Chapter 86: Derailed III

15 minutes.

15. Whole. Minutes.

That's how long this 11-car police chase has been going on.

A bunch of small-time heroes had been doing perimeter all over the city, keeping the roads empty for this whole thing.

Still, there weren't any heroes joining on the actual chase. It's been him, Mirko, and Ingenium along with the police and the couple extra cops they called in.

The 11 cars left had really good drivers, apparently.

Like, crazy good.

To add to that, there's been a bunch of shockwaves coming at them from one of the vans, making the chase all the harder.

And right on queue, his spider-sense buzzed just as a gauntlet wearing arm came out of a car's window before closing it again.

Wait, has he seen that gauntlet before?

Instinctively, Peter shot a web at a building and pulled himself sideways in the air, narrowly dodging a massive blast of energy aimed straight at him.

The blast kept going, eventually hitting the edge of a building and making it rain down debris onto the empty streets.

Oh, screw this! Peter was getting tired of that guy!

Shooting another web, the boy zipped through the air and landed onto the side door of the car.

He looked into the vehicle, locking eyes with the gauntlet wearing man. Both of their eyes widened as they saw each other.

Wait a minute… He knew this guy! He was the Shocker dude from the museum heist! He was working for The Big Man!

Hold up, everyone was wearing the same masks as from the museum…

Was this related to The Big Man, too?

Inside, 3 of the men pulled out guns as the Shocker guy ducked to let them take their shot.

Peter skittered onto the roof just as the bullets shattered the glass, quickly skittering over to the hood of the van.

Yeah, he was too annoyed with how long this chase has been to make a quip right now

Maybe after the car stops moving.

He gripped the sides of the car, digging his hands into the metal and placing his feet on the road.

Man, he was already getting flashbacks to the bus thing from this idea.

Good thing this wasn't as heavy as that one, though.

Gritting his teeth, he groaned as he lifted the car into the air before throwing it down over his shoulder.

Safe to say they weren't getting anywhere with an upside down van. Looking through the windshield, he could see the impact had knocked the four of them out.

He'll have to ask someone to talk to Shocker after all this, he needs to know more about how The Big Man works and what he wants.

Just as he tried to get feeling back into his fingers, his skull buzzed. Peter looked up to see every car entering into some sort of… formation?

"Because of course they are…" He muttered to himself in English, shooting a web and beginning to swing towards Mirko.

He hated organized crime so much.

Dealing with bad guys was so much easier when they didn't have a good plan.

"Hey, Mirko! Sorry to ask, but are you seeing what these guys are doing?" He landed on a street light, using it as a springboard to maintain momentum.

Before she could even respond, they both watched how the group of cars split into 2 groups as an intersection approached.

Mirko scowled, somehow hopping even faster than before while looking back at him.

"Web that intersection up, kid!"

Yeah, that seemed like a good plan!

Peter swung upwards above the buildings, creating a net of webbing that blocked the cars' path.

For a second, he smiled at how some of them slowed down a bit.

That was until one of the windows rolled down, an action that made his spider-sense ring.

So imagine his face when a shifting mass of sand flew out of the car, tore through the 2 nets of webbing and flew back into the van.

Absolutely fantastic.

As he fell back down and watched the sad fly around, he could've sworn he saw a face somewhere in it.

"Uh, you got a new plan?!" He yelled down at Mirko, the woman cursing and hopping after the group of cars that went to the side while Ingenium chased after the ones going straight.

"Just follow me! I think they're going into an old subway station that no one uses anymore! The cops must've forgot to block it!"

They're gonna chase them to a subway station?

Not trying to argue, Peter nodded and swung after Mirko and the vans.

Couldn't be worse than the subways in New York.


"Woah!" Peter jumped away from a blast of water, a man with a water quirk holding both he and Mirko off while the rest of the robbers got out of their cars and down into the subway.

