Chapter 70: Unexpected Offer III

Why did being Spider-Man have to get so complicated?

Peter sat at his desk, his earlier conversation with Nezu still fresh in his mind.

You know… he just wanted to go a full day without S.H.I.E.L.D coming up in a conversation. Just… one day to ignore it.

When he told Fury he'd work for them for a year, he had hoped he wouldn't need to think about them until then.

Guess he was wrong.

And guess he was also wrong in thinking he'd get a break to process all of it.

Why? Because they were getting internships now! Peter was a bit excited, but the fact that his chances of getting good offers were slim kinda dampened his excitement.

Given the whole Endeavor deal and his kinda bad reputation in the hero community.

Still, might as well see who he got!

"As you all know, today you'll be receiving internship offers based on the impression you left on heroes at the Sports Festival." Aizawa began, Peter almost missed how Mirio and Nejire bounced up and down in excitement.

From the looks of it, Amajiki seemed to share his belief that he wouldn't get any offers. The boy anxiously fidgeted in his seat while Aizawa fished a remote from behind the podium.

Probably should try to hang out with the guy 1-1, you know? Peter really wanted to help out with his self-esteem issues.

Lazily, Aizawa tapped a few buttons on the device and made the board at the front of the room project a hologram, a chart with their names, and a series of numbers.

Their internship offers.

And you know what? Peter had to admit that these were the numbers he had been expecting.

At the top, understandably, was Nejire with a whole 3265 offers, the girl visibly forcing herself to not start flying loops around the room in excitement.

In the end, she just settled for squealing in glee.

Next on the board was none of that Amajiki, with a total of 1374 offers to his name. Peter couldn't help but be impressed that he got so many offers without making it to the podium.

Either way, the guy deserved it! Maybe this will give him a confidence boost. God knows he needed one.

Next to him, Togata shot out of his seat and wrapped Amajiki up in a tight bear hug. Peter watched as Amajiki laughed in pure happiness before he tapped out once he couldn't breathe.

While Togata got back to his seat, Peter's eyes couldn't help but go wide at the next name on the list.

Next was… him! With a grand total of 766 offers from people! He couldn't believe he got more than 100!

Like, he won the festival and all but he honestly didn't expect that anyone would take the PR risk of taking him on.

Either way, he felt… proud of himself. It wasn't a foreign feeling, but it wasn't a familiar one.

It was… it was nice.

Somewhere in his mind, he realized it was probably from random no-name heroes trying to capitalize on the PR of him being Spider-Man or maybe even trying to fix his criminal ways or something like that.

Pretty sure he's heard Best Jeanist does stuff like that.

Either way, Peter couldn't help but just enjoy the fact that he got offers after everything.

And all the way at the bottom was Mirio, a total of 23 offers to his name.

Which was understandable, really.

The blonde did kinda lose his pants on national TV and stuff along with not making it far into the tournament.

Even then, it didn't look like he cared too much about the number

Turning to the side, Peter caught the sight of Mirio nearly crying for joy at the sight of the offers he had. The boy laughed in pure happiness as Amajiki and Nejire congratulated him, Peter showing his support as well.

"Normally, first place gets the most offers; but seeing how Parker is Parker, you can understand why this is an exception." Aizawa began, making his friends laugh at his comment about Peter.

Which was hurtful, you know! Were it not for his past, he'd have thousands of offers based on his charm alone.

Don't ask anyone that, by the way.

As the teens congratulated each other on getting offers, Aizawa stepped forward from the podium and began passing out stacks of paper.

You can guess some were bigger than the last, with Nejire not being over to see past here while Mirio's was only a page of names.

"Those are the agencies that requested you guys, have your pick submitted to me in two days. I don't care if you decide right now, just do it without bothering me." And with that, Aizawa turned back around and went to sleep behind the podium.

Peter wondered if the man was allowed to do that or not, you know? Kinda crazy how hands-off UA is about these things.

"Oh man, I can't believe I got offers!" Mirio laughed, his blue eyes already scanning down his list while Peter looked at his.

Just like he guessed, he had never heard of most of these guys before.

A quick Google search revealed most of the names on his list to be brand new offices with barely anything to their name outside of a building.

Turning a few pages, Peter frowned once his eyes landed on Tony Stark's name. Guess he actually sent an internship to him as he said.

But… you could understand Peter wasn't gonna be taking it. While his anger with him had died down the past few days, Peter was still pissed.

Besides! He'd have to do a work-study with him for the S.H.I.E.L.D stuff, right? It wasn't like he was losing the opportunity to work with him.

And maybe then Peter could try his hand at… a new start with him? Maybe? The first impression kinda messed things up, but maybe things could be better.


Even if he was mad at Tony, the thought of always holding a grudge against the man he had admired for so long felt… wrong. Like he was just throwing away how he felt in his childhood.

Sighing, Peter kept going down the list as his friends talked in the background about the offers they got.

"Hey." Peter began, taking a small break from reading. "Who do you guys think you're gonna pick? I haven't found anyone good so far."

"Hawks and Ryukyu sent me offers! They're like the best flying heroes in the country! Isn't that crazy? Imagine how good I'll get at flying if I learn under them!" Nejire laughed, waving her sheet of paper around in visible excitement.

Ryukyu and Hawks? Peter didn't know too much about Ryukyu outside of the times he's gotten a picture of her fighting a villain when she flies by Musutafu, but he's pretty sure she's super strong.

She's ranked in the top ten, after all.

Besides, she can turn into a dragon! How cool was that?

Hawks… Peter didn't know much about him, the guy seemed cool and just stopped crime without even having to look! That probably meant he was a good hero, he guessed.

"I think I'm going with this guy called… Sit Nighteye." Togata said, looking at an article on his phone. "Looks like he was All Might's sidekick and… predicts the future? The stuff on his quirk is vague, but he seems cool!

Peter raised an eyebrow at that. He knew quirks were pretty wacky and diverse but… predicting the future? What type of genetic stuff was going on to make that happen?

Quirks were weird, man.

Off to the side, Amajiki muttered something about still deciding which just made Mirio walk over and decide to help him out.

Y'know, in that 'flirting that neither realize is flirting' sorta way.

Seeing this, Nejire decided to step away and fly over to Peter for some reason, but he wasn't complaining.

"You must've gotten good offers! I mean, you did place first in the festival." She said, leaning over his shoulder in a way that made him feel all warm.

Man, he should probably ask May how to deal with all this crush stuff! She probably knew.

"I'm also someone who Endeavor publicly blacklisted. Don't think anyone good is trying to deal with that." Peter gave a dry chuckle, turning another page and scanning down the list.

Nejire pouted for a second, hitting him lightly on the arm and making him laugh.

"Either way, I don't r-" Peter began, scanning down the page before his eyes landed on a specific name. "Oh shit."

He looked at Nejire, the girl looking at him with the same wide eyes he had.

Both of them looked at the name again, trying to see if they read it correctly.

"Oh shit ." Peter laughed, there was no way! "Oh shit! "

"Peter." Nejire snapped him out of his thoughts, putting a hand on his shoulders and grinning. "You have to take that offer."

Yeah, he didn't need to be told twice.

Looks like he was going to Hosu!


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