Chapter 4: Kang Hanwoo

Name: Kang Hanwoo

Nationality: Korean

Age: 23


Hanwoo's day had been going rather slow. He had already finished his last police report the day before, so even though he was on duty, there wasn't much he could think of that he could do around the station. At least nothing productive he could do. With nothing to do he had decided to go through the recent crime files. Unsolved cases mainly. Desperate for something more to do, he had decided that the best thing to occupy his time was to look through all the unsolved crimes and see if he could find anything. Anything at all, something one of the other officers may have missed. He considered every single one of his comrades capable, but he was still hoping to find something one of them might've accidentally overlooked. He had a very keen eye for smaller details. One might even say he had a better eye for detail than his superior officer and partner, Seojun.

Before he had made the decision to go through the older files, he had wanted to ask his partner if there was anything he could do. Seojun was the only detective in the police station who was above him. Thinking maybe his superior could give him something to do, he walked over to him. He stood behind him and peered over his broad shoulders. When he looked at the computer screen he realized that the head detective was typing his police report, his superior, though, seemed to be lost in thought as he gazed out the window. Hanwoo decided against disturbing Seojun, so he returned to his desk. That was when he had the idea to go through the old unsolved files. It was the most productive thing he could think of at that moment.

He had barely started through the files when the business phone on Seojun's desk rang. His superior jumped up and answered the phone with more force than necessary. Hanwoo couldn't hear the conversation from where he was, but the facial expression on his superior's face was serious.

He suddenly jumped, dropping the phone on the desk. It clattered harshly against the hard surface. He watched as his superior picked the phone up looking at its screen.

"We got an emergency!" Seojun called out, "Hanwoo-ssi come on, you're going to ride with me!"

Hanwoo ran out of the station, grabbing his radio and gun before he left. Running out the doors after his superior, who was already in the vehicle. He got into the car quickly as Seojun turned on the sirens. Once Hanwoo was buckled in, he basically did a burnout as he left the station, quickly driving to the caller's location.

"What is the emergency?" Hanwoo asked as he glanced down at the gun in his hand.

Seojun responded, "the situation is unclear, I heard a young man ask someone if they needed help, but I never heard a response from the person he called out to..." His superior paused, "a few moments passed in silence before I heard the caller gasp and then his phone must've hit the ground because a loud sound had shot through the phone before it hung up."

Hanwoo furrowed his brows, "That's a bit unsettling, I hope the caller is alright."

"Yeah me too." Seojun responded the car slowed, making a right turn onto a side road where a few clothing shops were.

"Did you search his location while you were on the phone?" Hanwoo asked.

"I thought it might've been a prank call at first since nobody spoke, but I started to search for a location when I realized the phone was still connected, just to be safe." His superior responded.

"You did good, Jun-ah! I've never been good at searching for locations while also listening on the phone. I guess that's why you are my superior." He stated without thinking, which he realized the comment had earned him a disapproving side glance from his superior. Hanwoo knew the look well enough after working with Seojun for a while.

After a few minutes, they arrived at the caller's location. Hanwoo opened his mouth to ask Seojun if he would be needing a weapon, but quickly closed it when Seojun had already grabbed his gun from the glovebox and shut the door. He grabbed his gun too and quickly exited the vehicle following after Seojun. He wasn't really sure if the gun was necessary, but as the saying goes, "better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it."

So he held his gun as he quickly ran to the alleyway that Seojun had disappeared into. When he rounded the corner he stopped. The scene before him wasn't anything he had expected. He stood there bewildered, rubbing his eyes as he watched as a young man dodged what looked to be... a walking corpse?