Peter shot a web at the man, binding his arms to his torso just as Mirko flew in and kicked him in the face with an audible crack.

"Don't you think you kicked him too hard?" He asked while webbing him to the ground, trying to keep up conversation as they jumped down the stairs and into the station. "I thought you'd be happy we're getting some action."

His skull buzzed, Peter groaning when he looked up and saw an ancient looking train starting to go down into the tunnel while masked people boarded it with duffel bags in their hands.

"It demoralizes them! Besides, it's efficient." She waved him off, ears twitching as the station shook and rumbled.

Looking around, Peter felt a bit nostalgic at seeing how the station looked. It lacked the dog sized rats from New York, but still.

Now, this train looks old.

Like old enough that it was out of service before he was born.

So, imagine his face when that thing rocketed down the tunnels fast enough to make it feel like the subway would collapse with how much it shook.

"Something tells me it's not supposed to be that fast?" He asked, already shooting a web and swinging after it as fast as he could.

This thing was probably twice as fast as a car, Peter wasn't sure if he could keep up with that but he didn't much care.

"Does it matter? Move it!" She barked, hopping after the train so fast that she cracked the floor they were standing on.

Wow, that was kinda rude but whatever.

His spider-sense buzzed, lenses widening at seeing one of the train car doors open to reveal a man holding an assault rifle.

Because of course he was.

He shot a web to the side, pulling himself out of the line of fire as bullets started to whiz by while trying to not fall behind too much.

Safe to say he wasn't feeling too comfortable with having a gun pointed at him.

"Yoink!" Shooting another web, Peter ripped the gun out of the man's hand and into the air, with Mirko jumping in and kicking it back at the man's forehead.

With another audible crack.

Maybe he should start writing down everytime he hears one now.

She landed on the end of the train car, kicking the gun away while Peter stuck to the side of the train, webbing the gun to the ground.

"Are there any hostages we gotta help out?" He asked, webbing the man to the ground and skittering into the train as Mirko walked in.

"Nah, this place has been abandoned for years. We just have to knock out the assholes trying to get away before this thing gets to wherever they need to be."

Simple enough! Good thing he worked best on enclosed spaces.

"At most there's like 30 people on here, and they're probably pretty spread out." He commented, hopping down to the floor and reloading his web-shooters. "Wanna tag-team this while going car by car? Could be a bonding experience!"

She chuckled a bit, already kicking down the metal door to the next car.

"If you think you can handle it!"

What else has he been doing since he got to her office?

As the door went down, 5 guys sitting around while keeping watch came into view and aimed pistols at them.

Leaping onto the ceiling of the second car, Peter narrowed his lenses at them before shooting a web at both of their feet and yanking on the line.

The men lost balance, falling to the floor before Peter yanked on the line again and dragged them toward Mirko.

And 2 audible cracks later, they were out.

He leaped down, punching a masked man with weird horns before ducking under a woman trying to hit him with a hammer she manifested out nowhere.

How weird must it be that your quirk is manifesting hammers?

Peter leaped off the floor and grabbed onto a metal pole, swinging around it before kneeing the man in the back of the head and kicking the woman toward Mirko.

"She makes hammers, I think! Watch out for that stuff!" He called out, seeing Mirko just kneed the hammer-lady in the face.

Huh, guess she can't make hammers with a knee in her nose. Common weakness, honestly.

Turning around, Peter was met with the shaking barrel of a gun being pointed at him. He took a deep breath and flexed his fingers toward the triggers of his web-shooters.

"Dude, did you not just see what happened here? If you shoot me, you're gonna have to deal with her." He motioned behind him, the man put his gun down and dropped it. "Good call!"

Peter webbed him to one of the subway seats, figuring it'd be more comfortable than being webbed to the ceiling or whatever.

His spider-sense buzzed, making him side step Mirko flying in and kicking the door down again.

Man, he kinda wished he had her eagerness for hero things.

Ugh, that made him sound old.


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