Chapter 69: Unexpected Offer II

His brain still hadn't fully processed their chase with Nezu, the boy sighing as he slid his mask off his face.

As he held the red cloth in his hand, he couldn't help but frown at how the material was now covered in soot and dust.

Seriously, how does investigating a crime scene turn into running through collapsing buildings and avoiding flamethrowers?

Also, how come Nezu was allowed to use flamethrowers on them? That felt so illegal.

And it wasn't even lunch yet!

Maybe it was on the syllabus, now that he thought about it. Wasn't like he actually read it since Aizawa didn't even tell them where it was.

Something told it was in his desk for some reason.

"Hey, hey, what do you guys think we'll be doing for English today?" Nejire asked, taking off her arm brace thingies she had while wiping the dust off her hair.

"A quiz, probably…" Amajiki muttered, taking off his vest and putting it back into his suitcase.

"I'm sure Present Mic won't make use do a quiz after all of that," Togata reassured, Peter couldn't help but admire his optimism.

He wished he had blind hope like that.

His friends continued making conversation as they got back into their uniform, making plans to eat on the roof and trying to guess how their days would go.

You know… Peter couldn't help but appreciate moments like this after going through training.

Just winding down and talking about random things with friends after doing hero stuff? Peter wished he could do that back when he was a vigilante.

"Hey, you guys go on ahead," Peter said as he fiddled with his tie, they were all back in uniform now. "I'll catch up, alright? Present Mic never marks anyone late, anyway."

Hesitating for a moment, his friends nodded and walked out of the room as Peter still messed with his tie.

Shame that he never got to practice tying it with Ben as much as he wanted to.

A small sad sigh escaped him at the thought, the boy finally getting the red neckwear to look decent on him.

Still, May was more than happy to teach him how to tie it. Peter couldn't thank her enough for that.

Snapping his web-shooters onto his wrists and sliding the triggers back into the main body of the device, Peter rolled up his sleeves and began walking out the changing room.

Not even two seconds into the hallway, his spider-sense rang.

Because why wouldn't it? If this was Midnight coming to talk to him again…

But no, what happened was somehow even weirder.

A small hissing sound reached his ears, Peter watching as a panel on the wall next to him slid open and revealed…

"Mister Parker, hello!" The small creature beamed, scurrying from the secret passageway and onto the hall.

Nezu, of course.

"Uh…" Peter began, watching as the passageway sealed closed. "Hey? Did you… need something, principal?"

Even if he was a bit mad about the guy(animal?) collapsing a building on him, he guessed it was for the better to be polite right now.

"Why, yes! I was meaning to ask if you had a few minutes to talk in my office!" Peter tensed at that, Nezu seemingly noticing and smiling. "You are not in trouble, young man! I simply wish to talk about your future!"

His future? That wasn't cryptic and creepy at all!

A part of him guessed it had to do with S.H.I.E.L.D or something, given how Fury said that Nezu was in on the whole thing.

"But like, isn't English about to start? I d-" Peter tried, quickly getting cut off as Nezu raised a paw and began walking away.

"I already called Hizashi and told him you'd be late, so do not worry! Now, to my office!"

Watching as the small creature walked away without leaving room for argument, Peter couldn't help but groan and follow.

If this was gonna be like his talk with Tony Stark he was gonna lose it.


"Tea?" Nezu asked, pouring himself a cup as Peter settled in the comfortable leather seat across Nezu's desk.

He had to admit, his office was extremely cozy-looking.

Still, that didn't mean he wasn't gonna knock out the elephant in the room.

"Is this about S.H.I.E.L.D?" Peter got straight to the point, Nezu simply smiling at him and sipping his cup. "No offense, sir, but I was kinda hoping I'd get a few months to not think about that whole thing."

Placing his cup down with a small clink, the chimera gave the boy a small smile.

"I am afraid, so. You see, Fury personally asked me to further clarify for you about how exactly you'll be working for S.H.I.E.L.D. As of now, you only have a date and a vague idea of what you'll be doing!"

As Nezu giggled, Peter couldn't help but let his eyes widen a bit in realization.

Oh crap, he was right! He kinda forgot to ask a lot of questions since he was so tired and frustrated.


"I mean… alright? I still don't get why you guys can't send me a text about this or something instead of doing all of this…" Peter muttered, Nezu only chuckled.

"First things first, do you know of the work studies we do here at UA?" Peter nodded. "Well, once that time comes, you will be working under Tony Stark as a front which will then mean you work under S.H.I.E.L.D."

Hearing that, Peter frowned.

Tony Stark had been his hero from the moment he first saw him flying around with the Avengers on TV, Peter couldn't just throw away his admiration for the guy as if it meant nothing.

But now? After… all that's happened the last few days with S.H.I.E.L.D? He couldn't help but feel a bit reluctant to interact with the man.

What was that thing people said? Never meet your heroes or something? Guess that was a good way to summarize how he felt about Ironman now.

As is reading his mind, Nezu gave Peter a small smile and extended a paw across his desk.

"I understand your reluctance to interact with Stark when the time comes, Parker. But I'm afraid this is something you cannot avoid."

Peter said nothing, seeing as Nezu was right. Wasn't like he liked what he said, though.

"Okay, so they'll have me on the avengers or something? I know S.H.I.E.L.D is some sort of peacekeeping type of thing but that's about it"

Again, Nezu giggled a bit and sipped from his cup.

"Oh, heavens no! It would be irresponsible to put a 15-year-old boy on the avengers!" He said, Peter found himself nodding.

"So… what will I be doing, then?" Peter asked, bouncing his leg idly.

"You will take part in off-the-books covert secret ops missions, of course!" The chimera informed, clapping his paws together

Peter's eyes went wide.

What the hell did this guy/animal just say?

"S.H.I.E.L.D will… make me do black ops missions? I thought you said it'd be irresponsible to do that! Don't they have the Avengers? Earth's mightiest heroes? Just use them!"

Seriously? Black ops missions like he's some part of a secret task force? Whose idea was that?! That was literally the opposite of a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!

God, they should've given him a contract or something.

"You see, the Avengers are a bit too big in the public eye for them to be used like this. There are certain situations which are better left… covert, young man. Besides! International law would apply to them, but not to someone who no one knows was there!" A high pitch giggle echoed across the room, Peter groaning and holding his head in his hand.

He just wanted them to leave him alone, man! Not to turn him into some discount Navy Seal! He was supposed to look out for the little guy! Not… not this!

"I'm guessing that since I already agreed, I can't say anything," Peter muttered, looking back up at Nezu as the creature tilted his head.

"I'm afraid not, young man! You shall receive more details once the time comes. I understand your reluctance, but please understand you will help solve issues bigger than bank robberies and purse-snatchers."

Bigger issues? To him, those were the big issues! Who would stop someone from getting mugged if he was out there doing who knows what in some foreign country?

He didn't become Spider-Man to be militarized. Either way, wasn't like he had a choice in the matter.

"I just… this isn't very 'Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man', you know? That's kinda the type of thing I want to do." Peter said, only getting a small smile as Nezu slid a paw toward him.

"Well, you cannot be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there is no neighborhood. See this as a chance to tackle problems before they reach the little guy."

Staying silent, Peter thought about those words and nodded.

Can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there is no neighborhood… guess he was right.

A small beeping sound came from Nezu's desk, the animal fishing out a device and frowning for a second.

"Well, it appears our time is up! I apologize for keeping you so long, Parker! Now off to class with you." Nezu laughed, before quickly beginning to shoo him away.

Uh … alright?

Peter stood, looking at Nezu one last time before stepping out of the room and into the hallway.


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