Chapter 63: Chance to be Greater II

"I… haven't made this yet, how did you even get this suit?" He asked, still looking at the suit in the case. "This-this was just sketches and-and design ideas, who made this?"

When designing it, Peter's main goal was to streamline the original design a tiny bit. A few changes to the black accents and some modifications to the belt to improve on it.

But still, he hadn't even started on it! Like, he just got done with sewing his replacement costume back together!

"We borrowed your designs and decided to do you a little favor, as a show of good faith. Don't worry, we didn't alter anything. Oh, and we decided to go ahead and make the company in charge of your gear Stark Industries, hope you don't mind."

Peter's eyes went wide.

Stark Industries was his support company now? Stark Industries?

Even if his admiration for Tony Stark had died down after their talk, he couldn't ignore that his company was the best out there for support gear!

A small laugh escaped him, his eyes looking over his MK.2 suit before he realized something.


Why would Fury tell him all of this now? Right before they talked about what would happen to him with S.H.I.E.L.D?

"Are you- Are you bribing me right now?" He let out a dry chuckle, closing the suitcase and looking at Fury.

"Kid, we just decided to do you a favor."

"Just now? You did this to get me to agree to work for you, right? Making my gear for me?"

Fury rolled his eye again, muttering something about teenagers before responding.

"Look, believe what you want. Get suited up, we're leaving in 30 minutes."

Wait, leaving? Suited up?


"Wait, why? Where are we going that I need my suit? Wait, did you seriously steal this from my school?" Peter asked the man, suitcase in hand.

"Would it surprise you that your principal has full knowledge of all of this, including your status as an illegal genetic mutation along with the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D, and gave us permission to take your suit out of school?"

About to respond, Peter closed his mouth and began to think about the question.

Honestly? That didn't surprise him at all.


His annoyance at S.H.I.E.L.D aside, he couldn't ignore the level of quality his suit had. Peter closed and opened his hands, feeling how the new black material over his hands gave his fists more padding.

The idea had been to incorporate something like fingerless gloves, leaving his fingers with the same thin red material so he could stick to things.

"So… Now what? Are you just gonna call an Uber or something?" Peter asked, watching as Fury chuckled for a moment.

The man pulled out his phone and typed something in, putting it away before walking toward the door.

"Come on, let's go for a ride." Fury told him, Peter hesitating for a second before following a short distance behind, out the door and into the man's black SUV.

He had to admit, this was probably the nicest car he had ever been in. In between the two front seats was a panel with a series of buttons that Peter didn't understand.

It was probably for the better that he didn't touch any of them, huh?

As Peter put on his seat belt, he watched as Fury pressed a few buttons on the panel between them before beginning to drive.

"Uh, what was that?" Peter asked, feeling tense in his seat.

"It'd look suspicious if people saw some kid in a hero suit and a guy with an eye patch driving around, right? The windows are currently projecting an illusion, making it look as if the only people in this car are a normal Japanese couple."


Yeah, that made sense.

"Where are we even going? Don't you guys have teleporters or something?"

"We're going to get picked up so we can go to talk. I'd prefer to have our conversation in a secure location." Fury responded, Peter found himself nodding.

Wasn't like he understood too well what was going on, but if he was in danger, his spider-sense would tell him.

Best thing he could do now was to just see where this all led.

The two of them sat in silence for a while, Peter simply taking off his mask and goggles while keeping his gaze out the window.

"For what it's worth, Peter." Fury began, making Peter look at the man. He noticed how his tone had grown a bit softer. "I'm sorry about your uncle, he seemed like a good man."

Immediately, Peter frowned and looked away, gripping the mask in his hand.

"Just… don't, please? You can talk about-about anything else right now, but… just not him. I'm sorry, but I-I can't hear his name from you right now."

After everything… Peter didn't want to think about Ben. He didn't even want to hear anyone say his name right now. It's been such a long day, and he didn't want condolences.

Not from Fury.

At least not right now.

Next to him, Fury nodded in understanding, looking at him for a moment before switching his gaze to the road ahead.

Safe to say, the rest of the ride was spent in silence.


"Alright, Kid. Here we are." Fury said, making Peter sit up in his seat and slide both his mask and goggles over his face.

Up ahead of them was what seemed to be an old warehouse, no visible lights could be seen from outside.

It was the type of spot Peter would normally find small Yakuza deals and low-level gangs hanging out in.

By his best guess, this place hadn't been used for at least a decade.

But the question was, why did Fury bring them here? His spider-sense wasn't ringing, having stayed silent ever since he got in the car, so he knew it wasn't dangerous.

Besides, didn't he say they were here to be picked up or something? Peter thought the guy was talking about a helicopter.

But hey, what did Peter know? This place might be the Batcave or something!

"So… wanna tell me what we're doing here?" Peter asked, walking behind Fury as he opened the door to the warehouse, making the lights flash on.

As he scanned over the seemingly empty space, he finally noticed the cloaked figure levitating a foot off of the ground.

All he could actually see from this guy was the cloak, being a dark shade of blue with black accents. Everything about whoever was wearing it was completely covered in shadow except for the lower half of his face.

Which shouldn't be possible given the amount of light in here, but whatever.

The cloaked figure's white eyes that could be seen through the shadow scanned the two of them over, quickly coming down to the ground.

"Sorry again to call you for this, this was kinda last minute." Fury apologized to the man(?), he was a bit taller than Peter. "I'd like you to meet Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man."

Fury motioned his head in Peter's direction, prompting Peter to give a small wave.

"Uh, hey."

Silently, the cloaked figure levitated towards them, making Peter take a step back before they were standing face to face.

Imagine his surprise when a hand reached out from inside the cloak in a handshake.


"I'm cloak, nice to meet you. Congrats on winning that UA sports festival, by the way." He spoke in English, Peter could see a small smile on the visible part of his face.

Alright, he wasn't expecting this guy to sound like a totally normal teen.

Hesitating for a second, Peter shook his hand and smiled behind his mask.

"Oh, thanks! I uh, like your cloak, makes you look super cool."

Alright! That was kinda awkward but whatever.

Who was this guy, anyway?

"Parker? Meet Cloak. One of the people who work for S.H.I.E.L.D, along with one of the teen heroes we got." Fury informed, Cloak giving a small smile.


S.H.I.E.L.D could just train people, then? Was it like a secret hero school like UA or Xavier's? So many questions.

"Alright. Cloak? I need to speak to Parker in my office, this is kind of a last-minute talk type of thing."

Silently, Cloak nodded before he took a deep breath and spoke.

"Oh, just as a head's up? This might feel slightly weird and disorienting." Cloak warned, making Peter raise an eyebrow.

"Say what?"

Before he could say anything else, Cloak's… cloak began expanding as he levitated higher into the air, surrounding him and only showing complete darkness.

"Woah! Woah, what the-" Peter tried to move, only finding himself surrounded by darkness.

Before he knew it? they were gone, leaving an empty warehouse behind


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