these powers I didn't want the wrong way! I-" Peter cut himself off, realizing how he was yelling now.

Fury studied him longer, expression unchanging as Peter took deep breaths and stood up off the ground.

"Can… Can you do it? You can do it, right?" Peter asked quietly, watching as the man stood up from the chair.

"No," Fury simply said, Peter felt his fists tighten.

"Can't you spray me with something or-or inject me with something? You're the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D! You have to be able to do it! I-I'm an illegal genetic mutation, so just take my mutation away! Just-" Peter began before stopping himself, realizing he was yelling before looking down at the floor.

The boy was about to stay silent before a thought occurred to him.

"Is that a matter that you can't or that you won't?"

A beat of silence passed through the dark living room, Peter guessed it was enough of an answer.

Even if Fury could take his powers away, he wouldn't.

Fury hummed, looking down on Peter as he rubbed his eyes while letting out a defeated sigh.

"Look I-I'm really tired, you know? Of-of all of this, but I really don't have it in me to keep yelling. Just… say what you want and go. It's been such a long day and-and… just get this over with."

Peter didn't care anymore.

At first, when he thought he could go back to being… normal, a small bit of hope bubbled up from somewhere inside him.

Sure, he's the Spectacular Spider-Man! He can lift trucks and swing through cities and climb up walls! You'd think everyone would want to be able to do what he can.

But truth be told? Peter… Peter didn't really want to.

He just wanted to rest, but be it S.H.I.E.L.D or Tony Stark or life itself… he couldn't.

It was incredible at first, having these abilities. But now? After he lost Ben because of them? After his life has steadily gotten worse and worse for him for the past year, with no sign of stopping?

For every small victory he's had, it feels like something worse shows up in his life.

It's been like that for over a year.

He was starting to get tired a few months ago.

And now? He was exhausted.

"Parker." Fury began, walking forward and placing both hands on his shoulders in a comforting manner, at least he thought it was what it was supposed to be. "You're hurt, you're exhausted with everything that's happened to you. I get that."

Peter kept looking down, avoiding the man's gaze.

"But you need to understand that you can do things other people can't. You can help people with your abilities, just like your uncle told you, alright?"

His voice went from that commanding, relaxed tone from before to one of understanding.

"You're angry, I see that. You're so angry that you're not even sure what to be angry about anymore, right? It's called being a teenager. What I need you to do is calm down and listen to me, alright?" The man told him, Peter still averted his gaze.

A moment of silence passed through the room, Peter still looking down

Why couldn't he start like that? Or at least knock on his door? Might've saved the need for Peter to stress.

Sighing, Peter looked up to Fury as the man stepped back.

"How… How do you know him? How do you know Ben?" He asked, seeing Fury give a small smirk.

"Kid, I'm in charge of the largest espionage organization on the planet. It's my job to know things, just like it is my job to help keep people safe."

Even if he was calmer than before, he still didn't trust him. And even if he did? Peter still didn't want to go along with whatever was going to happen.

If this was how his life would be… if he was gonna be stuck as Spider-Man, he didn't want to go along with whatever agenda S.H.I.E.L.D had.

If anything, he didn't want anything to do with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Now what? Are you gonna say I'm gonna be your prisoner or something? Tell me how you're gonna force me to work for you?" Peter asked, a small bit of that anger returning to him as he looked at Fury.

What he didn't expect was for Fury to shake his head and let out a chuckle, the man beginning walking past Peter and toward the shadows.

"Y'know, this is why we keep Stark in charge of funding the Avengers instead of talking to people. Guy's always the smartest man in the room yet starts out with that when he's talking to a teenager." He said, walking into the shadows once again.

Just before Peter could ask anything, his spider-sense buzzed in the back of his head, allowing him to catch the silver suitcase thrown his way.


Looking down at it, Peter's eyes widened at seeing the UA logo on the shiny material.

"Did you… did you steal this from my school? Can you guys even do that?" Peter questioned, curiosity replacing the anger in his voice now.

"More like borrowed. Why don't you open it, kid?" Fury smirked.

Alright… then? He started this out really angry, but now there were a lot of conflicting emotions going on.

Cautiously, Peter opened the suitcase in his hands, his eyes going wide as he looked at the contents.

It was his costume…

Not only that, but it was the MK.2 design he has been planning to make! It even had the same model of goggles that the ones he had today were, he didn't even make spares of those yet!

Well, the backpack wasn't there, neither were the web-shooters but that didn't matter.



Woah! New suit for Peter! I've been meaning to give him a tiny redesign before the internship.

Basically? Just look up Kyomusha's MCU Spider-Man redesign (Especially the dark blue version). I think it's probably the best redesign of the MCU suit out there, so check it out!


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