Chapter 85: Derailed II

Again, she shrugged at him.

"Eh, you'll heal."

Inhaling through his nose, Peter narrowed his eyes down at her.

"You suck, you know that?"

"Yeah yeah, fuck you too."


The soreness his body was in didn't even let him appreciate the banter they were having.

Going through an office building does that to a guy.

Maybe. He hasn't met anyone that can tell him if that's true. For all he knows, maybe he's worse at dealing with getting thrown through buildings than other people.

Something told him getting thrown through buildings was something you had to build an immunity to over time.

Kinda made sense! Kinda.

A small part of him thought of asking All Might about that when he gets back to UA, but that guy hates him or something.

He sighed, dropping into a comfortable crouch and looking up at her.

"What even is your quota, anyway? Every time we patrol you just start yelling about how we haven't stopped enough crime." He asked, Mirko's foot kept thumping on the ground.

"That Ingenium guy has probably stopped way more villains than us today! I didn't request you as my intern for us to be mediocre, alright? We gotta meet numbers for a top-ranked hero!"

Oh, right! That Ingenium guy was also in Hosu! He forgot about how Mirko was jealous of him or something like that.

Well, Peter would probably be a bit annoyed at some guy showing up on his turf out of nowhere but he felt like she should appreciate the extra help.

She did say that Hosu has an insane crime rate so heroes avoid it to not have extra work, so that meant that Ingenium and her were the only big names around.

Maybe it had something to do with pride or whatever.

"Can't you at least appreciate that you're both helping a lot of people put together? So when you think about it, you two have met your quota!" The way Mirko scoffed was enough of an answer.

You know, over the last couple days working with Mirko, Peter had to admit that he kinda liked her company.

But that didn't mean that she didn't have a few things to work on.

Y'know, like her pride.

"Fine, whatever." He rolled his eyes, looking down at the streets below. "What, do you just expect that there's gonna be huge things happening wherever we go? Today might just be a slow day for heroes."

Right on queue, Peter felt that familiar sensation in the back of his skull.

Next to him, Mirko's ears twitched as she furrowed her brow in confusion.

That's when the sirens reached his ears.

At least 17 different vans sped by, doing their best to swerve out of the way of other cars and other people.

Right behind them was what looked to be two dozen squad cars giving chase, trying to avoid causing any more damage than there already was while trying to keep up with the vehicles.

Not wasting a second, the woman next to him pulled out her phone and opened up an app that looked to be The Hero Network.

From what he heard, it was apparently a way for heroes to know what they were all doing and to see requests for help with random crimes or big hero operations.

"Huge bank robbery on the other side of town, these assholes have been trying to lose the cops for half an hour!" She cursed, already hopping off the building and giving chase. "Break's over, kid! We got shit to do!"

Something in Peter told him to just not go, seeing how that Ingenium guy was currently running on the rooftops side by side with the police.

But then again… Responsibility, right?

With a small groan of discomfort, he shot a web and swung off the roof after Mirko.

Ben just had to raise him right, didn't he? Lucky him.

He lands on the roof of the black van with a small thud, adrenaline pumping through his veins as the car swerves in a panic.

It wasn't like it was gonna work, but Peter respected the effort.

The guy was pretty good behind the wheel, too! Maybe criminals are hiring better getaway drivers nowadays.

Peter looks inside, seeing two guys in the front seats and two in the back, all wearing oddly familiar-looking white masks.

This shouldn't be too hard.

One of the men inside looked up at him through the sunroof, immediately emptying the magazine of his pistol and making glass rain down on him.

Instinctively, he leaned away from the shots, only popping his head in the window once he heard the clicking of an empty gun.

"Aw, you opened the window just for me? You shouldn't have!" He joked, the fingers on his right hand hovering above the trigger to his web-shooter.

Going through the sunroof and into the car, Peter wasted no time kicking the guy who had shot at him out of the vehicle along with the door he was sitting by.

Peter looked back for a second, seeing the man slide on the door down the street before coming to a stop at a lamppost.

Probably should've warned him about the rough ride, huh?

"Hey, you guys got insurance, right?" With a quick motion, the boy webbed the driver's hands to the wheel. "Keep your eyes on the road! Don't mind me back here."

To his credit, he seemed more concerned with not crashing the car than trying to fight him.

Shooting another web that stuck to the forehead of the woman in the first passenger seat, Peter tugged and slammed her head into the dashboard.

Safe to say that she was out cold.

"Gotta ask, why rob a bank with 17 cars-worth of people?" His elbow connected with the chin of the man next to him, the telegraphed punch he was attempting getting interrupted by the impact. "Normally that only takes a small crew! You're not overcompensating lack of skill with numbers, are you?"

A thwip followed the question, leaving the man webbed to the car door.

Seriously, what kinda bank needed that many people to rob? Going off a rough estimate, they were dealing with nearly 70 people!

As the sound of screeching tires and police sirens filled his ears, Peter began getting ready to stop the car until his spider-sense rang.

A silver figure smashed into the hood of the vehicle, making it tilt forward as the metal screeched against the road before losing all motion and coming to a stop.

Huh, he should try to stop cars like that sometime! Looked efficient.

Jumping out of the sunroof, Peter crouched on top of the car and saw Ingenium standing on a dented car hood.

"Say, you work quick! Took care of this thing in less than a minute!" He laughed, it sounded a bit muffled through the helmet.

A part of him liked how he complimented his fighting without bringing up his vigilante days.

Got tiring being reminded of that stuff all the time.

"Uh, thanks, man! How many do we have left, by the way? We've been chasing these guys for like 10 minutes!" Peter asked, hopping down onto the ground as Ingenium did the same.

Outside of a quick greeting while they were chasing this car side by side a few minutes ago, this was the only impression he had on this guy outside of seeing a single interview.

All in all? He seemed cool! Lacked that whole hardcore and unhinged vibe that Mirko had while replacing it with pure approachableness.

Honestly, he thought he'd be some stuck-up nerd for a good minute or two.

Guess running around in a suit of armor and engines coming out of your elbows made you look a bit pretentious.

Cool, but pretentious.

Not wasting a moment since hitting the ground, Peter shot a web while Ingenium's engines revved.

A second later, they were flying down the street behind the remaining cars that Mirko was chasing.

"Well, that was the 6th car so far… so we still have 11 left! Looks like Mirko is about to take out the 7th one!"

Knowing her, and he barely did, the people on that van were not coming out of there with a manageable hospital.

Right as he thought that, Mirko crashed through the window of the van, immediately kicking someone out of the windshield and making the car stop in its tracks.

Not a moment later, she kicked everyone left out through the broken windshield as well.


Just … Yikes.

How has he survived with her as his boss for nearly 2 weeks?

Not even bothering to address what just happened outside of giving each other a quick look, they simply kept up the chase with the following cars while sirens blared behind them.


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